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Old 2003-11-24, 08:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #31
Sputty's Avatar

Originally Posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
Fact is, a chicken isn't a cat or dog, it's a lower life form. It's certainly not a human, and it's some quality dumb shit to imply it to be even comparable.
But chickens should be considered up there. They give food, theyre fun to squeeze, and they dance. hmmm, a bountiful bird indeed. Anyway, you're right. It is a lot better death than being killed by KFC or any other company
Still, it is a little gruesome(although, sort of funny when you think about how that must have looked if you just saw the chipper over a fence or something)
Anyway, the guy should be reprimanded someway, but not removed.
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Old 2003-11-24, 08:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #32
Zodiac's Avatar

gg spider, this thread was already worthless and now you come and try to fuck it up even more with your depraved stories in an attempt to troll.

trolling dosnt work well when the person you are trying to get a rise out of realizes your hook is bullshit.

Last edited by Zodiac; 2003-11-24 at 08:14 PM.
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Old 2003-11-24, 08:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #33
Sputty's Avatar

Originally Posted by Spider
He used the rooster in cock fights... so... yeah....

Anyhow I don't care... I've done worse to animals then shredding them and killing them quickly... Think dog + some cloth imbebed with flammable liquids...

Now think about dog with cloth in ass and cloth set on fire... yeah... don't ask how I stuck the cloth in! I was young and stupid! But hygieniec!
Either your full of Bullshit
Or next time cut deeper
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Old 2003-11-24, 08:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #34
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Originally Posted by Spider
He used the rooster in cock fights... so... yeah....

Anyhow I don't care... I've done worse to animals then shredding them and killing them quickly... Think dog + some cloth imbebed with flammable liquids...

Now think about dog with cloth in ass and cloth set on fire... yeah... don't ask how I stuck the cloth in! I was young and stupid! But hygieniec!
Thats not fucking funny. I hate it when anyone abuses animals fucking piece of shit.
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Old 2003-11-24, 08:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #35
Spider's Avatar

Oh noes! They are pissed at me because I hurt a rabid dog! GEE! What will I ever do!?!?
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Old 2003-11-24, 08:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #36
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you know, when i was in the first grade, i got a pet chicken, and i loved my lil chicken, whom i named blacky. howd you like for your dog to be shoved into a grinder?
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Old 2003-11-24, 08:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #37
Spider's Avatar

Originally Posted by Everay
you know, when i was in the first grade, i got a pet chicken, and i loved my lil chicken, whom i named blacky. howd you like for your dog to be shoved into a grinder?
I'd love it! The stupid piece of shit bichon fris� won't die! It's like 15 years old ffs!

Give more room for the new puppy!
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Old 2003-11-24, 08:52 PM   [Ignore Me] #38
Sputty's Avatar

Stop trolling you idiot.
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Old 2003-11-24, 09:02 PM   [Ignore Me] #39
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I think I can see the sequel to the Onizuka / Tek Ban; Spider / Zodiac...
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Old 2003-11-24, 09:03 PM   [Ignore Me] #40
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I've got a question. Your all talking about how these chickens would feel, and how we would feel if they shoved my cat into a wood chipper. Well, it wouldn't be humane if the chickens didn't feel pain, because thats what humane fucking means.

Humane - 1. kind, tender, merciful, etc.

I love my cat, but I'm not gonna get so upset because it died. I lost a cat that I had for all my life, sure, I looked for it, but I was never so upset that I had to scream and cry and tell how the world is so unfair. I hate human rights people for thinking all animals are equal. The main goal in this world is to survive, and by surviving you mate and kill those that would kill you. It said that they didn't know if the chickens were diseased or not, but they weren't laying eggs so they killed them, a smart move. They killed them using a wood chipper, which I think is much more humane than gassing, or snapping their necks, because they would feel no or extremely little pain. You may think I'm sick and perverted because I laugh at the thought of a bunch of chickens being shoved into a wood chipper and coming out as fuel. Hey! Wait a minute! They have another use when they're dead? Oh my! They're used as fuel! What about those other dead chickens that they shot or gassed? What did they do with those? C'mon, tell me.
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Old 2003-11-24, 09:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #41
Ait'al's Avatar

if there an animal we eat. FUCK HUMANE TREATMENT. We pop them in our Salivating mouths and shit them out our plump asses. Waste of our judicial system.

I think spiders statement should have been:

Oh noes! They are pissed at me because I hurt a rabid dog! GEE! What will I ever do!?!?

Last edited by Ait'al; 2003-11-24 at 09:12 PM.
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Old 2003-11-24, 09:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #42
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Ok, I'm sorry, but being stuffed into the wood chipper, kicking and screaming (being raked by claws from other chickens, mind you) is NOT humane. There's no way you can actually tell me that, I refuse to believe it. What about the chickens who lose a leg and then get blocked by another one? Is that humane for them? I think not.

Once again Zodiac, The rebutes were poor at best. If it can feel pain, it deserves the same end that your household pet does. The fact that their neurological systems are not as advanced as a cat or dog has nothing to do with it, it does not change the fact that they can feel and react to pain. If you're trying to make a different point, please point it out.
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Old 2003-11-24, 09:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #43
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Actually, I don't think they shoved the chickens in all at one time... and a wood chipper is pretty damn good at what it does, destroy things, so really, you can't say they had to suffer intense pain by being trapped inside.

I say it again, I hate people that think, just because these animals feel pain, makse them equal to the human race. They're stupid little birds who's only use to our life is to provide food (and other chickens, which provide food). If you can give me a chicken that can talk to me in the English language, and discuss the philisophical views of slaughtering chicken by wood chipper, then maybe I'll reconsider my view.
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Old 2003-11-24, 09:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #44
Ait'al's Avatar

But there not HUMAN they dont need humane treatment. 8)

Go kill an animal yourself eat it and contemplate the reality of our situation to animal. You will have a completely different veiw. Hell even a fish will work. Thats nature and reality. We are more humane than a lions strangulation, which isnt really the point. Theres a bigger picture to all this.

We hunt to eat this is our world. Everything in this world eats something and in this reality everything including our flesh is food. An argument about an animals welfare in our reality is pointless no matter how you look at it.

Last edited by Ait'al; 2003-11-24 at 09:22 PM.
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Old 2003-11-24, 09:20 PM   [Ignore Me] #45
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I kind of agree with Ait'al... if it's too dumb to raise me and then eat me or use me! Then I'm doing it!
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