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View Poll Results: Who would win?
Teddy Roosevelt 4 33.33%
Gandalf 8 66.67%
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Old 2004-05-11, 08:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #31

Originally Posted by Spee
If gandalf was a complete badass who could cast fireballs and nukes and generally own everything, then Id go for him. But hes a wuss that can make light come out of a staff and a blue bubble come around him, in addition to making people play twister against thier will.

twister Vs. Handgun = Handgun for teh win.

Plus, Gandalf is too happy. TR would be like "What the hell, you from some kinda cult?!" And blow his goddamn head off before Gandalf could even think of casting a spell. And there is no bullet-time-dodge spell.
Fool! Gandalf could turn TRs gun into molten steel and toss his rough riding ass 50 feet in the air before TR had a chance to crap his pants in awe of Gandalfs power.
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Old 2004-05-11, 08:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #32
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Bomb Gandalf.
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Old 2004-05-11, 08:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #33
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100 Tanks, with steel armour and all, against a bunch of people with knifes and swords?
C'mon, they would be so confuzed, the LOTR people would'nt even know how to open a tank, much less blow one up, this discussion is over.
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Old 2004-05-11, 08:43 PM   [Ignore Me] #34
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You are correct,this disscussion is over.Gandalf is teh win.Plus if you kill him he will come back stronger then ever.Plus it would piss the Valar off and not even tanks and planes can stop a pissed off God.
these are lame
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Old 2004-05-11, 08:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #35
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Originally Posted by firecrackerNC
You are correct,this disscussion is over.Gandalf is teh win.Plus if you kill him he will come back stronger then ever.Plus it would piss the Valar off and not even tanks and planes can stop a pissed off God.
Lesee... I've seen Gandalf swordfight.... flashlight.... ride a fast horse.
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Old 2004-05-11, 08:52 PM   [Ignore Me] #36
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If gandalf wins and kills our military, i'm moving to france
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Old 2004-05-11, 08:52 PM   [Ignore Me] #37
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Just because you havent seen him throw fireballs from his ass doesnt mean he cant.Just means he doesnt think your ready to see his full power fools! Plus with the Valar and Il�vatur you be screwed.TR would have to fight all the valar including Manw�, Aul�, Ulmo, Tulkas, Orom�, Irmo, Mandos (Namo), Varda, Yavanna, Nienna, Nessa, V�na, and Vair�.So HAHA!!
these are lame
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Old 2004-05-11, 08:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #38
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Originally Posted by firecrackerNC
Just because you havent seen him throw fireballs from his ass doesnt mean he cant.Just means he doesnt think your ready to see his full power fools! Plus with the Valar and Il�vatur you be screwed.TR would have to fight all the valar including Manw�, Aul�, Ulmo, Tulkas, Orom�, Irmo, Mandos (Namo), Varda, Yavanna, Nienna, Nessa, V�na, and Vair�.So HAHA!!
The Valar and Iluwhat? Are they his allies?
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Old 2004-05-11, 08:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #39
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Originally Posted by firecrackerNC
You are correct,this disscussion is over.Gandalf is teh win.Plus if you kill him he will come back stronger then ever.Plus it would piss the Valar off and not even tanks and planes can stop a pissed off God.
First, you know little about wizards and how they work, second, he may be strong for middle earth, but by modern standards he can make a flashlight and make a bubble around himself. Not all that strong at all. And this has nothing to do with Middle Earth gods, because if it comes down to that, how we see god would fucking pimp slap any of their gods.
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Old 2004-05-11, 08:57 PM   [Ignore Me] #40
Lieutenant Colonel

My God bitch-slaps their gods. You know, and then he shoots them with an X0920393 with laser, scope, silencer, .50 cal, fully auto, grenade launcher, plasma launcher, flamethrower, radiation thing, etc. And he can handle a pimped out gun like the one I just made up because he's just that awesome.
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Old 2004-05-11, 08:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #41
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I vote for Teddy, because Im pretty sure he's killed some kind of animal on every continent. Gandalf just....wait what does he do? other then talk and stuff and ward off a few enemies, he didnt do all that much in the movies.
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Old 2004-05-11, 09:17 PM   [Ignore Me] #42
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Gandalf was not chisled onto Mount Rushmore.
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Old 2004-05-11, 09:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #43
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Hes not on it...
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Old 2004-05-11, 09:45 PM   [Ignore Me] #44
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Originally Posted by ViperGTS
Hes not on it...
Yes, Gandalf's not on it.
No, TR is on it.
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Old 2004-05-11, 10:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #45
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Originally Posted by firecrackerNC
Just because you havent seen him throw fireballs from his ass doesnt mean he cant.Just means he doesnt think your ready to see his full power fools! Plus with the Valar and Il�vatur you be screwed.TR would have to fight all the valar including Manw�, Aul�, Ulmo, Tulkas, Orom�, Irmo, Mandos (Namo), Varda, Yavanna, Nienna, Nessa, V�na, and Vair�.So HAHA!!
And we have God.

TR: The evil mages appear to be conjuring powers! God! Show them your might!

*mushroom cloud forms over Middle-Earth*

TR: BULLY! (He said BULLY! when he meant things positively.)
The gun katas. Through analysis of thousands of recorded gunfights, the Cleric has determined that the geometric distribution of antagonists in any gun battle is a statistically predictable element. The gun kata treats the gun as a total weapon, each fluid position representing a maximum kill zone, inflicting maximum damage on the maximum number of opponents while keeping the defender clear of the statistically traditional trajectories of return fire. By the rote mastery of this art, your firing efficiency will rise by no less than 120%. The difference of a 63% increase to lethal proficiency makes the master of the gun katas an adversary not to be taken lightly.
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