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Old 2005-05-24, 11:25 PM   [Ignore Me] #31
Major General
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I just watched episode 2 like yesterday......WOAH i dont remember that! On the other hand Ep. 2 wasn't all that bad, but it was definatly forced into a very compact movie.

I'm seeing III tomorrow maybe. From what i heard in the end lots of the characters go back to that '70s' look. But yeah cant wait...
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Old 2005-05-28, 08:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #32
JT Hutt
Book Vs. Movie.

Yeah, the book was way better. I rather the book over the movie. The movie did seem rushed. If you read the book, there is so much more you understand. It explains so much more, it fills in the parts that were left out. The book was written by Mathhew Stover and I look forward to more of his literary works.

If you read the book, you understand more of why Anakin turns to the dark side. In the movie it's really stupiud, he's so loyal and he just jumps into Palpatines arms, that's not cool. It explains alot of things, when Obi-Wan was to see Padm�.

Please guys, read the book before you go to see the movie!
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Old 2005-05-28, 09:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #33
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Originally Posted by JT Hutt
Yeah, the book was way better. I rather the book over the movie. The movie did seem rushed. If you read the book, there is so much more you understand. It explains so much more, it fills in the parts that were left out. The book was written by Mathhew Stover and I look forward to more of his literary works.

If you read the book, you understand more of why Anakin turns to the dark side. In the movie it's really stupiud, he's so loyal and he just jumps into Palpatines arms, that's not cool. It explains alot of things, when Obi-Wan was to see Padm�.

Please guys, read the book before you go to see the movie!
Too late.
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Old 2005-06-01, 12:37 AM   [Ignore Me] #34
Major General
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Yeah late but loved it.

THe beginning caught me off gaurd, i was in awe after the camara panned behind the cruiser.

General Grievious was awsome. If you really think about it, i'd say he was an earlier design of what you would say "Darth Vader". Considering the guts he has, i was thinking he was once human. I mean the gaurds he had were pretty fast with their little swords but Grievious was just too fast to be just a robot.

The wookie battle i could have seen more, mainly because Yoda was there atleast. i was really hopefing for more since they advertise chewbaca all over the place. Could see some videogame sequences through this though.

Didn't want anikin to turn to dark side after revieling the siddious. But i loved it when he went on the rampage. Jaw drop in awe.

And then the final battle scene was just like omg. SOmething that just made me seriously jaw drop was when ani and obiwan were fighting inside and then they tried to force push each other at the same time and held it. I was just amazed.

All in all, movie was great. Loved the music (i'm a big music cridict, if crappy music=crappy movie). The transformation of everything from Episode one to this movie and then on to A new Hope, it moved at appropriet speed (unlike my spelling). Great movie.
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Old 2005-06-01, 01:39 AM   [Ignore Me] #35
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Originally Posted by BUGGER
Yeah late but loved it.

THe beginning caught me off gaurd, i was in awe after the camara panned behind the cruiser.

General Grievious was awsome. If you really think about it, i'd say he was an earlier design of what you would say "Darth Vader". Considering the guts he has, i was thinking he was once human. I mean the gaurds he had were pretty fast with their little swords but Grievious was just too fast to be just a robot.

The wookie battle i could have seen more, mainly because Yoda was there atleast. i was really hopefing for more since they advertise chewbaca all over the place. Could see some videogame sequences through this though.

Didn't want anikin to turn to dark side after revieling the siddious. But i loved it when he went on the rampage. Jaw drop in awe.

And then the final battle scene was just like omg. SOmething that just made me seriously jaw drop was when ani and obiwan were fighting inside and then they tried to force push each other at the same time and held it. I was just amazed.

All in all, movie was great. Loved the music (i'm a big music cridict, if crappy music=crappy movie). The transformation of everything from Episode one to this movie and then on to A new Hope, it moved at appropriet speed (unlike my spelling). Great movie.
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Old 2005-06-02, 05:49 AM   [Ignore Me] #36
Second Lieutenant

I almost cried during the 66 scenes

There were some moments where I was just staring slack jawed in awe, like the anikin and obiwan fight scene and the part where they come over the top of the cruiser and you see the space battle. No movie has done that for me in awhile. Mabye its just because my emotional attachment to the star wars saga.

+++++DATE: - Jungfrost polar base (Bernheart), 128.M41

Last edited by Wraithlord; 2005-06-02 at 05:52 AM.
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