Originally Posted by Bags
Uh, anyone know what this means? I asked:
@planetside2 How will Hvy-Aslt function? Slow moving and heavy suppression, or will it be more like PS1 where it was for fast close-quarter?
@BagOfChips @planetside2 we're really looking at the balance on all classes against each other
Anyone know what that means? "We dunno at the moment"?
It looks like "depending on how it competes with all the other classes, it might end up fast, slow, mid-range, short-range... we'll see once we;re satisfied with the balance".
Hamma: I don't think we should wait for them to reply and just throw questions at them - they may not have an immediate answer to the DX10/11 question, for instance.
EDIT: Nevermind!