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Old 2004-06-23, 06:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #31
Major General
Firefly's Avatar

Originally Posted by Red October
Just don't play on it all. Refuse to play TR on that server UNTILL the problem gets addressed
Except that I don't play any other character in any other empire or any character of any empire on any other server.

I have one total character- Firefly, TR, Emerald.
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Old 2004-06-23, 07:00 PM   [Ignore Me] #32
Lightbulb Collector
AztecWarrior's Avatar

Agreed. You should have unlimited characters, provided they are all one empire.
The gun katas. Through analysis of thousands of recorded gunfights, the Cleric has determined that the geometric distribution of antagonists in any gun battle is a statistically predictable element. The gun kata treats the gun as a total weapon, each fluid position representing a maximum kill zone, inflicting maximum damage on the maximum number of opponents while keeping the defender clear of the statistically traditional trajectories of return fire. By the rote mastery of this art, your firing efficiency will rise by no less than 120%. The difference of a 63% increase to lethal proficiency makes the master of the gun katas an adversary not to be taken lightly.
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Old 2004-06-23, 07:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #33

Originally Posted by Firefly
Except that I don't play any other character in any other empire or any character of any empire on any other server.

I have one total character- Firefly, TR, Emerald.
Exactly. I hate the 4th Empire with all my stony, heartless soul. Curse those Smurf and Barney bastards (though the Barneys aren't as bad (except for Ait'Al)).
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Old 2004-06-23, 10:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #34
First Sergeant
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If they just fixed that timer bit about switching characters. The way it is now, you get one free switch. Then the 12 hour rule kicks in. It should never have been that way. You should get the choice of which empire, but the second you choose that empire, the 12 hour rule is in effect. That would stop the rats from fleeing the sinking ship. Either they stayed and fought, or they could leave the server for 12 hours. No more bandwagoning onto the overpopulated side and making matters worse for those left behind.

I personally don't give a rats rear end if someone wants to switch between empires, thats up to them. I just don't need someone logged in as TR, find out VS has the pop, then switch to VS to assist them at the detriment to TR.
KIAsan [BWC]

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Old 2004-06-25, 10:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #35
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As none of you, I like having 2 empires per server (actually wished for all 3, but eh). Course now yall gonna fuck me, well fuck you.

my main character is TR on Markov, since the server merger however I have both TR and NC to choose from. I usually choose TR because, well its the first empire I've choosen and that character in my sig IS the orriginal person I used since day 4 when i finally d/led the first 2 updates (and after more than a year I got only br15 course thats because I have another life, yet not another game that wont act as if I need more ram online). Yet on occassions I choosen NC. However I dont use it at my advantage, if I did it would be at least BR6 right now (as i said, on occassions i used my nc char).

Course every other server I have different empires, with a secondary empire just to even it out. (M=TR/NC, E=VS/TR, W=NC/VS). Yet never had I used one right after another, never had I checked wether the VS is killing the TR or not. I fight loyal, not selfeshly.

Though I do know people would do this even though this is the first time i've even heard of this problem, or even realised what this thread was about. I am sad to say we can do nothing about it. I want my oppertunity to fight a different character on Markov rather than TR for a change of pace and weapons so i odnt have to experience more lag on the other servers (markov is my coastal server). Which is also why i wish for all 3 empires to be choosen.

Now speaking of other characters, I haven't used one of my TR guys for a while so i used him and everyone in my old outfit is DEAD. EVERYONE is gone atleast a year. Its fucking funny! (if you bother, look up ******* on markov on the ps site and click on my outfit)
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Old 2004-06-25, 11:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #36

