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Old 2003-03-03, 09:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #31
Arshune's Avatar

"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"

Guess who said it and win a huge prize.
"There's a lot of things people respect me for. I'm clean, I'm smart, I'm a nice guy...but I think the biggest thing is that I'm always brandishing a razor for no apparent reason."

-Our principal is SO hardcore.
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Old 2003-03-03, 09:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #32
Sergeant Major

Edmund Burke

"Speech is the mirror of the soul; as a man speaks, so he is." -- Publilius Syrus
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Old 2003-03-03, 09:40 PM   [Ignore Me] #33
Arshune's Avatar

I was really hoping no one would get that. You get a row of borg smilies, because I have no other prizes.

God, I love that smiley.
"There's a lot of things people respect me for. I'm clean, I'm smart, I'm a nice guy...but I think the biggest thing is that I'm always brandishing a razor for no apparent reason."

-Our principal is SO hardcore.
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Old 2003-03-03, 09:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #34
Sergeant Major

I read too much. Have you read anything else of his? The quote is very famous. If you just know the quote, try a few books. Not exactly my stle or opinion but a good read none the less.

Thanks for the prize.


"Speech is the mirror of the soul; as a man speaks, so he is." -- Publilius Syrus
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Old 2003-03-03, 09:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #35
First Lieutenant
Revolution's Avatar

If I was Fuk Sum Yung Ho Ill, I'd have a pact with Iraq and Iran, and the terrorist groups, and try to get China on my side for an massive coordinated attack on the US. And maybe a couple more countries that hate us. Now imagine having war fronts in Iraq/Iran, The Koreas, China, 1 or 2 other spots, and when the time was right, one on US soil, with a sleeper army marching up from S. America, through Mexico comes an invasion In Texas.

So what to do siege up in our country or maybe try to have the front line in Europe/The middle east, while China's 200 million lil soldiers start flooding all of Asia and the Middle East working over to Europe, occupying every country they want(with 200 million they could do it, just leave 2 +million troops in each one. Hell if say 50 countries they could leave 4 million per....(Minus war casulties of course)

*now the psycho babble*
Till someone pushes the button and a nuke goes off like in Israel or Japan? And then Israel nukes back, or we nuke back and vice versa, before you know it the environment is fucked and we are not playing PS but wandering around in a world like Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome type just trying to survive and eat, that is if you were one of the lucky, or unlucky, to survive.
The days of steak dinners and cold beer are a thing of the past, and your new favorite meal is fire roasted rodent on a stick. Hey I should take this over to the fiction forum..

-Nuff Said.....
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Old 2003-03-03, 11:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #36
Bighoss's Avatar

Revolution I think if America really had to it would be possible to fend off the chinese army. The American Army is actually being prepared over the next 20 years I think to be able to confront the Chinese because that day WILL come its just a question of When. The world is unstable now and before all great wars the world was unstable then. This Huge war we dread is not far off. This war will have no winner we have exhausted our resources to far to be able to rebuild. Countries we do not like are beginning to defy our Iron grasp on the world. If we our fought though those countries should know they will not be the victores even if they win. There will be no useful land to say they conquered nor will there own be useful. a Germ infested radioactive hell hole desert. This is the glorious future for our race I doubt I'll get my chance to buy my own sports car as an adult

trust me killing 1 billion people can't be too hard with todays modern marvels. Hopefully we can get a mega missile defense system going.

edit:OH YAH and remeber everyone felt like this during the times of the cold war maybe this can just be cold war II... hopeufully
Take what you can! Give nothing back!
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Old 2003-03-04, 12:04 AM   [Ignore Me] #37
The Mensa Troll
Mtx's Avatar

Originally posted by Confectrix
China worthy.

Russia no.

Both has severe problems.

They need us.

To do one thing and say another would mean severe consequences.

Consequences they can't afford. It's in their best interests ot side with us. If they don't they risk being alienated from the western world.

What Consequences are you talking about? You know how much it would hurt the US to stop trading with China? Think Russia really cares? What about NK?

You act as if America is all powerful.. we aren't. We have a small military and we can't fight on two fronts. While our technology is superior it doesn't make up for the fact we would be hopelessly outnumbered.

I know you think Americas military is badass and it is but being badass and being Godlike are two different things.

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Old 2003-03-04, 01:39 AM   [Ignore Me] #38
Sputty's Avatar

Russia won't be a problem at all if you're bringing that up. China, possibly but not very likely. Also, US still has nukes to disuade any major attack but MTX is right. BTW, how is Korea supporting their military? Their population is small I thought and they have waht, 3 million in their army?...Hmmmm..
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Old 2003-03-04, 05:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #39
Arshune's Avatar

Originally posted by Mtx
You act as if America is all powerful.. we aren't. We have a small military
<twitches violently and seizes> We...we have the largest standing military in the world by a few million soldiers! The only bigger military is China, and their numbers are mostly in reserves. No country in the world could last in a one-on-one, all out military struggle against the United States unless we have another situation like Vietnam.

Two front war is another story though...
"There's a lot of things people respect me for. I'm clean, I'm smart, I'm a nice guy...but I think the biggest thing is that I'm always brandishing a razor for no apparent reason."

-Our principal is SO hardcore.
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