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Old 2012-10-30, 09:52 AM   [Ignore Me] #31
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Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

Originally Posted by PredatorFour View Post
Dunno about anyone else but it pisses me off when people say the devs working on PS 2 didnt have 9 years of development time. Surely being a sequel to Planetside these 9 years should of counted towards the new game too.
IF the games were similar sure. PS2 is a complete reimagining of PS1, when compared side by side the only things that are the same/similar are the story/plot and mmofps concept, but that's where any similarity ends.

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Old 2012-10-30, 11:13 AM   [Ignore Me] #32
Lieutenant General
Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

Originally Posted by PredatorFour View Post
Dunno about anyone else but it pisses me off when people say the devs working on PS 2 didnt have 9 years of development time. Surely being a sequel to Planetside these 9 years should of counted towards the new game too.
That would presume interest from SOE in PS2 beyond the first two and a half years and beyond one part-time dev for a year, and a re-schooled GM turned semi-dev for the last few patches.

And even then it would have been nice if a lot of these devs had actually played PS1 before starting to work on PS2. Even if they worked on the UI, it would be nice if they knew from experience how it was used, what was hard to find, etc.
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Old 2012-10-30, 11:18 AM   [Ignore Me] #33
Lieutenant General
Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

Originally Posted by Jaybonaut View Post
PS2 hasn't been in development for 9+ years.
Think we've been there in the past page. PS1 had about three years of development time total. PS2 has had a similar amount of time and I believe a bigger team.

PS2 isn't a methodically slow-paced mess where you have to wait for absolutely everything.
No, instead you run for 5 minutes to get anywhere...

PS2 doesn't require that you turn off flora options in order to get a tactical advantage (seeing mines.)
No, but you can turn of the entire fog on Esamir so you can see 6 miles and your opponents 150m... :P

PS2 is missing over half of it's intended features because it is too early in development for all the previous posters to even comment on simplification.
We're less than a month away from launch (20 days). You'd think those features should be in by now so they can be tested in time.
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Old 2012-10-31, 05:03 AM   [Ignore Me] #34
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Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

Figment? ...of imagination? Ah...
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Old 2012-11-07, 05:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #35
Token MF
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Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

PS2 is a modern shooter so it has better graphics and shooting mechanics. Thats it really. I'll still play it though because it is an awesome game that will be improved over time.

In PS1, everything from hacking doors to underground bases, to the inventory and lattice system, were all much richer. Also and more shockingly, I think the environments were better in PS1. In PS2 the maps are very plain, not many features. In PS1 you could have the experience of trying to drive through a swamp for example. Also, I loved the caves.
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Old 2012-11-07, 06:40 PM   [Ignore Me] #36
First Sergeant
Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

Originally Posted by Token MF View Post
In PS2 the maps are very plain, not many features. In PS1 you could have the experience of trying to drive through a swamp for example. Also, I loved the caves.
Hossin was favorite continent due to the swamp areas. I remember some crazy infantry battles in those places because of all the tree roots which blocked vehicles from most of that area.

I'll be highly disappointed if they don't make some crazy swamps on Hossin 2.0, assuming they remake a Hossin. I don't even know what conts they are doing anymore...
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Old 2012-11-07, 11:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #37
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Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

Originally Posted by Jaybonaut View Post
Even if I didn't know you were making up that bit about PS vets, that accounts for what, a thousand players at most?

I notice you ignored my statement about how insane you would have to be to try and compare over 9 years worth of development to this beta. It fairly easy to see how close-minded you are - and I understand the power of nostalgia, I really do, so I guess I can't blame you completely.

I think MAX, Heavy, and Infiltrator needs some work. MAXes need to be able to run. The Heavy class needs to be fleshed out a bit more. Infiltrators need to be truly invisible even when moving until they are fairly close and need a decent gun for when they are going in to hack things - and they should get xp for hacking too.
If there are a hundred people, and 99 of them say that 2+2=5, and 1 says that 2+2=4, does that make the one person wrong? No, of course not. Sanity is not statistical. You, sir, are insane for not recognizing the opinions of others, that it is not merely nostalgia vets want, but the actual good mechanics of the original. This game's technical prowess far exceeds that of the original, its beautiful, has great sound assets, awesome lighting... But it falls flat in depth. Shoot guys, stand at objective, capture, repeat. So many games these days can draw you in so well with their tech, but have such shallow gameplay that they don't hold you there. We just don't want PS2 to be one of those games.

