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Old 2004-02-08, 09:52 PM   [Ignore Me] #31
Lightbulb Collector
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Nothing. I am a game purist.
The gun katas. Through analysis of thousands of recorded gunfights, the Cleric has determined that the geometric distribution of antagonists in any gun battle is a statistically predictable element. The gun kata treats the gun as a total weapon, each fluid position representing a maximum kill zone, inflicting maximum damage on the maximum number of opponents while keeping the defender clear of the statistically traditional trajectories of return fire. By the rote mastery of this art, your firing efficiency will rise by no less than 120%. The difference of a 63% increase to lethal proficiency makes the master of the gun katas an adversary not to be taken lightly.
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Old 2004-02-08, 10:03 PM   [Ignore Me] #32

Originally Posted by Neon Apocalypse
bawls tastes like shit, get red bull, or mountain dew, or fuck it and go to starbucks and buy yourself a frappucino, i dont recommend bawls
Fool! God must have put your tongue on backwards or something. Red bull tastes like shit. Bawls tastes awsome. It's sorta fruity, but it's not like any fruit I've ever had before (cause it's guaranna berries).

I only ever have it when I get it whole sale for my LAN party ($20 for 24 bottles), it's pretty expensive retail and it's hard to find.
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Old 2004-02-08, 10:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #33
Registered User
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sprite remix is awesome bob

in fact... time for a new thread!
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Old 2004-02-08, 10:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #34
Brigadier General
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Can of sprite, and ritter sport chocolate. Sometimes A couple of california and dyniamite rolls in a bowl do good justice also.
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Old 2004-02-09, 12:47 AM   [Ignore Me] #35
Lieutenant General
OneManArmy's Avatar

hookers and ice cream.

no seriously. or if im all out of that i go with a PB&J sandwich or perhaps spicier nacho doritos.. perhaps some sierra mist or a pepsi... hell honestly its whatever i can find in my house.
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Old 2004-02-09, 01:32 AM   [Ignore Me] #36
Sergeant Major

peanut butter sandwich dorritos nacho cheesers a fat ol glass a milk and cookies [beat that bitachs]
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Old 2004-02-09, 01:39 AM   [Ignore Me] #37

Umm I sometimes make visits to my nearby(oh thank you) convenience store. I buy what I like to call, Red Rock Deli chips. Usually some lollies and a Fanta/Coke to go with it. I've made about 3-4 trips this week buying the same thing.
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Old 2004-02-09, 05:41 AM   [Ignore Me] #38
Sputty's Avatar

The organs of my victims
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Old 2004-02-09, 11:54 AM   [Ignore Me] #39
Lieutenant General
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shame on you sputty, organs are very fattening...
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Old 2004-02-09, 12:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #40
Happy lil Elf
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Pizza Rolls. They're like meteorites of pure compressed pizzafied-goodness that Jesus dropped from heaven.
And hotpockets. Never forget the hotpockets.
Happy lil' Elf, now Santa approved.
-Immortalis Vita

Its eating it's food. (Incorrect use of apostrophes specifically for UV)
"Oni wont get banned, unless you get banned. Its a 2 man ticket."-Hamma to TekDragon re: his request to ban Oni. Life is good.
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Old 2004-02-09, 01:38 PM   [Ignore Me] #41

Nothing. I try not to eat at the PC, I get to wrapped up in the game. If I have to eat I will eat a bowl of pasta. I always drink water, gaterade, tea, or pepsi while at the PC(have to stay hydrated). My girlfriend always wants to eat something during the day. I mean come on, pull a straight 12 without any food we all can do it. So she usually makes pasta for me, a ham sandwich, or pizza rolls.
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Old 2004-02-09, 03:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #42
Teh Masturbator
Squeeky's Avatar

Grilled Cheese (on my sammich griddle) + Mt Dew Code Red
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Old 2004-02-09, 04:03 PM   [Ignore Me] #43

Wow, you guys mostly have small lists.
Do we not have 10-20 hour long playing sprees?
I mean come on a bag of chips and a can of coke? That lasts like what an hour maybe 2, And that's eating slowly!

Btw Red-Bull is illegal in France. Also I Believe in other European Countries.

Now Me I eat The Following, when I plan to be on a while:

- As much Salsa as I can find/buy (if i dip 1 chip in, there will be no putting that cap back on IM FINISHIN' it now! ),
- Also 2 extra large bags of Tortilla Chips,
- 4 Sandwiches (wraped up ),
- 4 Water Bottles (room tempature),
- 4 or so candy bars: Starburst, Snicker, Milky Way, Mentos, M&M, Gum,
- 4 rolls of crackers, round or circle brand names don't matter to me there,
- 1 big jar of nutella (chocolate spread) for crackers,
a can of Mountain Dew, Pepsi, Coke, Sprite, 7-up, AND bottle of Sobe

I AM NOT AN Attict, I am not addicted, I am not addicted

I did that mostly in California because I would play:
Counter-Strike, Tribes2, Asheron's Call, Anarchy Online, planetside Beta,
Soldier of Fortune 2 beta, Diablo II, Astro Battle, Etc.
And I would play for long periods of time.

I miss my Road Runner connection .
ADSL doesnt compare to my old CABLE line .

BTW I eat all that and still stay skinny I am blessed with a high metabolism(sp?)

In France I only get to be on for about 3-9 hours somehow I feel more guilty being on long here, To much Beauty to sit around and play the same thing over and over.
Long Time Gone, joined in 2003. Coming back to get ready for PS 2.
Learning the Ropes and looking for a good European Outfit,
Otherwise am with the VS Azure Twilights

Last edited by ZeusCali; 2004-02-09 at 04:13 PM.
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