f-18 for sale on ebay (im not kidding) - Page 3 - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2004-02-17, 08:54 AM   [Ignore Me] #31
First Lieutenant

That's what I mean though, the F/A-18A and B was out of date before the Gulf War. They were already replaced by the C and D with better electronics and ordnance, capable of flying night missions effectively and during poor weather whilst delivering a better, broader range of weapons. The E and F models are virtually completely different to the original A and B models. They are larger (carry more fuel = longer range), have 2 additional weapons stations, vastly superior electronics and GUI and a new model engine (better thrust, can carry more weight = deals more death, faster than ever before). They share alot of commonality with the C and D models in avionics and software, but with the A and B, very little besides looking similar. It is like comparing Windows 3.11 with XP.

The B-52H and F/A-18's are used in different ways. The B-52H is still effective at it's job (since it also incorporates all the modern targetting and GUI technology), which is delivering long range bomb runnings from high altitude on specific targets. It can fly over 10k km before needing to refuel which can be done in the air. A B-52H is so fucking huge and powerful already that the only concern is having enough room for your bombs, navigational and targetting equipment weight is almost irrelevant when it can carry 140 tonnes of shit in it. An F/A-18A can't effectively execute a night mission. It is designed for fast strikes, air to air close or deep support and flying escort. It needs to be able to kill other planes and deliver a small payload and evade AA, the versatility and durability comes through having better technology than the other guy. The F/A-18A doesn't cut it when compared to the newer models.

I am just talking about the plane listed on eBay, the F/A-18A, it was bombing Libya when I was 4 years old almost 2 decades ago and has long since been replaced by better models.
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Old 2004-02-17, 11:28 AM   [Ignore Me] #32
Second Lieutenant

You could take over france with a dildo and a ski mask.
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