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Old 2004-03-02, 09:43 PM   [Ignore Me] #31
First Sergeant
KIAsan's Avatar

Originally Posted by Kaymon
This is taken straight from the patch notes:

Found here:

If you're trying to debate with me, it would do you well to do your homework instead of looking like an ass.
Hmm, didn't realize that posting my comments required I debate you, I am merely posting my opinion. But in a self-centered world that revolves around the forum star that is Kaymon, I'm sorry I didn't rise to your level of debate. Next time I promise to do my homework, oh superstar of the forums, Just please, please, please don't wound me so aggregiously next time by calling me an "@$$". Oh the humanity, I have been shamed by the greatest of flamers on this board. I bow to your superior intellect, please feel free to correct everything I post from this point forward. Not.

Now back on subject, when I talk about it not being mentioned, I am talking about what was common knowledge of the "in concept". I recall reading about all the other changes, not the lash within 5 meters. That showed up once they went to test (which in this world is pretty sudden). As to my comments about the the devs not knowing if it was a parameter vs a code change, that stands as is. Spork has on at least two occasions referred to the lasher as a "simple parameter change" and then a "complex code change", depending on how he was defending the patch/bug fixes. Sounds like they worked it out.

As to your contention that we should give the devs a pass on bug fixes because they can't "rush changes", well that would cut some weight, except their history is very poor on this. Every patch they release is bugged. So, why don't they hold up capitols, etc to hunt down and fix the bugs in-game first? This would also give them more time to debug the upcoming patch. I can guarantee we will all be here soon talking about the latest bugs in the upcoming capitol patch (which will be in test tomorrow). Talk about rushed! I won't state the obvious reasons (money), but let you draw your own conclusions ($$$$).
KIAsan [BWC]

If it's not nailed down, it's mine. If I can pry it up, it's not nailed down.

Last edited by KIAsan; 2004-03-03 at 12:18 AM. Reason: spelling
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Old 2004-03-04, 05:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #32
Master Sergeant
Kaymon's Avatar

Originally Posted by KIAsan
Hmm, didn't realize that posting my comments required I debate you, I am merely posting my opinion.
You quoted me, and tried to counter me. That's what debate is. This might help:


Once again, please, if you're going to try to argue, or debate with me, do your homework.
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Old 2004-03-04, 05:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #33
Lieutenant Colonel
dscytherulez's Avatar

Originally Posted by Happy lil' Elf
You're whining about 60fps? /boggle

Tell ya what, get back to me when it hovers around 7-11fps and you can get all the way up to the 20s if you're in the middle of an open field staring at the ground.

Sad part is I still hover around 45-50fps (15-20fps in large fights) and I'm now playing on a-
AMD 3k
1.5GB of PC3200 400mhz
9800 Pro 128mb card

I have that exact same system, except I only got a gig of RAM and it's only PC-2700. I rarely, if EVER, dropped below 30 FPS. Even in huge zergs. I'd think you should be doing better than that.
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Old 2004-03-04, 08:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #34
First Sergeant
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Ok, was going to resist, but what the hell, lets get into a pissing contest. The post that kicked all this off was my post:

Originally Posted by KIAsan
Hmm, ok, I will believe that when they stop rushing through change patches. The lasher changes is a very good example of this. NOWHERE did they mention they were changing the lash distance. Then poof, its in the game and bugged beyond belief.
Your response:
Originally Posted by Kaymon
This is taken straight from the patch notes:

Found here:

If you're trying to debate with me, it would do you well to do your homework instead of looking like an ass.
Now if you will examine your post, you imply that we were given notification in the patch notes. Now, patch notes are released with the patch. So, if they put a change into effect, then make a statement they put it into effect, that does not equal prior notification. Nowhere in your statement is a counter to my original argument that they DIDN'T tell anyone prior to testing. This was not in concept to my recollection. Now, if you have any evidence that this was discussed PRIOR to them putting it into the game, then by all means post it and prove me wrong. However, may I suggest, don't bother, since I really don't give a rats ass about the mecanics of how SOE screwed up yet another patch, nor do I give a rats ass in continuing to aide you in this bit of written mental masturbation. I will go ahead and declare your the champion flame baiter of this thread, you hereby win a gold star and a cookie. So please quit posting in this thread (since we are WAY off topic). Apologies to all for me doing the same.