I am a TR solider on Markov, and have been since beta. The NC are over powered and over populated. Just the other day the NC almost had both the TR and the VS sent back to sanc. The TR had 2 bases on amerish (both orange alerts) and the VS had one (red alert). This is a fucking issue. If the JH can kill someone in 3 shots, why can't an MCG? And don't tell me because of the goddamn refire rate. Make it ten shots for all I care. It takes roughly 25 rounds to kill someone. The MCG clip is on 100 rounds. JH has 16 rounds and kills ppl in 3 shots. It kills two more people in a clip. And it reloads faster. I feel better now...
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Old 2004-06-26, 01:22 AM   [Ignore Me] #37
Lieutenant General
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Originally Posted by KDLxXxPyRoxXx

...amn refire rate. Make it ten shots for all I care. It takes roughly 25 rounds to kill someone. The MCG clip is on 100 rounds. JH has 16 rounds and kills ppl in 3 shots. It kills two more people in a clip. And it reloads fas...

Maybe it is an aiming problem? I admit I haven't played recently, but I doubt it is that bad...

I mean me, a TR nub, can loot a MCG and do more than that... =/
Post at me bro.

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Old 2004-06-26, 01:33 AM   [Ignore Me] #38
Diddy Mao
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Just be like the rest of the Tr and join the NC problem solved :-p
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Old 2004-06-26, 02:05 AM   [Ignore Me] #39
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No I love two empires so I can play my alt TR on Markov keep two empires.
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Old 2004-06-26, 10:25 AM   [Ignore Me] #40

Any TR who goes over to the NC is an idiot, and a pathetic player. I don't have problems mowing people down with the MCG, its just the JH does it faster.Thats why on the leaderboards, the NC leader almost has double the amount of kills than the TR leader.
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Old 2004-06-26, 11:57 AM   [Ignore Me] #41
juggalokilla's Avatar

There was not a population issue before the server merge, i don't think anyone here can deny that. I agree that once you log as a character you shouldnt be able to switch for a while, like 12 hours or so. If not, go with earlydawns idea of making all characters on one server the same nationality.
A big problem on emerald i've seen recently is as%#ole spies using their alts to ruin any attempts to recover from losing to an enormous enemy population, IE tr26%-VS28%-NC46%. This is an average on emerald. It is hard enough to defend what you have , or more often lately, get out of sanc to drain cause you have nowhere to hack when you lose all your bases when some "cheaters", yeah, i said it, switch to tr from nc just to send tells to their nc buddies where we are draining and loc of our ams's. I've seen this done with vs before also while i was vs smuggling to my people. lovely seeing a vs global of where tr are preparing a raid. makes the game fun right?
I have a vs alt which i chose because they dont have a high pop either. i only use him to deliver mags and lashers to my tr buds anyways, so i dont feel like a traitor, i only fight nc with him. If they dont level pops or stop the spies, i wont be playing too much longer. The spying is whats turning me away most at the moment. Kills all fun of the game. Sorry about the lengthy post, i needed to vent
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Old 2004-06-26, 12:52 PM   [Ignore Me] #42
Old War Horse

Originally Posted by Diddy Mao
Just be like the rest of the Tr and join the NC problem solved :-p
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Old 2004-06-26, 02:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #43

why is it all we do its bitch an moan about everything. yes i think it needs to be 1 empire per sever. I my self only have 1 toon VS on Emrild.

...instead of makeing topic after topic on this why not just get the peopel here at PSUor the dervs at SoE topost it as a poll on there site.

1)do youwont severs to be locked down to 1 toon per sever?
2)do you wont it to stay the way it is?

simple yes or no question would get alot more atintion. than all the treeds you put up to bitch in.
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Old 2004-06-26, 02:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #44
Sergeant Major

The spelling burns my eyes >_<
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Old 2004-06-26, 08:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #45
Major General
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Why is going from TR to NC a problem? (I'm assuming its to me cause i started the liking of alternate empires)

Its a change of pace i think. You have to admit, people with jackhammers will loot for MCGs just because they are tired of their god damn weapons.

Going TR to NC makes no difference. Half the people that own Heavy assult just use it so they can get a jackhammer so why complain going from anything to nc is just whimpy.

NC is just as good as TR and VS, dont complain, its a fucking game.
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