Originally Posted by hex222
well, when you remember that it has nly just entered the game from private testing, it makes sense that it hasn't found it's place...
No, it doesn't. When something is added to the game I'd at the very least expect it to have been played with a bit to see if it does what it's meant to do. There is no way you can say someone
seriously playtested this weapon and concluded that it fills the niche it's meant for. Go try it out in VR and come here and tell me you think it has any role that a bolt driver or MA weapon doesn't cover and exceed at.
Originally Posted by ChewyLSB
I think the reasoning behind the HSR is to give people with the Two Year Merit a Pseudo-Sniper Rifle in case they ever need it - even if they don't have the sniping certification.
Clearly, but that's not my point. As it stands right now, the HSR is not a pseudo-sniper rifle. It's nothing. You can hardly get kills with it. The current implimentation of the weapon is incredible, so poor is it. My point wasn't that the concept behind the weapon is terribly flawed or something (that remains to be seen) it's that what we've got right now is so bad that nobody but the people who want to be unique little snowflakes would use one beyond the first few times, trying to figure out if it's any good (because it's not).