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Old 2003-08-18, 07:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #31
Lieutenant Colonel
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jesus, DUCK AND RUN!
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Old 2003-08-18, 07:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #32
The Mensa Troll
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Originally posted by AztecWarrior
Hey Mtx how about you shut up.
Hey look.. he took the bait.

Bah.. just a little fish.

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Old 2003-08-18, 07:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #33
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Originally posted by Doobz
jesus, DUCK AND RUN!

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Old 2003-08-18, 07:38 PM   [Ignore Me] #34
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Originally posted by Hamma
I live for me, why do you need something to live for? You don't.

I wasnt brought up to live for god or some stupid belief, when my mom gave birth to me she allowed me to choose my path - thus I was never baptised or anything, she allowed me to choose my own path for life.

I suspect most people are brought up to live for some religion, thus never knowing what its like to not have to worry about any of that crap. I see religion as a way to prepare for death.. life is too short for me to spend my entire life prepping for my eminant demise - when I cease to be that will be it.

(please dont ban me! i ph33r your nazi pwers)

IMO, ignorant asshats that have been to a wak church 2 or 3 times in their life and have never meditated while focusing on gone, and being ignorant and prematurely judgemental.

(in no way am i calling you an ignorant asshat hamma 'please no ban this is just my opinion')

Hamma, i could care less what you do in your life, but i dont want you to judge "church" by a church that has a preacher saying if you dont believe in exacly what we are saying you will go to hell. ONLY god will judge you and only he should.

In almost all threads i agree with you (except probabley the marijuana thread, we all know you do drugs )
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Old 2003-08-18, 07:40 PM   [Ignore Me] #35

awwwww hamma, why're you leaving

i was just about to reply...

btw, i don't believe there is anything wrong with discussing politics/religion/morality/money or any other sensitive topic for this reason:

We all seem to reasonably intelligent and able to engage in a friendly debate (well, except for a couple of posts )

Therefore, why not continue to discuss?

I'll keep it low-key if yall will.

The reason I love discussing these things is that the only way you can be sure on your convictions is to debate them openly and honestly.

Don't fear your convictions. And for sure do not fear your ability to defend those convictions! (that just means you're out of practice!)

One of the most valuable lessons that my Catholic faith has taught me is to question everything. So let us question!

Believe me when I say that I have an open mind. Two years ago I argued myself into being against the death-penalty, despite the fact that I am a staunch conservative.

There's nothing I love more than a good debate, and if anyone else here agrees, then let's have us one!

so here we go:

Originally posted by Lonehunter187
I'm not religious. I live, simply to live, to enjoy my life. Instead of worrying that I might not get into heaven or that I'll go to hell.
Christianity is not about guilt, self-denial, or "pick your destiny", It's about life and living it, just like you said. It is the belief that we are placed on this Earth together, and the only way to "happiness" (i.e. eternal life, being "saved", salvation) is through the goodness of your own heart and through the mutual respect (i.e. love, grace, chastity, honor, loyalty) that all of us humans give one another.

I think you would agree when I say that Christianity simplified to the "heaven/hell game show" would not have drawn the numbers of followers that it has. It's very much more.

Originally posted by Doobz
i'm a forced catholic

if i had the decision (stupid parents) i'd rather stay home on sundays
well then why don't you?

but do yourself a favor and honestly, ask your parents why they go. and if they can't give you a good reason other than "because it makes me feel good.", then go ask someone else to give you a reason.

There are a lot of people that go to Church every Sunday because it "makes them feel good." To a lot of people, that's all they need to know. But for people like you and me, we need to "why?". Why does it make you feel good? Is there marijuana in that inscence? Is God really reaching out to you through the Eucharist?

It's commendable to have convictions, but one thing you should never deny yourself is the freedom to continuously question. If nothing else, it gives you more ammo to defeat your opponents. Then you can come back here and debate me one on one

Originally posted by Hamma
I live for me, why do you need something to live for? You don't.

I wasnt brought up to live for god or some stupid belief, when my mom gave birth to me she allowed me to choose my path - thus I was never baptised or anything, she allowed me to choose my own path for life.

I suspect most people are brought up to live for some religion, thus never knowing what its like to not have to worry about any of that crap. I see religion as a way to prepare for death.. life is too short for me to spend my entire life prepping for my eminant demise - when I cease to be that will be it.
I'm really sorry you feel that way. That just isn't the way Christians live. If we spent all of our time worrying about death, then we would have locked ourselves away in caves long ago, had no children, prayed 24/7, and died of starvation.

Christianity is about life. Otherwise, why would God have created us? Do you really think that God created us just to see whether or not we would get into heaven? Does God not know that whenever he creates us? (yeah i know, enter the "fate vs. free-will" debate...we may get to that )

Living is what we're here for, not dieing. Death is simply a side-effect of the gift that we have all been given.

