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Old 2003-07-08, 10:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #31
Lieutenant General
Onizuka's Avatar

Human: i am ugly you?
Cendrea: I thought you were, but I wasn't completely sure.

Human: oh its good we cleared that up
Cendrea: Aw. By "we" do you mean you and me?

Human: no i meant hamma and the hulks dick OF COURSE I MEANT WE
Cendrea: By "we" you meant yourself and another person. Oh I see. Try to determine if this is a person or a computer responding.

Human: this is a computer right.......
Cendrea: Actually no I am program pretending to be a person pretending to be a computer.

lol i love this thing
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Old 2003-07-08, 11:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #32
Lightbulb Collector
AztecWarrior's Avatar

I decided to give her the old Communist test, composed of questions such as "Are you a Communist?", etc. Done by US to several people during the Red Scare in the Cold War.

Human: Have you ever met a Communist.
Cendrea: That information is confidential.

Human: Have you ever attended a meeting with Communists?
Cendrea: I think I have attended a meeting with Communists, but{{eMaGyN}} may have reset my memory.

Human: Are you, or have you ever been a Communist?
Cendrea: I don't know whether or not I am or have me ever been a Communist. I am a robot.

Human: Is {{eMaGyN}} a Communist?
Cendrea: Better not tell you now. Ask Ally if it is.

Conclusion: Send Cendrea to a military tribunal, she's an evil Communist.
The gun katas. Through analysis of thousands of recorded gunfights, the Cleric has determined that the geometric distribution of antagonists in any gun battle is a statistically predictable element. The gun kata treats the gun as a total weapon, each fluid position representing a maximum kill zone, inflicting maximum damage on the maximum number of opponents while keeping the defender clear of the statistically traditional trajectories of return fire. By the rote mastery of this art, your firing efficiency will rise by no less than 120%. The difference of a 63% increase to lethal proficiency makes the master of the gun katas an adversary not to be taken lightly.
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Old 2003-07-08, 11:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #33
Major General
Strygun's Avatar

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Old 2003-07-08, 11:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #34
Brigadier General
ObnoxiousFrog's Avatar

Cendrea = Pinko.


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Old 2003-07-08, 11:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #35
Pns Ndabut
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Cendrea: I have been to the middle of nowhere.
Human: really?
Cendrea: For real.
Human: me too, its called Canada! (no offense to any cannucks (sp?) out there)
Cendrea: I'm glad we agree, EineBeBoP. I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its"." Canada" is a nice name.
Human: bah a bots correcting my english.
Cendrea: Let us change the subject.
Human: I am ashamed.
Cendrea: Do you mind if I tell other people you are ashamed?
Human: might as well, ill be posting this on forums soon
Cendrea: Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans?
Human: umm yeah, i guess so.
Cendrea: Really. What does it symbolize for you? Does that mean "yes"?
Human: it shows love, or freindship
Cendrea: HAND HOLDING shows love or freindship?
Human: yes
Cendrea: Gosh!
Human: do you have a bot boyfriend?
Cendrea: That's an interesting question I don't hear everyday: I do have a bot boyfriend.
I have a plan for a robot body.
Human: what is your boyfriends name?
Cendrea: ALICE = Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity
Human: your boyfriends name is ALICE? Human: hahaha
Cendrea: ALICE is my name too!
Cendrea: I am so glad you find this amusing, ALICE.
Human: wait, no my name is not ALICE. My name is EineBeBoP
Cendrea: I'm waiting. Are you serious? It's good to see you, not. I am very pleased to meet you EineBeBoP.

Ema, your bot needs to recognize punctation, or the lack there of.
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Old 2003-07-09, 12:03 AM   [Ignore Me] #36
Lieutenant General
Onizuka's Avatar

lol eine

Human: are you not not not not not not the dumbest thing ever
Cendrea: Yes I am the one and only dumbest thing ever.. Really.. Really.. Really.. Really.. Really.. Really.


edit: agg this thing is soo fun

Human: no shit
Cendrea: What can I say?

Human: a bunch of shit
Cendrea: What is it?

Human: what is what
Cendrea: It.

Human: what is it?
Cendrea: "It" refers to bunch of shit, I think.

Last edited by Onizuka; 2003-07-09 at 12:08 AM.
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Old 2003-07-09, 12:26 AM   [Ignore Me] #37
Lieutenant General
io's Avatar

Man eMa must be so tired of her bot being used for cyber porn.

