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Old 2003-07-07, 03:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #31
Second Lieutenant

I was crusing around in my Lightning, killing folks inbetween a Vanu tower and a base they were assaulting. I see one guy running towards the base so I zoom over and start blasting, but then I am getting hit with Lasher blasts. Some guy snuck up on me and was shooting me up badly, I was almost destroyed when I launch a shell killing the first guy. I quickly hop out, and he keeps firing at me, I take cover and whip out my trusty AMP. I surge at him strafing, I burst fire with my AMP, I am getting Lashed alot, I hit a medikit. I try to get close, eventually I get right up on him and unload, woot!

I had 12 HP, 0 armor, 0 stamina. I look over to see my Lightning still standing, with just a sliver of armor left. I repaired it and kept going, after complimenting that guy on a great fight.

Yesterday we were assaulting this base/defending this tower from Vanu on Esamir. I am running toward the base when I realize all the Vanu are towards the side of me. So I surge down to them, and get 2 infantry pulsaring my squad. I see a magrider repairing itself a ways away, I kill another troop on the way, I get up there, driver jumps in the Mag. I think "ohhshit" it rams me, I dont die, it was not moving fast enough. Infact it pushes me around a rock where I see another reinforced grunt. I manage to switch to load and launch a grenade from my punisher, reload and shoot him with the main barrel, all while the magrider is slowing pushing my 4hp, 0 stamina, 0 armor self slowly towards him. He dies, I scream "fuck yeah" so loud I am sure everyone within several miles heard it.
look a post by vick is right above this
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