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Old 2004-06-30, 02:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #31
Zodiac's Avatar

Originally Posted by Triggar
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Old 2004-06-30, 02:52 PM   [Ignore Me] #32
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Firefly's Avatar

Originally Posted by TekDragon
No doubt, that's good for one orgasm. Anymore than that, however, and your going to risk slicing up the base of your tongue on your teeth, unless you keep your jaw spread wide, in which case your going to cramp within a few minutes.
My jaws don't get tired. I'm a big boy who loves to eat. I also had a habit of cursing out dumb privates in the Army for extended periods of time. And there's always some cocky comedian who watched too much Full Metal Jacket and wants to get lippy.

Originally Posted by TekDragon
Besides, g-spot orgasms are deeper and longer (according to the girls), and have a MUCH higher chance of going into multiple orgasms.
Amen to that- which is why I have these other techniques that I keep to myself, lest I become ordinary. I'm a scary-looking intimidating guy- I don't get tons of byrds, so I keep my secrets to myself so I maintain an edge of the physically-oriented playing field.
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Old 2004-06-30, 03:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #33
Sputty's Avatar

Originally Posted by Triggar
1) Shower
2) Shave
3) Put on something that doesn't have holes or stains
4) Be funny
5) Have money
6) Listen to what she's saying and ask questions, even if you don't give a shit
7) Always bring her chocolate
8) Make her your priority
9) Don't be needy or annoying
10) Incorporate her into your life
1- Impossibnle, I'm far too busy sitting, watch Mr. Show, Babylon 5 and star wars while whoring PSU
2- I can do that, although it's not that necessary, I'm not a hairy guy, but Hamma needs to shave
3- All my clothes have holes and stains are a part of them
4- I am, but girls don't like rape jokes or Mr. Show
5- Can't really get money as I'm too lazy to have a job
6- I'll eventually get annoyed and say "That's retarded" or "NO ONE CARES"
7- I'll try, but I'll probably eat it or something after I wake up and I have my groggy tired hungriness where taste or quality doesn't matter
8- My first priority is, and always will be, kittens
9- Needy? Bah, I spend weeks alone in my room eating chip and seeing no humans, I'm not needy
10- She can grind for me in MMOs

Are those good answers?

Amen to that- which is why I have these other techniques that I keep to myself, lest I become ordinary. I'm a scary-looking intimidating guy- I don't get tons of byrds, so I keep my secrets to myself so I maintain an edge of the physically-oriented playing field
I'm the most threatening guy there, the fat lazy gamer who thinks a lot. MUAHAHA WOMEN LOVE ME

Last edited by Sputty; 2004-06-30 at 03:12 PM.
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Old 2004-06-30, 03:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #34
Lieutenant General
Infernus's Avatar

Originally Posted by Sputty
1- Impossibnle, I'm far too busy sitting, watch Mr. Show, Babylon 5 and star wars while whoring PSU
2- I can do that, although it's not that necessary, I'm not a hairy guy, but Hamma needs to shave
3- All my clothes have holes and stains are a part of them
4- I am, but girls don't like rape jokes or Mr. Show
5- Can't really get money as I'm too lazy to have a <A TITLE="Click for more information about job" STYLE="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: medium solid green;" HREF="http://search.targetwords.com/u.search?x=5977|1||||job|AA1VDw">job</A>
6- I'll eventually get annoyed and say "That's retarded" or "NO ONE CARES"
7- I'll try, but I'll probably eat it or something after I wake up and I have my groggy tired hungriness where taste or quality doesn't matter
8- My first priority is, and always will be, kittens
9- Needy? Bah, I spend weeks alone in my room eating chip and seeing no humans, I'm not needy
10- She can grind for me in MMOs

Are those good answers?

I'm the most threatening guy there, the fat lazy gamer who thinks a lot. MUAHAHA WOMEN LOVE ME
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Old 2004-06-30, 03:38 PM   [Ignore Me] #35
eXoSloth's Avatar
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Heh, I remember Tek's guide.
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Old 2004-06-30, 03:40 PM   [Ignore Me] #36
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Infernus's Avatar

Originally Posted by eXoSloth
Heh, I remember Tek's guide.
The question is... did you put it to good use?
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Old 2004-06-30, 04:00 PM   [Ignore Me] #37
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Indecisive's Avatar

Or I will unscrew your head and DO A BARREL ROLL.
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Old 2004-06-30, 04:03 PM   [Ignore Me] #38
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Dharkbayne's Avatar

Originally Posted by Gohan
Or I will unscrew your head and DO A BARREL ROLL.
[Sig removed by forums changing color. Ph34r the design change.]

+200 Cool Pts
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Old 2004-06-30, 04:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #39
Lieutenant General
Infernus's Avatar

Originally Posted by Hydralisk
I'm in the process of writing Having trouble with men?
I know you all will be looking forward to it...
I know I am...
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Old 2004-06-30, 04:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #40
Spee's Avatar

As far as G-Spot is concerned, I was always taught the "Beckoning" motion worked best.

Practice has told me otherwise.
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Old 2004-06-30, 05:22 PM   [Ignore Me] #41
Triggar's Avatar

Tek, I'd bet money on the fact that your women were faking.

We're a very convincing breed.
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Old 2004-06-30, 05:30 PM   [Ignore Me] #42
Sputty's Avatar

quote from irc by me:
Know what pisses me off? Men and women often have a fetish for scat porn(It makes enough money and is popular enough) but no one has a fetish for a fat gamer. NO ONE
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Old 2004-06-30, 05:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #43
Triggar's Avatar

I dunno, Sputty. I found Martyr and Jen found Hamma...

I'd say there was hope yet!
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Old 2004-06-30, 05:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #44
Sputty's Avatar

They're Not Fat They're Sechsy Beasts
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Old 2004-06-30, 07:17 PM   [Ignore Me] #45
TekDragon's Avatar

Originally Posted by Triggar
Tek, I'd bet money on the fact that your women were faking.

We're a very convincing breed.
Only immature trailor trash attention whores fake orgasms. The girls and women i've been with, i make sure that a certain level of trust and comfort is reached before we hit the bed. Faking is in no one's interest. It doesn't make the girl feel good, and it's just meant to "get it over with" quicker.

I've yet to have a sexual experience where either of us wanted to "get it over with".

Trust is something everyone should have with a partner they take to bed. The girl should know she doesn't have to fake. If she doesn't then she is, as i said, an immature trailor trash hussy who is in the guys bed for nothing more than popularity and attention.
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