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Old 2003-11-11, 11:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #31
PSU Admin
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Originally Posted by AztecWarrior
Her M16 jammed, asshole.
She was just the most marketable face for the army. There are other people who are real heros there.. like the guy who killed 10 dudes and took out a mortar position to save everyone who was taken hostage. But we dont hear about him.

Not trying to take away anything, she just doesent deserve the hype she is getting.

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Old 2003-11-11, 11:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #32

It may just be ABC making her look dumb, but jeeeze did she come off as the classic "dumb blonde."

I can not stand dumb blondes, they start to bug me 30 seconds after meeting them... I never even had a 1-night stand with a dumb blonde, could never avoid getting angry with the shouting in my head: "Can you POSSIBLY be this dumb girl!" And it must come out in some way
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Old 2003-11-11, 11:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #33

Hamma thats exactly what i was trying to say.
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Old 2003-11-11, 11:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #34
teh Sexb0t

Originally Posted by Hamma
...she just doesent deserve the hype she is getting.
Hasn't she even been saying something like that?
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Old 2003-11-12, 12:02 AM   [Ignore Me] #35
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Old 2003-11-12, 12:29 AM   [Ignore Me] #36
Major General
Everay's Avatar

yes, she said something like that. and i dont think it was ABC, i think she is a dumb blonde.

and there were many more events in the war that deserve attention that this lil event, i mean, how many of you know about the battle, where 18 US soldiers died, and about 10 of them were from a A10, which mistook them for enemies.
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Old 2003-11-12, 01:31 AM   [Ignore Me] #37
The Mensa Troll
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Originally Posted by AztecWarrior
Her M16 jammed, asshole.
You have to attempt to fire the weapon before it can jam. Having a full clip means you DIDN'T attempt to fire it. Besides.. ever think that just maybe the army.. oh I don't know.. say.. TRAINS SOLDIERS HOW TO FIX JAMS. Maybe? Just maybe they might want to do that?

Soldier: Oh fuck! My gun jammed. Well the Army never taught me how to fix that so I guess I'll just sit here and die.

Come on man...

Takes less then 5 seconds to fix a jam.

Like I said earlier.. she's French.

Gun never used and only dropped once.


Wow.. this is the.. Lounge.

That Indian girl who dumped every bit of ammo she had fighting to the death is a hero. Those soldiers who give it all they have and never surrender are heros. The special forces units you never hear about are heros. Soldiers fighting to the death and giving everything they have for this nation.. that's what fuckin hero is. They are the ones who deserve medals. Dropping a gun on the ground, throwing your hands in the air, and claiming it jammed.. just doesn't compare. Everyone else died fighting.

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Old 2003-11-12, 01:33 AM   [Ignore Me] #38
Teh Masturbator
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Im a fucking hero!
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Old 2003-11-12, 01:34 AM   [Ignore Me] #39
The Mensa Troll
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Originally Posted by Squeeky
Im a fucking hero!
comedy relief

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Old 2003-11-12, 02:43 AM   [Ignore Me] #40
Ait'al's Avatar

Just remember the news and whatnot isnt our countries way of honoring people anyway. Medals and other military/Federal Offical ways of recognition are. The ones weve been using since the beggining of our country. The media is news and information. And so it was a president says since Roosevelt since they no longer reserve there words for official Executive Actions anymore. So who gives a shit! If people would stop bitching about what who the hell saying what and stop worring about what an AOL etc run newspaper is saying we'd all be alot smarter and the real focus would be on the Real ways we have of doing this and no one would be complaining about honnoring forces or whatever and everything could go back to being what it was meant to be, and actually mean something!

It would actually pretty much solve all the problems in htis country! Or atlease alow them to be solved.(I dont just mean the damn military crap either!) Dont take this to mean im on your side of the argument. IM NOT! Especially you people in the military who call people seperate your selves from the rest of us!IE Civs! Hell your deriving your veiws from a federalist beleif(the revolution not the Civil War) and you dont even share the most basicb beleif with Washington!(the president!) This only applies to those of you that dont understand how deverse the beleifs are of the people around you really are!(Other military people) Its a huge problem in hte military. 8\

And she was really cute in the ABC interveiw. 8)

Last edited by Ait'al; 2003-11-12 at 03:02 AM.
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