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View Poll Results: Why do u hate or love tribes 2
what is tribes? 2 4.26%
because all people do is jump 6 12.77%
no one gets off the vehicle pad cuz everyone keeps shooting the spinfusor to make u move 1 2.13%
too many general picketts 1 2.13%
are u kidding I love tribes ! 10 21.28%
Bighoss shut the fuck up we all hate u 13 27.66%
All people do is go for the generators not the flags 0 0%
when u snipe your position becomes obivous and u always get hunted 0 0%
no one defends 0 0%
I dunno but I like to vote !!! 14 29.79%
Voters: 47. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 2003-02-04, 03:57 PM   [Ignore Me] #31
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Old 2003-02-04, 04:25 PM   [Ignore Me] #32
Master Sergeant

Originally posted by Gryphon
Didn't think it was that impressive.

T2 put the game back to the way the devs originally wanted T1 to be like. When T1 first came out, maps were huge and vehicles were used, then people learned to ski and mine disk and similar crap and maps became small and vehicles became useless. Obviously this is not what the devs wanted and they changed that for T2, and a lot of what is in T2 is what the community asked for while they were playing T1.
Half the T1 devs weren't a part of the T2 team.

Here's the problem. Tribes 1 matured and the gameplay changed with time. This is how Tribes 1 was identified. So when making a sequel why undo all the maturation that's taken place over 3 years and take away the aspects of the game that the hardcore people love, which keeps them hooked, which made the sequel possible in the first place?

Doesn't make much sense to me. That's where base++ and later Classic, which is officially sanctioned by sierra came from. That's why the base competition nearly disapeared with the introduction of classic. That's why so much of this community you speak of started out from day to change Tribes 2.

I don't think the T1 community ever asked for more powerfull, more accurate, and more numerous turrets. They didn't ask to make the elf a weapon that could suffocate all offense. They didn't ask for vehicles to dominiate the game. They wanted a game they were familiar with some more depth and some prettier graphics.

[ Inquisition - Team Captain | Tribalwar PHP Guru | F*ck Duke ]
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Old 2003-02-04, 04:52 PM   [Ignore Me] #33

I haven't been able to play anything but t2 since it came out.. every other game i've played lacks the depth of tribes IMO. Base was outrageously boring to me, so I spent most of my time in Renegades (no flames plz) when it finally came out, because of the speed and sheer amount of different roles available. Although, I have been playing classic on and off since the new patch because I'm addicted to the speed.
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Old 2003-02-04, 07:12 PM   [Ignore Me] #34
Bighoss's Avatar

I don't see how u like that game ! I just tried playing it again. first I tried not taking the spinfusor and went out in assault armor. not a single kill in 4 tries. So then I got pissed put on scout and and energy pack killed this one guy 4 times in a row but he just kept rushing and rushing and then he got half the enemy team on me obivously I die and he starts using Is that the best u can do sound thing
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Old 2003-02-04, 08:00 PM   [Ignore Me] #35


just a sample of why Tribes is great
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Old 2003-02-04, 08:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #36
Bighoss's Avatar

tribes is good just not the second one
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Old 2003-02-04, 08:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #37
Master Sergeant

Originally posted by Bighoss
I don't see how u like that game ! I just tried playing it again. first I tried not taking the spinfusor and went out in assault armor. not a single kill in 4 tries. So then I got pissed put on scout and and energy pack killed this one guy 4 times in a row but he just kept rushing and rushing and then he got half the enemy team on me obivously I die and he starts using Is that the best u can do sound thing
ok, so you left the base without a disc launcher.

Might as well kill yourself in the doorway and save the other team the trouble.

Sounds like Tribes 2 would be better off without idiots like you running around in it.

[ Inquisition - Team Captain | Tribalwar PHP Guru | F*ck Duke ]
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Old 2003-02-04, 08:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #38

No I like spoons vote? Oh well, I like to vote is good enough. I like spoons.
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Old 2003-02-04, 08:57 PM   [Ignore Me] #39

Seriously dont diss T2 cause your an idiot. If you know what your doing and take learning skills seriously it is a highly enjoyable fast paced game. Ive played it since it came out and i havent gotten bored yet.
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Old 2003-02-04, 09:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #40
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it's hard to call other people's opinion wrong, and it's just that, idiotic or not it doesn't matter. The poinbt of an opinion is what someone thinks of something. No way to argue that. I don't agree with him though.
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Old 2003-02-04, 10:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #41
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I have played tribes 2 for a year and its boring now that I realize all people do. That's why I've been looking for cooler mods. You can't call somones opinion wrong when it can't be based on facts either. It can be stupid and absurd but he is just as right as u
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Old 2003-02-04, 11:38 PM   [Ignore Me] #42
Master Sergeant

Originally posted by Bighoss
I have played tribes 2 for a year and its boring now that I realize all people do. That's why I've been looking for cooler mods. You can't call somones opinion wrong when it can't be based on facts either. It can be stupid and absurd but he is just as right as u
You can't convince me you've been playing Tribes 2 for a year with the way you've been talking in this thread.

"omg, everyone is using the jetpack and disc launcher. make them stop and stand still on the ground so I can shoot them with the blaster"

You are stating an opinion, only showing your ignorance to how a game is played.

[ Inquisition - Team Captain | Tribalwar PHP Guru | F*ck Duke ]
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Old 2003-02-05, 12:30 AM   [Ignore Me] #43

i've only read a few of the posts here.


we are what we repeatedly do. excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
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Old 2003-02-05, 05:35 AM   [Ignore Me] #44
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I love tribes

I love tribes..... tried t2 but never really got into it... stayed with t1 mainly b/c the tribes i was in most ppl couldn't upgrade to it
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Old 2003-02-05, 05:54 AM   [Ignore Me] #45
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I loved both games as soon as I pulled them out of the box.

In T2 I used to love piling into a transport with a bunch of other guys and not knowing what would happen, now it's all just ski ski ski, it's still fun, but it doesn't really feel like you're working as a team anymore in classic, everyone just speeds off doing their own thing.
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