Originally Posted by FreeSpeech
Ha ha no way. The stock Max is hurrendously bad. And the infiltrator gun is nothing to sneeze at considering you can OHK with other faction snipers without even head shotting and that's forgetting that sniping is SO BORING!
The other factions have better weapons for everything! TR have bigger clips with high accuracy and VS have no recoil and essentially laser sniper guns on basic infantry. We get a tiny bit of extra damage but a recoil/bloom effect that defies the laws of physics.......much like the Scythe in general. Hell choose Vanu just for their Magrider and Scythe, they own their counterparts so easily.
TR have high accuracy? On one weapon yes. The LC3 Jaguar that can be used by LA and Eng but not on any other weapon IMO. Cycler TRV had high accuracy but was nerfed, (still a really good weapon though). And yes we do have more clip because our weapons do less damage per bullet. But the TTK if you hit with all bullets is very close for all 3 factions.
Who the hell cares what you have as stock weapon. When the 1 shot of the scatter gun do 50% damage to you. 100% if dual wielding. Not complaining about it but I wish TR got back the flamethrower we had in beta...