The fact still remains, SOE screwed it up, they know its screwed up, they are working to fix it, and will screw it up again. Hey, maybe I should just make this my signature.
KIAsan [BWC]

If it's not nailed down, it's mine. If I can pry it up, it's not nailed down.
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Old 2004-03-04, 09:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #35
Master Sergeant
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Originally Posted by KIAsan
However, may I suggest, don't bother, since I really don't give a rats ass about the mecanics of how SOE screwed up yet another patch, nor do I give a rats ass in continuing to aide you in this bit of written mental masturbation. I will go ahead and declare your the champion flame baiter of this thread, you hereby win a gold star and a cookie.
Personal insults are the last bastion of those who lack a good arguement. Meanwhile, you still fail to realize that we got all the patch notes before we got the patch. Spork posts them on a forum called "Development Discussion". Then they go onto the test server. The public test server, so not only can you read about it, but you can see it first hand before it goes live. To say that anything was unannounced shows that you are ignorant of the volumes of data the Planetside team gives us. Such ignorance can be cured by doing your homework.

I would reccomend you do some research, look at all the information that is made available to us. Places like the In Concept, In Testing, and Development Discussion section of the PS forums. Barring any ability to get onto the test server, the test server forum as well.

Once you have done this, then you can come back and post again. Because your overwhelming ignorance is making me sick.
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Old 2004-03-05, 12:05 AM   [Ignore Me] #36
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Yeah high-res textures are back and yay for me cause I could run them no prob.
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Old 2004-03-05, 03:15 AM   [Ignore Me] #37
First Sergeant
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Ok fine, I give up, lets debate the issue:

Your contentions:
They can't jump around like that with their bug fixes. Rash decisions aren't met well by management, and code fixes like what are required usually take awhile to get through QA without introducing even more bugs. Rushing a patch only invites disaster.

Meanwhile, you still fail to realize that we got all the patch notes before we got the patch. Spork posts them on a forum called "Development Discussion". Then they go onto the test server. The public test server, so not only can you read about it, but you can see it first hand before it goes live.
My Counters:
Hmm, ok, I will believe that when they stop rushing through change patches. The lasher changes is a very good example of this. NOWHERE did they mention they were changing the lash distance. Then poof, its in the game and bugged beyond belief.

� when I talk about it not being mentioned, I am talking about what was common knowledge of the "in concept". I recall reading about all the other changes, not the lash within 5 meters. That showed up once they went to test (which in this world is pretty sudden).
Now, based on my research, the following events occurred:
6 Feb: SporkfirePS in response to a question on the official forums:
The "don't lash close" and the "don't lash friendlies" features are redundant, just as you supposed. Removing the "don't lash close" restriction will likely result in almost no change since the projectile barely has time to create a lash before that limit was reached anyway...but I'll go ahead and remove the "don't lash close" constraint because it's just simply not important anymore.
10 Feb: They announced the test and the patch notes
12 Feb: They went into test
17 Feb: Patch went live
So in conclusion, I stand by my argument. They never talked about this change in concept (which generates the majority of discussion on a patch). The only prior notice of the change (prior to test) was buried in the 6 Feb thread. SOE went from �I don�t think this is going to cause a problem, so I�ll change it� to live release in ELEVEN FRIGGING DAYS!!!!! True, we did have 2 days notice before the patch, and 5 days after the patch before it went live. So I grant you that part of the argument. However, my point is that SOE rushed the lasher change into circulation without taking any time to look at it, all on the basis of a whim by sporkfire. So, SOE can RUSH the frigging fix. That is the only point I�m trying to make. Finally, I am sorry if you have taken personal insult from anything I have posted, I didn�t mean to hurt your feelings and I truly hope you will forgive me. Too bad your own hands are not so clean.
KIAsan [BWC]

If it's not nailed down, it's mine. If I can pry it up, it's not nailed down.
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Old 2004-03-05, 04:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #38
Master Sergeant
Kaymon's Avatar

Your post was made at Today, 04:15 AM. Don't you have a job?

