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Old 2003-11-09, 11:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #31
Major General
EarlyDawn's Avatar

This is my theory and I'm sticking to it:


When Neo jumped into Smith at the end of the original movie, he "imprinted" something on him, as Smith suggests in Reloaded. What I think is that Smith (And Johnson and whoever the other agents were) is the distributed intelligence for the Sentnals and the other robots. This is alluded to because they are refered to as "sentient programs" in the original by Morpheus.

When Neo defeated Smith in the original, not only did he break Smith free of his constraints, but affected the sentenals in the real world, in a way which he could destroy them because, again, like Smith suggests, just as Neo imprinted something on him, Smith altered Neo in some way.

As to how Neo interfaces with them, you could argue some kind of ultrabroadband radio or electromagnetic transmission from his jack, or because he could transmit from the hovercrafts' core based on proximity and an (subconcious) understanding of how the Matrix was structured in the real world. (Think understanding the best router path on the internet, or whathaveyou.) For the sake of argument, how he was wirelessly interfacing with the Matrix is really nonessential.
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Old 2003-11-10, 02:59 AM   [Ignore Me] #32
Happy lil Elf
Happy lil Elf's Avatar

Originally Posted by Lexington_Steele
Neo was the one. There had been 5 'one's before him.

For the Matrix to work best, they had to allow the humans a subconcious choice of whether they want to accept the matrix as reality. If they did not offer that subconcious choice, all humans reject the matrix.

Enter Zion. Those people need somewhere to go.

The machines could not let the humans get too powerful. So the machines would actively hunt humans and when 'the one' appeared they would move to destroy Zion.

The one would make his way to the architect, where he would be given the choice of dooming all humans, or picking 24 people to build a new Zion. The 'one' picks the door that means repopulate Zion, the current Zion is subsequently destroyed, and a new Zion begins with those 24 people.

So this process happened 5 times. Number 6 was Neo and he supposedly picked differently because of his love for Trinity.
This is my view on it in light of the Architect's discussion with the Oracle: The Architect was simply trying to take Neo off of the path he was walking thus keeping everything the way it was. Whether he was teling the truth about the previous ones or lying about them does not matter. Perhaps he did convince 5 previous people to "save the human race" and go along with the destruction of Zion, perhaps not. Either way it does not matter when discussing his motivations for telling Neo what he did.

This brings yet another much used theme, Change vs. Stasis, into the series and, as it always tends to in both novels and movies, change wins in the end.
Happy lil' Elf, now Santa approved.
-Immortalis Vita

Its eating it's food. (Incorrect use of apostrophes specifically for UV)
"Oni wont get banned, unless you get banned. Its a 2 man ticket."-Hamma to TekDragon re: his request to ban Oni. Life is good.
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Old 2003-11-10, 04:48 AM   [Ignore Me] #33
Lieutenant Colonel
Zatrais's Avatar

Love the 3rd movie as much as i love the others. Kick ass movie whit a good ending.

Tho for some reason i couldn't stop thinking of ilidan from war3 hehe.
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