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Old 2012-11-08, 08:41 AM   [Ignore Me] #38
Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

Originally Posted by Jaybonaut View Post
Figment? ...of imagination? Ah...
Yes, you see he used to play cloaker in PS1. You'd think you saw something out of the corner of your eye, or was it a fingment of yer imagination?

Cloaker is a role that isn't really in ps2, which is a shame.
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Old 2012-11-08, 11:36 AM   [Ignore Me] #39
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Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

Originally Posted by ringring View Post
Yes, you see he used to play cloaker in PS1. You'd think you saw something out of the corner of your eye, or was it a fingment of yer imagination?

Cloaker is a role that isn't really in ps2, which is a shame.
Last I heard they were thinking about adding the traditional cloaker abilities.
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Old 2012-12-24, 06:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #40
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Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

Originally Posted by Jaybonaut View Post
PS2 hasn't been in development for 9+ years.
Doesn't matter. The core mechanics that PS2 is being developed around are worse than the original. SOE isn't going to change TTK anytime soon, nor are they going to change the certification system, nor the pacing of the game to allow for things like NTU mechanics.

PS2 isn't a methodically slow-paced mess where you have to wait for absolutely everything.
Correct, partially. Its a methodically fast-paced mess instead, where everything feels trivial and watered down. People toss around the term "slow-paced" like it was a bad thing. When 99% of shooters are fast-paced killfests, a slow-paced shooter is a gem. PS1 made you think made you formulate hundreds of strategies to an even larger number of possible situations.

The waiting was never as bad as you imply it was. In fact, the waiting helped solidify the feeling of a persistent world MMO and was essential for community building and essential for the pace of the game to foster the epic moments it had.

Oh, and need I say, the waiting wasn't as bad or boring as you imply it was. Especially when at any moment an enemy outfit could turn up during the waiting.

PS2 doesn't require that you turn off flora options in order to get a tactical advantage (seeing mines.)
And? PS2 is built on a recent engine. The engineering and mine mechanics of PS2 are so dumbed down compared to the original that it literally caused one of my outfit members to stop playing the game, because he played dedicated engineer in the first.

PS2 is missing over half of it's intended features because it is too early in development for all the previous posters to even comment on simplification.
As I've said in another post, no amount of added features will change the core aspects of the game. The TTK, the pacing, the base design, the free-to-play gimmick mechanics, the lack of empire differentiation (due to TTK), the horrible vehicle/air/ground balance (which can't be balanced due to the certification system and TTK mechanics)

Take it from someone who even played PS1 at launch who is honest and has an open mind, who has a machine that can't seem to slow down even at PS2's highest current settings.
So you played at launch, when PS1 was attempting something never done before, was struggling with technological barriers, and was run by the same company that is responsible for the ill-fates of MxO, SWG, PS1, amongst others?

No one asked SOE for BFRs which promptly caused mass subscription drops before it was fixed. Instead, the development team could have spent the time improving the netcode and stopping hackers, amongst numerous other balance problems and content additions the community was actually asking for.

No one asked for Core Combat and caves, once again the development time could have went to the aforementioned problems.

It would have been nice if the funding for Core Combat and Aftershock went towards marketing the game and fixing some of its issues so that player retention could have been higher, or so that a load of other people would at least of HEARD about PS1.

It's not PS1's fault SOE decided to take too long to implement Win7 and WinVista support so that people didn't have to loophole their way to launching the game. The game mechanics didn't cause the warping and what not, it was caused by technological limitations of attempting to pull off this kind of game at the average internet speeds of 2003, or really, prior to 2003 because in 2003 people were using computers built in the 90s on dial-up and horrible DSL (I was one).

It's not PS1's fault that SOE decided to fire or reassign the PS1 dev (with the exception of T-Ray and maybe a few others) who were the only ones capable of understanding and manipulating PS1 coding intelligently.

Despite those issues PS1 was a gem amongst games.

The hype for PS2 is so vast because its mostly people who have been in the console (and by console, I also mean PC FPS gamers that only stick to things like COD, BF, MoH, CS, etc) FPS realm that are experiencing that type of scale for the first time.

PS2 has scale on its side, nothing more. Its fundamental mechanics offer nothing spectacular or revolutionary, and quite frankly it sickens me to see so called professional game review companies like IGN and PC Gamer make the game out to be God's Gift in the form of an FPS to the Earth when its just a scaled up BF, that has worse mechanics than a polished BF release has.

