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Old 2003-01-25, 04:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #31
Lieutenant Colonel
Lexington_Steele's Avatar

If the french can be considered a race (which they can).

How is it racism to be prejudiced against one race but it is not racism to be prejudiced against another?

Where is the difference? The difference is that one has become more socially acceptable in America, not that being prejudiced against the french is not racism.

(boy, we love to argue don't we. )
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~ Vincent van Gogh

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Old 2003-01-25, 04:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #32
Major General
Navaron's Avatar

ARRRGGG (we do like to argue)

No no no. The difference is I don't see races based on where that person happens to live. I see them much broader, like I said, anglo, afro, asian, mediterrainian etc. Those are races, blacks, whites, asians etc. I don't see the English, German, or French as a different race. They are all anglo whiteys.

If I started a post, why do the North Koreans suck, what would I get, responses about the country. I would get comments on their physical attributes (unless two faced counts). The point is that if I made the same post about - Why do the Mexicans suck, it would be miscontrued the same way.

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Old 2003-01-26, 07:17 AM   [Ignore Me] #33

it is getting harde to distinguish peeps from their physical appearence as peeps move around and breed with other races. for example take the finch (long shot i know) that darwin studies-at the begining they were all the same then the moved to the diferant galapogus (w/e) islands and evoled, some evolved horter,tougher beaks, some evolved longer, probing beaks. lets call the shortbeaked one a and the long beaked one b. they are now a separate species with the same genus. so they can breed however they will have diferant offspring or none at a breeds with b. you get c. with say the feathyers and bone structure of a and the beak of b.this is not suited to life in either of their islands so i moves to the next one. there it flourishes. that is a new racee as i see it. similar but not identical. now in humans this happened however sometimes c would stay on the same island and breed making more of them. this in all respects is what has happened to the human race because they have bred into each other rendering all regional charactoristics unidentifialble.
have i said enough? it all looks like bolocks to me now. lol
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Old 2003-01-26, 07:20 AM   [Ignore Me] #34

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Old 2003-01-27, 04:48 AM   [Ignore Me] #35

This was the Funniest thread in all of history..LOL LMAO
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