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Old 2012-12-24, 10:19 AM   [Ignore Me] #31
Sergeant Major
MasterChief096's Avatar
Re: Please Sign this PS1 Free-to-Play Petition!

Originally Posted by GuyShep View Post
4 pop locks on a free month that occurred at the same time as the Planetside Day Event, before which everyone spread the word that "You need to get on Planetside 1 at this date". At a similar time, hype for Planetside 2 was going on.
We had a steady poplock + a peripheral continent fight before the PlanetSide Day event during most prime times. I missed the PlanetSide Day event (sadly) due to college reasons. And, frankly, one poplock plus a smaller engagement is all PlanetSide 1 needs to be a golden game. It allows outfits to emphasize tactics to gain their zerg ground, and it allows smaller elite outfits to impact the meta by influencing either a secondary link on the primary continent or by taking links on other continents.

If you didn't play the game in the years preceding the PS-Day event, you have no room to talk, as I played it pretty religiously since beta, took about a 3 month break three/four times over that time, and came back as soon as "PS:Next" was announced (in which we thought it was just a revamp of PS1) and played solidly with various groups of players.

There is no itch. The vets are bitter and not optimistic or tolerant,
Gee, never thought I'd hear this one again.

and PS1 has its flaws and problems that'd steer people away from PS1.
Lol yeah, and PS2 is a flawless gem that has won me over.

Long story short, bad netcode, bad infantry handling/combat, overall weak everything besides the metagame, sanctuaries, and the inventory system(though it'd be nice to rotate your gear).
Long story short, PS2 has bad netcode (people disappearing and reappearing like ghosts), bad infantry handling/combat (seriously, run speed in PS2 is like PS1's walking speed), overall weak everything besides, no wait even the metagame, no sanctuaries + ten continents, and lack of inventory system and true character customization rather than pointless .5s TTK weapons that all feel the same and lack of empire differentiation due to TTK mechanics.

PS1 did as well as it did up to this day because there was nearly no competition(WWII Online is probably the only contender, but people wanted something simpler). If another MMOFPS showed up around Planetside 1's time, it'd give it a run for its money if it did even marginally better. However, that's not saying PS2 is competing with PS1. If PS1 went F2P, almost nothing would happen to PS2 unless capable people made a hobby out of trying to ruin PS2 for PS1's sake.
You said it yourself. If PS1 went F2P, nothing would happen to PS2. No doom and gloom. PS1 would fill up its last server with people who enjoy more it, either vets, people with old PCs, or yes, even people who like it better and never played it. It's heavily biased to say that no one will like PS1 simply because of its age. There are still thousands of people buying and playing Morrowind when it goes on sale, there are thousands in CS:Source, there are thousands in the old Quake/UT games. PS1 needs like 300 people on during prime time, more would be cool but its not necessary.

And PS1 did so well for itself because it was a great game and people who knew it played it. It didn't do well because SOE advertised it as well as they should have (it was under-advertised), it didn't do well because it beat competition (not enough people even knew about it, or its competitors, primarily WWII Online, which was even more of a ghost town before PS1 ever had population issues), and it didn't do well because it was a "niche." Those are all garbage arguments. It did well because the few people who actually got exposed to it kept playing it, hoping for some action from SOE that never came, until PS2, which doesn't live up to the name for some of us. I'm sorry if I piss you off for saying that I don't like the flashy new PS2 title more than the old one, but that's the truth, and there are many many others like me. 10+ in my outfit waiting to go back to PS1. Some of them were excited to come to PS2 with us but after they tried it they stopped, and so I only had about 2-4 dedicated outfit members to play it with, the rest I just communicate with on forums/email and they ask if PS1 is free yet.

And from the looks of the petition there are a lot of people who have the itch. 77 people in two days, and I was never a community leader of PlanetSide. I don't have a mega-book of PS contacts that I can call upon to get signatures. I asked my outfit, and then I posted here and PS2 forums, and got banned from several other game forums for trying. I have no way to market the petition beyond forums to find out how many people would sign it, not to mention the hordes of former PS1 players who aren't playing PS2 (because they are upset) whose emails or steam IDs I don't have.

If SOE wants to prove you right, they should make PS1 free for one month, no events, just emails to every PS1 account. See how it fills up and doesn't negatively impact PS2 at all. Oh wait, before you say "well obviously it would fill for one month due to the email" then have them make it free for two/three months then.

Last edited by MasterChief096; 2012-12-24 at 10:25 AM.
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Old 2012-12-24, 10:27 AM   [Ignore Me] #32
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Re: Please Sign this PS1 Free-to-Play Petition!