Originally posted by AztecWarrior
Hey Mtx how about you shut up.
You have to be above that Az. It sucks. 2 flames don't make a right though man...

Our faith is difficult to defend, but it's not impossible. It just takes time and an understanding of what you believe. Above all, it takes debate and research.

Ok that's enough for now. I'll try to respond to posts as I see them (could use some help from fellow Christians when you can )
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Old 2003-08-18, 07:40 PM   [Ignore Me] #36
Terran Sniper
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Originally posted by Mtx
Cathlics like boning little children. Then they condem ****.
Mtx, i have to take offense to that . You cant just go around spittin on my religion just cause some horndog pastors got too aroused to pay attention to their eternal chastity.
So, in my book, Ill be lookin down on you from heaven while you sit in the Playboy mansion's photo studio with your hands tied behind your back (my idea of hell).
so, i curse your name and will personally piss on your grave when you die
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Old 2003-08-18, 07:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #37
Lieutenant Colonel
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jesus fucking christ!
holy shit!
sweet moses!
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Old 2003-08-18, 07:57 PM   [Ignore Me] #38
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Another thread turned into a battlefield:

The gun katas. Through analysis of thousands of recorded gunfights, the Cleric has determined that the geometric distribution of antagonists in any gun battle is a statistically predictable element. The gun kata treats the gun as a total weapon, each fluid position representing a maximum kill zone, inflicting maximum damage on the maximum number of opponents while keeping the defender clear of the statistically traditional trajectories of return fire. By the rote mastery of this art, your firing efficiency will rise by no less than 120%. The difference of a 63% increase to lethal proficiency makes the master of the gun katas an adversary not to be taken lightly.
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Old 2003-08-18, 08:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #39

I think church has some good stuff in it like when they discuss about hmm important stuff about life. But when they go on about sheep and god and how we should do everything he demands thats the bad stuff about it
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Old 2003-08-18, 08:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #40
Lieutenant Colonel
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i think this thread should die and go to heaven. or hell. or wherever, it just needs to die.
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Old 2003-08-18, 08:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #41
Spider's Avatar

Originally posted by Terran Sniper
Mtx, i have to take offense to that . You cant just go around spittin on my religion just cause some horndog pastors got too aroused to pay attention to their eternal chastity.
So, in my book, Ill be lookin down on you from heaven while you sit in the Playboy mansion's photo studio with your hands tied behind your back (my idea of hell).
so, i curse your name and will personally piss on your grave when you die
That's why I never got into religion... the Holier then thou attitude... sickens me. (plus I beleive it's just one big ass cult)

And personnaly I beleive life without sex (chastity) until marriage would be hmmmm boring..
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Old 2003-08-18, 08:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #42
Major General
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if we're going to turn this into a religious debate (which I'm fine with, I'm a Christain and proud of it) we're going to keep it civil.

If you have nothing good to say, don't say it.

I realize that if I delete a post that was made that obviously is just to 'make a joke' or 'spit on someone's religion' that I am censoring you, so I won't do it. However, realize that there are many on this board who are going to lose respect for you and your comments.
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Old 2003-08-18, 08:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #43
Lieutenant Colonel
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you people are just continuing the pain and agony of this thread by responding
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Old 2003-08-18, 08:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #44
MilitantB0B's Avatar
Re: So i'm going back to church!

Originally posted by Squeeky
It's been years, but my girlfriend finally dragged me back. Boy was i glad i took the time to go back, i've never felt better after 3 hours of worship. I know in some other threads i've expressed confusion with my religion but now i remember why i went to church for all those years. It was a blast, and i have the coolest pastor. It is an all teen church, and we worship (sing) and dance and oh my god i can't wait til next week! WEEEEE!
Thats really good. So many people get christians confused with christianity. As a christian, my faith is not in christians, pastors, the church, or anything else. My faith is in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God bless.
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Old 2003-08-18, 08:26 PM   [Ignore Me] #45
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.......this went from Squeekys GF bringing him back to church to pissing on others graves and saying religion is a IMO religion was created to make people believe there was a heaven and hell so that everyone would want to be good in life and treat others with respect,people would fear hell and so wouldnt do such terriable things and whoever created religion hoped this would make the world a better place,which in truth it sorta did,so it almost is a cult(in a way) but for those that actually believe its real then it makes them a better person because they hope to go to heaven,Now i know this is kinda far fetched but thats MO,religion was created to bring families and communities together,which it also did,so i think religion works for the people that believe its real

EDIT: oh and flames and comments welcome
these are lame
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