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Old 2004-06-02, 09:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #31

I consider anything more powerful than a rock to have a "reigning hell" capability
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Old 2004-06-02, 10:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #32
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Originally Posted by Zosky
I consider anything more powerful than a rock to have a "reigning hell" capability

I shall reign hell on you all with a slingshot! MUHAHAHA!!! TREMBLE IN FEAR!!!
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Old 2004-06-02, 10:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #33
Sergeant Major
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No, I'm talking about camping my own Empire's spawn in a key battle, with an MCG.
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Old 2004-06-02, 10:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #34
NoSurrender's Avatar

this thread needs to die. this is getting old and should have never been brought up. /me squints at his monitor to lock thread,but fails.

Thanks to Eine for my awesome sig
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Old 2004-06-02, 11:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #35
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Originally Posted by FraudulentBob
No, I'm talking about camping my own Empire's spawn in a key battle, with an MCG.
tking? Dishonorable in all regards.
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Old 2004-06-02, 11:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #36
Diddy Mao
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They be doing other shtuff so, the once again neglected to re-activate teh accounts ><
You last visited: 03-18-2005 at 01:50 PM - lol time flies
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Old 2004-06-03, 06:55 AM   [Ignore Me] #37

Fraud, why do you team kill?
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Old 2004-06-03, 10:26 AM   [Ignore Me] #38
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Originally Posted by Zosky
Fraud, why do you team kill?
Because reactions like this from people like you validate his very existence.
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Old 2004-06-03, 03:29 PM   [Ignore Me] #39
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Hah. Well, you are just going to get banned. Again. Then we will all laugh.

And also, methinks that they fucked up the del varients so bad on purpose, to get our minds of this 10 day war, because it is NEVER coming.
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Old 2004-06-03, 04:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #40
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The 10 day war specifically isn't coming because of how bad I hear this patch is. The 10 day war is also the reason that the patch went in without proper testing. Think about it, people. They announce a 10 day war for all old subscribers to try to get them interested in playing the game again. They know they need some new hotness to actually suck people into the game again and get them to resubscribe, people aren't going to suddenly change their mind about a game which is essentially the same as it was when they cancelled their subscription. So they rush a patch through with new content to try to get it pushed into the game before the 10 day war starts. Then the patch (predictably) sucks due to lack of testing and they realize there is a potential fiasco on their hands. If they start the 10 day war as scheduled, everybody that comes back is quickly going to realize that nothing has changed and Sony has blown their marketing opportunity to bring old players back. So Sony pushes the war back hoping to smooth the patch over enough that it won't be a complete detriment to old players coming back to the game. In typical Sony fashion, they can't even think of a good lie to cover up their ineptitude so they just clam up and don't bother offering any explanation. How is this not really plain to people?
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Old 2004-06-03, 11:52 PM   [Ignore Me] #41
I Hate Pants
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Originally Posted by Madcow
The 10 day war specifically isn't coming because of how bad I hear this patch is. The 10 day war is also the reason that the patch went in without proper testing. Think about it, people. They announce a 10 day war for all old subscribers to try to get them interested in playing the game again. They know they need some new hotness to actually suck people into the game again and get them to resubscribe, people aren't going to suddenly change their mind about a game which is essentially the same as it was when they cancelled their subscription. So they rush a patch through with new content to try to get it pushed into the game before the 10 day war starts. Then the patch (predictably) sucks due to lack of testing and they realize there is a potential fiasco on their hands. If they start the 10 day war as scheduled, everybody that comes back is quickly going to realize that nothing has changed and Sony has blown their marketing opportunity to bring old players back. So Sony pushes the war back hoping to smooth the patch over enough that it won't be a complete detriment to old players coming back to the game. In typical Sony fashion, they can't even think of a good lie to cover up their ineptitude so they just clam up and don't bother offering any explanation. How is this not really plain to people?
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Old 2004-06-04, 10:18 AM   [Ignore Me] #42
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Originally Posted by I Hate Pants
I apologize if my assault of plain logic overwhelmed.
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Old 2004-06-04, 04:02 PM   [Ignore Me] #43
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I completely agree Madcow, although I'm not sure that the patch is so horrible that it would put people off playing it, I agree that they wanted the deliveres in before the 10 day war to show off their new toys. The dev team I suppose can request to hold the 10 day war, but ultimately it's in the hands of SOE's PR division.
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Old 2004-06-04, 05:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #44
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Originally Posted by Lartnev
I completely agree Madcow, although I'm not sure that the patch is so horrible that it would put people off playing it, I agree that they wanted the deliveres in before the 10 day war to show off their new toys. The dev team I suppose can request to hold the 10 day war, but ultimately it's in the hands of SOE's PR division.
From what I heard, it's not that bad for everybody. But you could instantly cross every person off the list who has the issue with the ground disappearing, obviously none of them would end up resubscribing to the game. Why would Sony shoot themselves in the foot with that, regardless of how few might be impacted by it? In the meantime, those of us who were paying attention to the start of the 10 day war (and I'm not sure there are all that many of us) will have stopped paying attention by the time they get around to actually doing it. The 10 day war was a really good idea, but they've done a piss poor job of coordinating it.
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Old 2004-06-04, 06:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #45
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I'm sure you'd be sent an email, that's what they do for EverQuest.

"Update" http://psforums.station.sony.com/ps/...d=98609#M98609
Originally Posted by Sporkfire
The reactivation is still pending. Unfortunately, things have changed slightly, in terms of scheduling. I wish I could give a better date, but I can't at this point due to certain marketing dependencies on the deal. I am expecting it to happen very shortly, however.
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