Let me also add that between the three posts in this section of the forums alone that are related to PlanetSide 1, there are 5585 views. If even half of that (again from these forums alone) were people willing to fill up PS1, you would never hear from "bitter vets" again. And that is one section of one forum, and is not indicative of the entire potential playerbase of PS1 at all.
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Old 2012-12-24, 04:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #33
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Re: Please Sign this PS1 Free-to-Play Petition!

Originally Posted by MasterChief096 View Post
(seriously, run speed in PS2 is like PS1's walking speed), overall weak everything besides, no wait even the metagame, no sanctuaries + ten continents
Don't forget the size of continents in relation to scale. They were massive in PS1 and provided more varied field play (more bases and attack vectors to those bases) imo. I thought in PS2 size always mattered! I'm really surprised the continent size wasn't equal to PS1 since they allow more players per continent in PS2. I say equal to PS1 because PS1 was too large for the lesser amount of players they allowed on it. But it worked none the less.

EDIT: Maybe the new Cyssor and Searhus in PS2 will be large with many more bases then we see on the existing conts they gave us. Maybe we just aren't aware what the master plan is for PS2. I hope.....
Don't feed the trolls, unless it's funny to do so...

Last edited by Crator; 2012-12-24 at 04:25 PM.
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Old 2012-12-24, 06:38 PM   [Ignore Me] #34
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Re: Please Sign this PS1 Free-to-Play Petition!

Originally Posted by Crator View Post
Don't forget the size of continents in relation to scale. They were massive in PS1 and provided more varied field play (more bases and attack vectors to those bases) imo. I thought in PS2 size always mattered! I'm really surprised the continent size wasn't equal to PS1 since they allow more players per continent in PS2. I say equal to PS1 because PS1 was too large for the lesser amount of players they allowed on it. But it worked none the less.

EDIT: Maybe the new Cyssor and Searhus in PS2 will be large with many more bases then we see on the existing conts they gave us. Maybe we just aren't aware what the master plan is for PS2. I hope.....
For me, those things can't fix the game. They could add 10 continents, go to a PS1 style continent capture system, add NTU back into the game.

Its the core mechanics that ruin it for me. The TTK, the pacing of battles, the spawn mechanics, base design, infantry/vehicle/air balance (which ties into TTK), no amount of depth upgrades or content additions will make the core of the game enjoyable for me.

I shouldn't have played so much BF3 before the release of PS2, because to me, PS2 just feels like a clunkier BF game that has been scaled up. Yes, PS2 has BF beat on scale, but that's about it. Even so, the best fights in PS2 are are around 32v32 anyways lol... What did SOE expect? They took mechanics that are meant for 32v32 at MAX, and attempted the mechanics to scale up smoothly?

They glorify the "2000 per continent!" line but designed the hex system to PREVENT those things from happening because the PCs of now can't ever hope to handle such a size, so what we get is each continent have a couple battles the size of PS1 battles and then everything else is around the size of a large BF match.

Last edited by MasterChief096; 2012-12-24 at 06:39 PM.
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Old 2012-12-25, 07:32 AM   [Ignore Me] #35
Re: Please Sign this PS1 Free-to-Play Petition!

Originally Posted by MasterChief096 View Post
or yes, even people who like it better and never played it.
This is me, I don't give a shit about graphics and I can hardly stand modern shooter gameplay. I never played PS1 but you can damn well bet if it went F2P I would be playing it immediately, very likely enjoying it, and probably spending money on it since obviously they should monetize it in some way.

Also glad to see someone acknowledge the existence of WW2ONLINE - It went F2P recently, and had a pretty big player surge for a while. Unfortunately it did not retain those players, but that's expected as it's a milsim and not everyones cup of tea. PS1 has a much broader appeal and is a MUCH, MUCH bigger and well recognized name.

Basti, coming in here and telling people who would be OK with playing the game as it is now that they're wrong for liking something that you don't like and that it needs all these changes so that they can play it? Get the fuck out. You can't tell me what changes the game needs to make it playable for me, i'll be the judge of that myself.

Last edited by gunshooter; 2012-12-25 at 07:42 AM.
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Old 2012-12-25, 07:52 AM   [Ignore Me] #36
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Basti is a moron, it's as simple as that.
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Old 2012-12-25, 07:54 AM   [Ignore Me] #37
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Re: Please Sign this PS1 Free-to-Play Petition!

lol i really shouldn't post when im tired and not fully sober.

Retired NC CR5, Cerberus Company.
Not currently playing PS2. Anyone with a similar name is not me. My only characters are listed in my stats profile here on PSU.