Last edited by MasterChief096; 2012-12-24 at 06:58 PM.
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Old 2012-12-26, 06:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #41
Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

PS1 was groundbreaking for an FPS. No one had ever seen more than about two dozen other players in a shooter up until that point. Even the meta game, while it was kind of a rodeo hackfest, got cleaned up and made you develop strategies to take continents. The sheer size of that game when it launched compared to every other FPS out there made it groundbreaking.

PS2 is BF3 only bigger. Someone tell me what in PS2 is groundbreaking?

If the devs had done what they were originally going to do to PS1, which is to give it modern net code and graphics, it would have been infinitely better than this warm bowl of sick they foisted on us.
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Old 2012-12-27, 11:56 AM   [Ignore Me] #42
Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

PS1 >>> PS2
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Old 2012-12-28, 04:26 PM   [Ignore Me] #43
Staff Sergeant
Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

Between most of the depth of PS1 (door locks, inventory, cloakers, ANT runs, CE deployables, etc.) being gone and the zerg spamfest, they dont even compare. People complain about PS1's pace, but while you wait, you setup defenses, now there's nothing but wait. If you have more people the waiting is faster, but you really do nothing while waiting for a base to flip. Yea you used to wait in the CC, but that's got limited space. How many times did you run around dropping mines and turrets, repairing vehics and such in PS1? running around the base looking for those sneaky cloakers who got in?

PS2 is just wait and shoot. Heavy is the only fun infantry to play. Engi when you got a vehicle and Max crash with your squad is fun, but come on. There are very few squads that get into having more than the usual setup.
2 medics, 2 engis, and rest heavy. Or everyone in tanks, or everyone in max. The ttk is to fast to really bother healing a max while defending a tower like in PS1. You could have one max shutdown a tower for a long time with engis around the corner.

PS2 is so shallow when it comes down to it. People keep saying it'll get better with time. I call BS. The problem is like MasterChief says, the base implementation of pacing, capture, certification earn rate are already set in place and it's the basis for all the balancing of weapons, vehics, etc. It's not gonna change because it upsets too many balance issues. (Including cash flow) Imagine spending actual cash to get things with the balance now only to have it all upset with sweeping changes. not gonna fly.

SOE missed the boat for recreating PS1 or anything like PS1. They've created a cash machine for a few years. It's a good investment IMO, as from what they've said, forgelight is really for the next EQ series. They bleed cash off the FPS crews to fund QA and development of the engine that they use for the RPG crowd which tends to spend a little more money. It's just to make the launch good for EQ where players are a little more picky about a launch.

I hate RPGS cause of AI mobs. I mean really the draw for a fully player on player experience like PS1 or PS2, part of the draw is that everytime you cap a dirty vanu, there is someone someplace looking at their computer pissed that they just got fragged. Do you care how deep the game is? Well those of us that played PS1 do cause we got the best of both worlds for almost a decade. That's the rub and why so many vets are pissed. Cause SOE took something that gave both the kill-thrill and the depth of strategy and meta-game and replaced it with <insert shooter name here> on a big map. duh. It's not a hard concept to understand. If you were only playing PS1 for the kill-thrill then PS2 is great, if not, it sucks. It's not a PS1 vet thing. it's a playstyle thing.

They didn't drop what made PS1 fun, they dropped what made PS1 unique and addictive and talked about. Every hear anyone tell a story about PS1? Did they ever complain about how long a bridge fight was? or how it sucked having to make 3 ant runs during a base defense? No, the fact that things took a long time to do or required a diverse group of certs is what made it fun. Thats not to say that the casual player was on the outside. I was a casual player, but I never had trouble finding peeps to shoot or places to get shot.

Damn I'm ranting again. Im gonna go get a beer. Piss off, SOE, one more big freaking disappointment.
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Old 2012-12-29, 03:04 AM   [Ignore Me] #44
Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

2000 players per continent? I haven't seen a battlen bigger than PS1. I just hear about there are more players. Well the games mechanics don't offer huge battles only similar ones to the original, but with shitter gun play. Anyone who thinks the shooter mechanics of PS2 are better than PS1, need to take a long hard look. Just because there is no CoF and you have recoil doesn't mean the gun play is better. Look at how many different weaposn there are in PS2. They are nearly all the same gun from the way they look to the minor difference in stats. I have uninstalled PS2 it ain't what I was looking for.
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Old 2013-01-15, 11:54 AM   [Ignore Me] #45
Re: How is ps2 in comparsion to ps1

planetside 2 is seemingly free and has up to date grafics , thats the only way it beats ps1
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