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Old 2004-03-26, 12:11 AM   [Ignore Me] #31
Bighoss's Avatar

Originally Posted by JetRaiden

does your fantasy involve getting drunk and using a steamshovel to drown a midget in junk food? then covering it with liquid nitrogen, and blowing it up with a nuclear bomb?

thats quite an imagination you got there. ...
no, not at all, it seems I'll have to tell you exact plans.

1. The Jack Daniels is for the Monkey and midget who will fight to the death to test which species is more powerful, the midget or the monkey.

2. I might need more jelly beans but I planned on melting them with the power of the Nuclear bomb because it the best way I can imagine to melt trillions of jelly beans.

3. Who ever is the winner (Hopefully Midget) I will then cover with gallons upon gallons of Jelly Bean goo. Once they have become trapped in my sugary prison I'll quickly cool it with the Liquaid nitrogen of doom I will then take the jelly bean covered corpse and sell it to the natural history museum. If they don't buy it for 10 million dollars I'll find the owner of the museums dog and fill its mouth full of peanut butter than watch it suffer for the next hour.

4. Once the whole ordeal is over I'll eat the bag of baked lays because they taste good and only have 6 grams of FAT
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Old 2004-03-26, 12:14 AM   [Ignore Me] #32
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fantasy? ...

hitting bottom.

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Old 2004-03-26, 01:09 AM   [Ignore Me] #33
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Originally Posted by Bighoss
no, not at all, it seems I'll have to tell you exact plans.

1. The Jack Daniels is for the Monkey and midget who will fight to the death to test which species is more powerful, the midget or the monkey.

2. I might need more jelly beans but I planned on melting them with the power of the Nuclear bomb because it the best way I can imagine to melt trillions of jelly beans.

3. Who ever is the winner (Hopefully Midget) I will then cover with gallons upon gallons of Jelly Bean goo. Once they have become trapped in my sugary prison I'll quickly cool it with the Liquaid nitrogen of doom I will then take the jelly bean covered corpse and sell it to the natural history museum. If they don't buy it for 10 million dollars I'll find the owner of the museums dog and fill its mouth full of peanut butter than watch it suffer for the next hour.

4. Once the whole ordeal is over I'll eat the bag of baked lays because they taste good and only have 6 grams of FAT

Only problem I can see with melting the jellybeans with the nuclear bomb is that they would probably be incinerated by the blast, if not, then be irradiated for quite a while. I would suggest simply perhaps dumping the jelly beans into an iron smelter, then you can melt them, and easily mould them onto the victor of the duel.
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Old 2004-03-26, 01:11 AM   [Ignore Me] #34
Pns Ndabut
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Kinda weird but...

I dont think I have one.
I'm just....
Meh with the world.
dont want/need anything (except possibly new comp)
not really looking for a g/f.

Im not especially Happy.. but im not sad either.

just at harmony w/ the world.
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Old 2004-03-26, 02:41 AM   [Ignore Me] #35
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To get signed on to drive in the Nextel Cup, thus doing what I love to do (drive cars) for millions of bucks each year, and get a hot girl because of it. Then after retiring, open up a business of some time, and have it grow to be a intercontinental giant.

Mainly, I just want to be remembered by someone, somewhere in history. Even if it were as simple as being a championship winner in 2015, it would be a little piece of history.
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Old 2004-03-26, 07:31 AM   [Ignore Me] #36
Bighoss's Avatar

Originally Posted by Derfud
Only problem I can see with melting the jellybeans with the nuclear bomb is that they would probably be incinerated by the blast, if not, then be irradiated for quite a while. I would suggest simply perhaps dumping the jelly beans into an iron smelter, then you can melt them, and easily mould them onto the victor of the duel.
yea I thought about that as well. alright so I hereby replace the Nuclear bomb with giant iron melter.
Take what you can! Give nothing back!
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Old 2004-03-26, 08:02 AM   [Ignore Me] #37

at first i was going to say "A Girlfriend that loves me and doesn't get tricked into breaking up with me for atleast 5 months"
but then i saw EineBeBop's post
Originally Posted by EineBeBoP
Kinda weird but...

I dont think I have one.
I'm just....
Meh with the world.
dont want/need anything (except possibly new comp)
not really looking for a g/f.

Im not especially Happy.. but im not sad either.

just at harmony w/ the world.
and i have to say, i just about completely agree with that:
No True Fantasy,
meh is the perfect word to describe my relations to the world,
I Don't Truelly need/want anything
and I want a girlfriend for the sole reason of what i've never had and always thought was missing.
Other then that i guess the same as others, Great Sports Car(bmw Z3 skyblue convertable), Hot Girlfriend/wife, Lots Of Money, Personal Freedom of Time and Constrictions, and Happyness.

Okay now i will stop pouring my self out to any of you as you shall likely just say one of the follow(likely even just quote it in your infinite lazyness):
3) Dork
4) Fill in misc. insult
Long Time Gone, joined in 2003. Coming back to get ready for PS 2.
Learning the Ropes and looking for a good European Outfit,
Otherwise am with the VS Azure Twilights
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Old 2004-03-26, 09:13 AM   [Ignore Me] #38
Sergeant Major
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Right now my only fantasy is to change out of desktop support to something better so I don't have to deal with lusers everyday.
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Old 2004-03-26, 01:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #39
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Everay's Avatar

what, noone here wants a fucking space ship? geez, imagination people, hell, god even has a space ship.
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