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Old 2004-12-20, 09:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #31

Originally Posted by TotalBiscuit
Political Debate was nothing but assinine. There are two things you don't debate on the internet, religion and politics. Since both were 'debated' frequently in that forum, it deserved nothing less than confining to the eternal hellpit. I'll say nothing of MrVic's opinions and the somewhat scewed way he moderated that forum in my view, but as far as I'm concerned Political Debate became nothing more than a violent right-wing circlejerk that these internets could do without. It was no more civilized than the most ridiculous General Chat on the Official Forums, in fact I could take virtually every person on Pol Disc. and give them an OF name, and the personalities would fit perfectly.

I also can't help but notice Doppler that you're transferring you're sillyness over to Lounge.

As a poster and member of Lounge I'd kindly ask you to sod off.

Join Date: 08-09-2004
Wow, i never thought i'd use this phrase, but never has it been more appropriate


Considering i was posting in the lounge well over a year before you even found the site, it seems approrpiate, when i tell you not so kindly to "get bent.you dirty wanker." Your miniscule contributions to the forum were some jabs at another peoples culture, and you wonder why they bristle in response. I'm so glad you can wrap yourself in your superiority about civilized debate that you havnt been around long enough to experience.
The courageous man needs needs no weapons. The practical man wants them all. The ambitious man has plans for the practical one.


Lord give me strength of arm, will, mind, and the accuracy of shooting to preserve them all.
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Old 2004-12-20, 09:20 PM   [Ignore Me] #32
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Kikinchikin's Avatar

I haven't been around much recently, so I have not seen what has transpired in that forum, but I am deeply disturbed that Mr. Vic has basically been voted off of a forum that is all about debating and having different opinions for just that, having a different opinion. Good luck to you Vic with your fiance and everything else. Had fun playing with you in CoH, and I hope the forum reopens.
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Old 2004-12-20, 09:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #33
Brigadier General
ObnoxiousFrog's Avatar

Originally Posted by Doppler

I dont call for it often but basicly you've been given carte blanch to be a jerk, and its a shame the only mod who did something about it, incited your ire, which somehow caused one of the other mods to close the forum. Way to go.
First off, it's indie ***.

Second off, I have been able to maintain a ROCK HARD erection for times upwards of 2 hours (having just woken up to James and the Giant Peach I started the clock)

Third off, he was supposed to be the authority there, dude. The first fucking time something happened against him he left. Seriously. The entire Pol Debate forum was, at it's core, thinly veiled insults against other people's beliefs. I just removed the cellophane.

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Old 2004-12-20, 09:30 PM   [Ignore Me] #34
Ait'al's Avatar

Even better yet! Hamma can lock them into a single thread in the PD forum and name the thread himself!! 8p
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Old 2004-12-20, 09:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #35
Hezzy's Avatar

I have a few things I have been thinking over in my head, so here they are:

OOOOOOOOOOH SNAP FROG! He just questioned your penis size. BURNED!

Oh shit. Aital's back.

Wow. Doppler just made an elitist comment. Now he's sure not going to get his money back. Even though it was a donation.

What the fuck is that in Aital's avatar?

I wonder what a shaved ape looks like.

EDIT: Just now I thought: "Wow. Doppler's pretty elitist."

Last edited by Hezzy; 2004-12-20 at 09:43 PM.
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Old 2004-12-20, 09:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #36
Second Lieutenant

Originally Posted by Squeeky
we'll have to freeze him in carbonite soon

+++++DATE: - Jungfrost polar base (Bernheart), 128.M41
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Old 2004-12-20, 09:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #37
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I just realized that despite his reputation Doppler really is not that great at coming up with contextual insults. And also I thought only 65 year old Catholic men called people "punk".

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Old 2004-12-20, 10:02 PM   [Ignore Me] #38
Sergeant Major
DeepStrikeck's Avatar

I have to say that I really enjoyed watching Vic stand up for what he believed (most of which I strongly agree with) and was encouraged by him and have great respect for him. Also, Doppler, I really respect you for making this thread. You have been really elevated in my book. I don't agree with many of your views (that's the best part of the internet/democracies, that we have the ability to disagree) but I sure do respect you now.

People such as ObFrog contributed nothing to that forum (even though I didn't post a lot down there, I read zealously) and if anything, decimated the integrity of it. Yea, we had our shouting matches, but atleast we all had a certain amount of respect for each other until immature people came down and posted arrogant, pointless, agrivating and flat out unneeded posts and pictures screwed everything up. Yea, we had our problems down there, but atleast we had mature conversations where intelligent conversations and information were passed around. A place where opinions were freely expressed and explained. But then certain members of the forums posted immature posts that derailed and murdered the integrity of the forum and the entire point of them. So seriously people, think before you post and have some dignity for other people. Believe it or not, the Universe doesn't revolve around you.