Last edited by p0intman; 2012-12-25 at 07:56 AM.
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Old 2012-12-25, 09:51 AM   [Ignore Me] #38
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Re: Please Sign this PS1 Free-to-Play Petition!

What you guys gotta do is send him emails. He always talks about responding to as many emails as he can, so send him some.

[email protected]
-BlueTiger, the Legend himself.
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Old 2012-12-25, 10:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #39
First Sergeant
Re: Please Sign this PS1 Free-to-Play Petition!

Signed. I played beta since August I think. I'm not going to get into the details because they went ahead and blocked/deleted all the beta forum threads.

I would enjoy some old PS1 again.
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Old 2012-12-27, 06:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #40
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Thumbs down Re: Please Sign this PS1 Free-to-Play Petition!

Originally Posted by MasterChief096 View Post
For me, those things can't fix the game. They could add 10 continents, go to a PS1 style continent capture system, add NTU back into the game.

Its the core mechanics that ruin it for me. The TTK, the pacing of battles, the spawn mechanics, base design, infantry/vehicle/air balance (which ties into TTK), no amount of depth upgrades or content additions will make the core of the game enjoyable for me.

I shouldn't have played so much BF3 before the release of PS2, because to me, PS2 just feels like a clunkier BF game that has been scaled up. Yes, PS2 has BF beat on scale, but that's about it. Even so, the best fights in PS2 are are around 32v32 anyways lol... What did SOE expect? They took mechanics that are meant for 32v32 at MAX, and attempted the mechanics to scale up smoothly?

They glorify the "2000 per continent!" line but designed the hex system to PREVENT those things from happening because the PCs of now can't ever hope to handle such a size, so what we get is each continent have a couple battles the size of PS1 battles and then everything else is around the size of a large BF match.
Exactly this. The gameplay sucks relative to PS1. yea it had plenty of problems but damn, no more than are in PS2 right now. And it's the flagship now. Get real, the PS2 that was pitched on Twitter and IGN for years is not the one that launched. The discussions over the pre-alpha in house testing indicated that they set it up like PS1 for lattice, command console, etc. I feel lied to actually in that the game was "supposed" to be so good. I really wish they would have gone with the PS:Next plan and just upped the graphics on the old engine with a few tweaks to some of the problem areas.

Just buff out the dents and a new paintjob, not replace the whole chassis.

PS2 just isnt fun to various groups of people based on their computers, sense of fun, distaste for the BF/CoD playstyle, etc. It is prettier, but that's where it stops for me. It simply doesn't live up to its heritage. I feel duped when I think back to those early discussions from Higby about how cool forgelight was going to allow PS2 to be. And this is what we got?

"i can shit in a box and slap a garantee on it but all you are going to have is a garanteed piece of shit" - Tommy Boy.

'nuf said. I get bummed when I rant about it.
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Old 2012-12-27, 08:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #41
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Re: Please Sign this PS1 Free-to-Play Petition!

Signed. Basti can rot.
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Old 2012-12-27, 10:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #42
Re: Please Sign this PS1 Free-to-Play Petition!

How to stop Hacker if PS1 F2P
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Old 2012-12-28, 02:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #43
Re: Please Sign this PS1 Free-to-Play Petition!

Red Power, SOE have boasted about their many GMs (probably just 2 spilt over 24 hours). One of those gm's could also police PS1. Appeals etc.
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Old 2012-12-28, 06:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #44
Re: Please Sign this PS1 Free-to-Play Petition!

I signed and would play again in a heartbeat
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Old 2013-01-03, 12:56 AM   [Ignore Me] #45
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Re: Please Sign this PS1 Free-to-Play Petition!

Signed petition and re-posted.

PS1 had its flaws but they pale in comparison to how much fun can be had in the game. I had high hopes for PS2 but there is just no way it could hope to compare to PS1 no matter how much time is given for further development, the devs have made it clear the direction they want the game to go - it isn't the immersive experience of PS1 in any way.

When the event over the summer happened and everyone had free time I didn't come for the event, I came to play the game; the event just happened to be going on at the same time. There are many reasons (I won't bother listing) why I will no longer pay a subscription of $15, $5 would be reasonable though.

Personally I would gladly give up my credit card info just to play for free in relative safety of hackers.

I don't know what Basti is smoking but just because PlanetSide appears dead doesn't mean it would remain dead were it free. The monthly fee is the primary barrier to people playing, performance issues is not something everyone experiences and the occasional lag or frame rate issues are things we've had to deal with and accept for years.
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