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Old 2004-11-27, 09:37 AM   [Ignore Me] #31
Staff Sergeant
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Originally Posted by Jaged
The last 5 FPS's I have played have all done the exact same plot twist. They all started out fighting a normal enemy then introduce some sort of scary monster half way through. This is interesting a few times but it is really getting old. What gives? Why do they keep doing the exact same thing.

The last 5 FPS's I have played are:
Halo 1,2- the flood
doom- demons
farcry- trigen
half life 2- head crab's and all that freaky alien shit

When are they going to come up with a new way to make games interesting? I mean name any non world war 2 shooter and there is a 90% chance it does the exact same thing. Even some ww2 shooters follow this plot (wolfenstein). Am I the only one who is sick of it?
You never fight normal enemies in Doom, always demons. It's just that they start off looking human (zombies).

As for the head crabs and "all that freaky alien shit" in HL2, they are all from the original game, and were in fact, the "normal" enemies. The big twist was that you also had to fight humans.

A WWI FPS is something I have been waiting for for years.
A lot of the "fighting" in WWI came down to sitting in a trench until your commanding officer told you to charge a machine gun nest, at which point everyone in your unit was gunned down. If you didn't charge, you were shot for treason by the officer, who stayed in the trenches. That sounds like a whole lot of fun
Destiny, chance, fate, fortune - they're all just ways of claiming your successes without claiming your failures.
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Old 2004-11-27, 10:16 AM   [Ignore Me] #32
Cynical Brit
TotalBiscuit's Avatar

Originally Posted by MrPaul
Freedom Fighters was amazing, but only lasted 4 hours

Oh, and about the most overused badguys - I vote for nazis, then zombies.
What annoyed me about Freedom Fighters was

1) Pink bullets
2) Enemies took too many hits to drop.

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Old 2004-11-27, 11:45 AM   [Ignore Me] #33
First Sergeant

Halflife 2 had nothing over the first game beyond grafics and a stunning physics engine. You fought humans and aliens in the first one. You went to a wierd place with a souped up suit, you killed the head bad guy, and then G-man pulls your ass out right when you would die. EXACTLY the same plot progression. The only thing I hope they do is make HL3 on HL2's engine and make it a new and interesting plot. IMO Halflife 2 left mutch to be desired plot wise. There were time when I was like 'Oh wow this game is pimp as hell!" But when I think back to it, there are only really 5 or 6 of the ~15 chapters that I enjoyed.

Whoever knocked Vice City needs a good slap. That game is fantastic. Its the best of the 3 GTA3's and IMO is what GTA 3 should have been. Besides who actually playes those games for plot? Each of them is the same. Get screwed by someone, grow in power till your the biggest crime dude in town, and then crush whoever was putting you down in the first place.
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Old 2004-11-27, 12:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #34
MrPaul's Avatar

Originally Posted by TotalBiscuit
What annoyed me about Freedom Fighters was

1) Pink bullets
2) Enemies took too many hits to drop.

1) Being colour blind clearly has some advantages! I thought they were red. (yes, that still makes no sense, but... red army, blood, heat... yeah, RED! )
2)Really? I know the really well armoured ones took a bit, but the grunts were easy enough.

Great level design though, you have to admit.
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Old 2004-11-27, 12:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #35
Cynical Brit
TotalBiscuit's Avatar

Thank you Gunslinger for the spoiler..


Last edited by TotalBiscuit; 2004-11-27 at 03:32 PM.
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