I'm sad to see the forum locked and Vic leave. But I must say that I have a ton of respect for Doppler.
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Old 2004-12-20, 10:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #39
Brigadier General
ObnoxiousFrog's Avatar

Originally Posted by DeepStrikeck
I have to say that I really enjoyed watching Vic stand up for what he believed (most of which I strongly agree with) and was encouraged by him and have great respect for him. Also, Doppler, I really respect you for making this thread. You have been really elevated in my book. I don't agree with many of your views (that's the best part of the internet/democracies, that we have the ability to disagree) but I sure do respect you now.

People such as ObFrog contributed nothing to that forum (even though I didn't post a lot down there, I read zealously) and if anything, decimated the integrity of it. Yea, we had our shouting matches, but atleast we all had a certain amount of respect for each other until immature people came down and posted arrogant, pointless, agrivating and flat out unneeded posts and pictures screwed everything up. Yea, we had our problems down there, but atleast we had mature conversations where intelligent conversations and information were passed around. A place where opinions were freely expressed and explained. But then certain members of the forums posted immature posts that derailed and murdered the integrity of the forum and the entire point of them. So seriously people, think before you post and have some dignity for other people. Believe it or not, the Universe doesn't revolve around you.

I'm sad to see the forum locked and Vic leave. But I must say that I have a ton of respect for Doppler.
Vicchio's job was to Moderate. Let's goooooo to the videotape!

mod�er�a�tor Audio pronunciation of "Moderator" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (md-rtr)

1. One that moderates, as:
1. One that arbitrates or mediates.
2. One who presides over a meeting, forum, or debate.

OK, so, now that that's out of the way:

I did not contribute ANYTHING to the forum, it really was not my intention to, it was my intention to get people riled up because frankly it seemed the concept of openly being as big of an asshole as the rest of the posting population there was shocking (to an almost monocle-popping level).

Instead of moderating (outside of deleting one post), Mr Vicchio threw in the towel. Looking at this like he's a martyr to the Pol Debate forum is sort of irresponsible considering it was his job to deal with dicks like myself.

And Doppler, you fucking gave Hamma the money so he could run the site, dude.

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Old 2004-12-20, 10:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #40
Hezzy's Avatar

Originally Posted by ObnoxiousFrog
to an almost monocle-popping level

Holy crap. You rock.
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Old 2004-12-20, 10:43 PM   [Ignore Me] #41

I like this new theshire figure.
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Old 2004-12-20, 10:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #42
Fragmatic's Avatar

Originally Posted by Doop
I like this new theshire figure.
[03:41:27] [Doop]: i like this new theshire guy
[03:41:27] [Doop]: lol
[03:41:43] ::: Join: (Tannis|{Working}) ([email protected])
[03:42:49] [jsloan31]: isn't that from ST: Elite Force?
[03:43:09] [Fragmatic]: doop
[03:43:15] [Fragmatic]: it's blatantly you
[03:43:29] [Doop]: it is?
[03:43:30] [Doop]: o_O
[03:43:42] [Doop]: i thought no one would notice.

I bet nobody notices this text.
[Hezzy]: "balallaalalla! blow the heathens up with a large nuclear device"
[Hezzy]: "BOOM"
[Hezzy]: gg
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Old 2004-12-20, 10:52 PM   [Ignore Me] #43
Lieutenant Colonel
Mag's Avatar

oh hey, what's going on?
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Old 2004-12-20, 10:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #44
Giovanni's Avatar

Originally Posted by ObnoxiousFrog
He PM'd me over a deleted post.

I PM's him back with song lyrics and "this means war" in French.

Je suis d�sol�, est-ce que j'ai obtenu une certaine guerre sur vous ?
I don't know who's teaching you french OB but their doing one hell of a bad job at it. What you just said was: "I'm sorry, did I obtain a certain war on you?"

If you wanted to say: "This means war!" you should of said "Je vous d�clare la guerre!".

Anyways, all in all this whole thing is getting blown out of proportion. Vic was viewed as the bad guy because of his highly conservative views and the others were being assholes like they are usually. I don't know where you guys were raised but solving fights by grunting and bashing your heads together because a guy is defending HIS point of view isnt the way to go. Alot of you acted like children over this and ganged up to do like so, you basicly did what childs in school would do to a deformed kid, you gathered all your "friends" to laugh and point.

We would not be in the predicament had we all acted in a more mature way, if PB comes back up I hope Hamma or whoever will manage the damn place make sure everyone is ready to act like civilized beings. This means no one lining pieces of crap like OB consistantly does and defending you point of view like an adult. A.K.A not pulling any shit like "Youz a big dumb dumb!".

Unless everyone of you guys and gals are ready to act like mature adults then I vote that you don't open it back up.
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Old 2004-12-20, 10:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #45
Fragmatic's Avatar

Originally Posted by theshire

Your inability to post anything but images amazes me.
I bet nobody notices this text.
[Hezzy]: "balallaalalla! blow the heathens up with a large nuclear device"
[Hezzy]: "BOOM"
[Hezzy]: gg
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