Originally Posted by KIAsan
However, my point is that SOE rushed the lasher change into circulation without taking any time to look at it, all on the basis of a whim by sporkfire.
No, Sporkfire is the PS community rep. He doesn't make any decisions, he sends feedback. Changing the lash distance was a matter of opening a text file and changing a 5 to a 0 (as Smokejumper said). They had playtests after that change was made. They tested the patch.

The problem with the lasher is that there are so many of them now. Minor bugs look giant when 90% of the VS players are using the weapon.

Finally, I am sorry if you have taken personal insult from anything I have posted, I didn�t mean to hurt your feelings and I truly hope you will forgive me. Too bad your own hands are not so clean.
You know, you're right. I don't give a shit if I hurt someone's feelings. I'm not going to pansy my way around someone's emotions when I'm trying to make a point. Hell, if I make someone cry, that means that not only did I make my point, but they had to think about it too. But I'm not going to apologize for it.
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Old 2004-03-05, 05:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #39
First Sergeant
KIAsan's Avatar

Dude, you didn't make a point. SOE rushed the change, period. Now they should rush the patch, since it is so simple to fix. The problem is they do something like this without much thought and limited testing, then want to wait to make all the changes at once, to minimize download time. In the mean time, everyone else is stuck getting the uberlashed up there rear end. And I think my sarcasm is a little too dry, will have to work on it. Anyway, time to let this hijacked thread die.

Cool, high res textures are back. Although, I didn't see a lot of them in the playtest.
KIAsan [BWC]

If it's not nailed down, it's mine. If I can pry it up, it's not nailed down.
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Old 2004-03-05, 07:05 PM   [Ignore Me] #40
Master Sergeant
Kaymon's Avatar

Originally Posted by KIAsan
Cool, high res textures are back. Although, I didn't see a lot of them in the playtest.
I see them. They're not as 'hi' rez as they used to be. We got shafted again.
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Old 2004-03-06, 04:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #41
Major General
Firefly's Avatar

I demand to know why the Lasher is the only weapon that does not cause friendly-fire damage. "Does not lash friendlies". So, then can the Jackhammer and the MCG have the same effect? Or is completely removing the safety net for NC and TR the feature for Vanu HA weaponry?

PS: KIA lives in Japan. That's close to 12 hours ahead of you.
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Old 2004-03-06, 04:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #42
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Dharkbayne's Avatar

That's just the lash, moron, otherwise, it would be a grief machine, you would hit friendlies when you shoot past them.
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Old 2004-03-06, 04:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #43
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I know it's the lash effect you fucking tool. Try to refrain insulting people with more common sense and intelligence than you, Einstein.

Ever hear of the Pounder, you brainless retard? Who gives a rats ass if the Lasher is a grief machine? Only the Vanu- then they can't spam corridors. Why should it be fair for the Vanu, when any OTHER empire shooting past their buddies runs the risk of hitting them, regardless of the weapon? The Vanu have the only grief-free weapon in the game. Explain how that's balanced.

Next time bring something intelligent to the conversation, instead of trying to flame what you can't even compare with.
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Old 2004-03-06, 04:52 PM   [Ignore Me] #44
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Dharkbayne's Avatar

Trust me, back in beta, the lasher was a grief machine, it was un useable. it hits EVERYTHING on the way TO the target, pounder only explodes at the target point, doing damage there.
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Old 2004-03-06, 05:00 PM   [Ignore Me] #45
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I know, I was in beta as well.

The damn thing should lash friendlies. If you're standing in front of the firing line, you should damn well suffer the penalties JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER EMPIRE. If you're an ignorant retard and you step in front of someone firing a weapon that explodes, you take explosion damage. If you're in a blast radius, you take damage.

So why the hell does the Lasher NOT do that? That's so unbalanced it's pathetic. The TR Pounder was the same thing, a grief machine. You either played intelligently and didn't spam, or you didn't step out in front of one. If you're a dumbass, you deserve to pay the price. Not just TR and NC dumbasses. They can easily fix that by making it lash on contact, or make the lash a cone effect, so that as it goes further out, it lashes farther. But if you're a stupid moron and go firing a weapon near friendlies, they deserve to die and you deserve the grief. Plain and simple.

It's not fair or balanced that hordes of Vanu can fire the thing in CQB situations and not kill a single one, while the rest of us with HA weapons are equal-opportunity killers.
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