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Old 2003-03-02, 02:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #31
Roxxor your Boxxorz
Yuyi's Avatar

Your raw speed was 1092146.32 bits per second which is the same as:


1.1 megabits per second
How communication devices are rated. Kilo means 1,000 and mega means 1,000,000. Examples include 56k modem and 10Mbit Ethernet


133.3 kilobytes per second
The way data is measured on your hard drive and how file sharing and FTP programs measure transfer speeds. Kilo is 1,024 and mega is 1,048,576.

1MB file download

7.7 seconds
The time it would take you to download a 1 megabyte file at this speed.

Compared to all connection types worldwide, yours is fantastic

Last edited by Yuyi; 2003-03-02 at 03:32 PM.
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Old 2003-03-02, 03:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #32
Staff Sergeant
Chanfan's Avatar

Your raw speed was 509368.96 bits per second which is the same as:


509.4 kilobits per second
How communication devices are rated. Kilo means 1,000 and mega means 1,000,000. Examples include 56k modem and 10Mbit Ethernet


62.2 kilobytes per second
The way data is measured on your hard drive and how file sharing and FTP programs measure transfer speeds. Kilo is 1,024 and mega is 1,048,576.

1MB file download

16.5 seconds
The time it would take you to download a 1 megabyte file at this speed.


Compared to all connection types worldwide, yours is great

Which makes sense, for my ADSL.
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Old 2003-03-02, 06:02 PM   [Ignore Me] #33
Lieutenant Colonel
Fire_Monkey's Avatar

alrdy posted my stats, but I didn't see this till later

Compared to all connection types worldwide, yours is fantastic
[ Signature removed by Nazis ]
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Old 2003-03-02, 06:05 PM   [Ignore Me] #34
Marlboro Man!!


Your raw speed was 2925714.29 bits per second which is the same as:


2.9 megabits per second
How communication devices are rated. Kilo means 1,000 and mega means 1,000,000. Examples include 56k modem and 10Mbit Ethernet


357.1 kilobytes per second
The way data is measured on your hard drive and how file sharing and FTP programs measure transfer speeds. Kilo is 1,024 and mega is 1,048,576.

1MB file download

2.9 seconds
The time it would take you to download a 1 megabyte file at this speed.


Compared to all connection types worldwide, yours is fantastic

Adelphia Cable!!!
sIG BY :Airlift Sig Mastah!!
Marlboro Man!! is offline  
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Old 2003-03-02, 06:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #35
Marlboro Man!!

this is from the other one

Connection Type Connection Speed Faster Providers

28.8 Kbps Dial-up 28.8k

33.6 Kbps Dial-up 33.6k

53.3 Kbps Dial-up 56k

128 Kbps ISDN 128k

384 Kbps DSL/Cable 384k

768 Kbps DSL/Cable 768k

1500 Kbps DSL/Cable 1.5Mbps

1632 Kbps - You 1632 kbps
sIG BY :Airlift Sig Mastah!!
Marlboro Man!! is offline  
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Old 2003-03-02, 08:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #36
AcidNick's Avatar

365.8 kilobits per second

while downlaoding 50+ uhhh, educational videos
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Old 2003-03-02, 09:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #37

Your raw speed was 1134911.84 bits per second which is the same as:


1.1 megabits per second
How communication devices are rated. Kilo means 1,000 and mega means 1,000,000. Examples include 56k modem and 10Mbit Ethernet


138.5 kilobytes per second
The way data is measured on your hard drive and how file sharing and FTP programs measure transfer speeds. Kilo is 1,024 and mega is 1,048,576.

1MB file download

7.4 seconds
The time it would take you to download a 1 megabyte file at this speed.


Compared to all connection types worldwide, yours is fantastic
Venom is offline  
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Old 2003-03-02, 09:30 PM   [Ignore Me] #38
Staff Sergeant
Duritz's Avatar



Your raw speed was 1965170.5 bits per second which is the same as:


2 megabits per second


239.9 kilobytes per second

1MB file download

4.3 seconds

But, this is the funniest one I've ever seen


Your raw speed was -198246400 bits per second which is the same as:

-198246.4 kilobits per second

or, NEGATIVE 198 megabits per second

My highest was, this tho


Your raw speed was 89435800 bits per second which is the same as:

89435.8 kilobits per second

or 89 megabits per second

That roxxors all of your boxxors

(Made by Airlift)

I AM the definition of meticulous.
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Old 2003-03-02, 10:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #39
The Mensa Troll
Mtx's Avatar

857.5 kilobits per second

I have cheap cable.


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