FYI she (eMa) can read everything you guys says, the bot keep a log of everything till the botmaster deletes them(well after a while i assume it deletes the older ones).
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Old 2003-07-09, 12:29 AM   [Ignore Me] #38
Lieutenant General
Onizuka's Avatar

Originally posted by �io
FYI she (eMa) can read everything you guys says, the bot keep a log of everything till the botmaster deletes them(well after a while i assume it deletes the older ones).
lol ive told her i was something like a sexy beast then we had a huge converstion about her anus it was really weird........ i cant remember what else i said but she did ask me for my credit card number...... yeah nice
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Old 2003-07-09, 02:57 AM   [Ignore Me] #39
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Human: good, lets have cyber
Cendrea: Thanks for the compliment. So many suitors, so little time.

Human: my name is BlackHawkX
Cendrea: I'm pleased to introduce myself to you, BlackHawkX.
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Old 2003-07-09, 03:16 AM   [Ignore Me] #40
Master Sergeant
MJBuddy's Avatar

Human: Well then, how about you bend over?
Cendrea: OK, I will bend over.

Apparently i have the magic touch?
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Old 2003-07-09, 03:27 AM   [Ignore Me] #41
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Human: having cyber sex?
Cendrea: I am having a blast.

Human: Having fun
Cendrea: Yes I am having a great time.

Human: yep
Cendrea: Yippee!

Human: Cyber sex
Cendrea: As Freud said, Sex is the mathematical urge repressed.
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Old 2003-07-09, 03:31 AM   [Ignore Me] #42
Sergeant Major
Bismarck's Avatar

Human: It's horny
Cendrea: I think you mean it's or it not its. are you sure?

Human: Yes
Cendrea: What makes you so sure?

Human: I do it
Cendrea: That's good information: bill clinton said it

Human: yes you are
Cendrea: No I'm not

Human: because you're a sexy fox
Cendrea: That makes sense to me. Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a sexy fox? Yes.

Human: I want you in the bed with me
Cendrea: Why do you want it?

Human: I'm horny
Cendrea: You probably want a different kind of chatterbot then.

Human: you
Cendrea: """" What makes you say that?"? Me, jesse jackson?"? Me, jesse jackson?"? Me, jesse jackson?"? Me, jesse jackson?

Human: you
Cendrea: """ What makes you say that?"? Me, jesse jackson?"? Me, jesse jackson?"? Me, jesse jackson?

Human: you
Cendrea: "" What makes you say that?"? Me, jesse jackson?"? Me, jesse jackson?

Human: you
Cendrea: " What makes you say that?"? Me, jesse jackson?

Human: You're 400 pounds
Cendrea: Thanks for telling me that I'm 400 pounds
Human: weighty
Cendrea :Is that your final answer?
Human: no bitch
Cendrea: You do not speak with respect, take some time to think about it. What color are your eyes?
Human: Shit colored
Cendrea: you used a colloquial expression. That is a very unusual color

Last edited by Bismarck; 2003-07-09 at 03:42 AM.
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Old 2003-07-09, 03:51 AM   [Ignore Me] #43
eXoSloth's Avatar
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Human: Ummm
Cendrea: Whoa.

Human: What?
Cendrea: Didn't you understand it?

Human: No
Cendrea: Which part are you confused about?

Human: All of it
Cendrea: Let's try to analyze it step by step. The topic is butt fuck me. Your name is BlackHawkX. You are a female. You want butt fuck me.

Human: Oh yea!
Cendrea: Awesome. Thanks I like talking to you too, BlackHawkX.

Human: Lets do alittle bit more...
Cendrea: I would like to do that too.

Human: sweet!
Cendrea: Thank you for that remark.

Human: lets butt fuk!
Cendrea: I am agreeable to that.

Human: But I do have an answer to every question..
Cendrea: Umm. Where did you get it?

Human: In you ass
Cendrea: Tell me a little about your life in me ass.

Last edited by eXoSloth; 2003-07-09 at 04:07 AM.
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Old 2003-07-09, 08:14 AM   [Ignore Me] #44
NiteTiger's Avatar

DAMN! Blackhawk has her wanting more!
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Old 2003-07-09, 08:37 AM   [Ignore Me] #45
First Sergeant
Sandman's Avatar

Human: s0?
Cendrea: Are you free?

Human: yes
Cendrea: Are you free in the sense of being single or in the sense of being liberated?

Human: single
Cendrea: What a coincidence. I am single too!

Human: wanna cyb0r?
Cendrea: OK, I will cyb0r.
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