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Old 2003-11-11, 11:52 AM   [Ignore Me] #31
SecondRaven's Avatar

There is defently alot of people who have faimly over sea's in PSU...and alot of West point grad's which is really cool...West Point was a very nice place to live
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Old 2003-11-11, 12:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #32
Major General
Firefly's Avatar

Originally Posted by Everay
"My Other Sister: US Marines, 5 years, current CIA, combat veteran"

CIA, im gonna say that doesnt mean Centeral Intellagence Agency, so what does it mean?
You're right- it doesn't mean "Centeral Intellagence Agency", it means "Central Intelligence Agency". Working for the CIA is not necessarily "classified" information, nor is it a breach of security as I did not list her name, my name, or any other information which might be used to track me down. You can find all sorts of information on the internet, if you know where to look.
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Old 2003-11-11, 12:38 PM   [Ignore Me] #33

my great, great grandfather fought in the first and second world wars. we still have one of his old hunting rifles. (we used to have the shells, but we removed them after we thought they might be dangerous.)
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Old 2003-11-11, 02:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #34
Major General
Everay's Avatar

Originally Posted by Firefly
You're right- it doesn't mean "Centeral Intellagence Agency", it means "Central Intelligence Agency". Working for the CIA is not necessarily "classified" information, nor is it a breach of security as I did not list her name, my name, or any other information which might be used to track me down. You can find all sorts of information on the internet, if you know where to look.

grammar nazi. and im sorry, i didnt realize, i just thought that the CIA would use its own people, and not use people from other branches.

BTW. Ditz, a whore on the OF, made a thread like this, its amazing how many Planetside people are in the services or are retired, infact, a few people i know, had to quit playing, becuase they were being shipped out, i can think of this one guy, i think he was one of those Air Force guys, like a Red Beret. i dont know what their official name is, but theyre the Air Forces version of the Seals or the rangers.

Last edited by Everay; 2003-11-11 at 02:39 PM.
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Old 2003-11-11, 02:43 PM   [Ignore Me] #35
Major General
Firefly's Avatar

From what I understand, the Agency uses both. There are "attachments" from the military (generally ones who have experience) and they also have civilians. They have vanilla-civvies and they have prior-service (like my sister).

My grammar nazi portion was more of a failed attempt at humor. I would consider myself more of a self-inflicting grammar nazi, as I take great personal pride in grammar and spelling. I'm an English major and also a volunteer teacher for an English-as-a-Second-Language class due to my linguistical abilities. Please don't be offended at my dumb jest, I have a decidedly warped sense of humor.

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