Originally Posted by DSSevPayne
One of the biggest mistakes noobs make...... - Don't go off by yourself if your infantry (rambo style = Dead soldier).
- Always stay with a group so you have someone watching your flanks and you watch theirs (at least 2 guys with you).
- Keep good spacing so one grenade or rocket doesn't blow you all up.
- The guys who your with shouldn't all have the exact same loadouts. somebody has to have anti-air/anti-armor weapons (if you all have assault rifles, only thing your gonna kill is other foot soldiers which does you no good when you have a MAX or Misquito barreling down on your position).
- If you don't know what to do, ask the squad leader, platoon leader, a vet or someone. In general, when in doubt, follow others and cover their backs.
I'd change something about this one:
If you are near two people just cover their flanks. If the split up follow one and simply cover his flank.(just think logically about the flow of troops and see which one you most need to cover their flank. AKA not the stupid fight the one who will later have the least.) If you are anywhere near one person just cover his flank!!! I don't care who he is or what he is doing you can figure that out after you save his butt. If you are within a mile of someone doing something you don't even know or care about. Just get over to his stupid butt and cover his flank!!!!!!!!!
If you don't know where his flank is look in opposite direction of his butt or any of his hips or even his front pelvis. It doesn't matter. Just do it! And for the love of all sanity make sure your gun is out and has ammo in it when you do it and you are capable of doing damage.(unless you have a specific reason to put it away) And preferably to what they are doing damage to unless there is a reason not to. (Which there really never is.)
Then learn to aim with MA! 8) AK kneel, learn to be patient. Keep distance, And learn to aim specifically ahead. The calmer you are the better damage you will do. The smallest bit of hyperness in you(especially as VS) and you are likely the dead end of a Medium Assault shoot off!
And make sure your patient kneeling is in proper range. Basically not within firing range of most HA and not so far your bullets don't hit.
And as of a patch atleast a year or more ago you can no longer run around the lone max who is supposed to be vulnerable to infantry by himself. He can now outturn you and rip you apart unless it is a group effort.
And always attacka a max out of spawns with ap ammo. And firing at the same target. Don't make the mistake of thinking a group effort means standing in the same room shooting at the same enemy empire. It's standing in the same room shooting at the same person then the next then the next. Death is the only thing to defeat the enemy in PS. Even if people say other wise today. And the only way to kill someone is with blazingly fast speed. So fast they don't even know what type of weapon or weapons could have possibly been involved in hitting them. It's called multifire! (And no it doesn't matter if there isn't more than one gun type involved. It just matters that there is more than one. The enemy doesn't have to know they are all the same thing. Unelss it's obvious and they are all HA. Then die unless you do it in a very creatively laid out and stretegic way. Mostly meaning without them having ever seen you there!)
And you can't say I'm not a noob!!!!