Originally Posted by Papagiorgio
So don't knock the CR5s until you've actually spent the effort to become one.
This is the pitfall that I see a lot of the CR5s fall into, just because someone has spent the time to reach CR5 does not mean that they are qualified to command a mass of troops. I am not saying that you do or do not have the leadership and command abilities, Papagiorgio. I am speaking of the CR5 community in general that I have witnessed.
Again, these are my experiences on my server and empire that I play in. I just would like to see a CR5 have the guts to stick it out on a continent until the end instead of giving up at the first sight of resistance. Use tactics instead of depending on sheer numbers and hope you can overpower your enemies.
I love to watch when the NC first show up on a continent. All of the sudden you start to get messages that towers are being taken all over the continent. They seem to use tactics and are coordinated before they even step foot on the continent. The Vanu could take a lesson out of their book, instead always sending the global message of, "Alright everyone leave your fight and head to....." Then, they never follow up with any amplifying information. Not only is it demoralizing to see a hard fought battle come crashing to an end, but it is also very confusing as you have people heading off in different directions once they get to the new continent.
Time spent playing the game does not make a person a better commander, IMHO. It is the time that they spend listening to the people under their command and the other commanders, while applying this information to make their decisions. Just don't look at the global map and say, "Well, there is really nobody here, so let's pull all of our resources together and try to take it!"
Anyone can do that, support your troops and organize them. Don't use your amount of time spent playing the game as your crutch as to why people should listen to you. Let your actions show your abilities, not your time spent playing the game.