Originally Posted by noxious
Ignoring the fact that you're not likely to ever be in this situation (try to conceive of scenarios when this would occur-- they are very few and far between), the drive won't actually take that long.
If the maps are 8km by 8km, then the longest possible source to destination route (assuming a square map) is 11.3km. A Sunderer can travel this route in about ten minutes at 70kph. Tanks are probably going to be a bit slower (they don't have speedometers in the E3 footage, so it's hard to say exactly how fast they can move), but I would be surprised if they were more than 33% slower. As such, it is relatively safe to assume that a tank traversing the same route would arrive at the destination in no more than fifteen minutes.
That might sound like a long time, but the only time you will ever be making such a long drive is when your empire owns the entire continent, which returns to my opening thought, why would this scenario ever occur? The only reasonable occurrence I can think of is if you push one enemy faction back to their foothold and that faction leaves the continent completely, at which point you have to go to the other enemy's foothold (whom your faction has also pushed all the way back). But a warpgate to warpgate route isn't anywhere near the absolute maximum of 11.3km (using this map as a reference); the greatest distance between two warpgates on Indar is only ~5.5km, givng a tank an estimated travel time of around seven minutes. Indeed, in all but the most contrived scenarios, you will never be driving for more than a few minutes to get back to the action. This is quite reasonable.
Your assuming that a ground vehicle will be able to take a straight line to it's destination, discounting any hills, cliffs, lakes, and other obstructions. Taking this into consideration, it could be only 1 or 2 kilometers away, but a much larger distance to navigate through.