Originally Posted by soulsurfsublime
I am starting to notice a few of my favorite posters have been MIA for awhile. Starting to think I am jealous as hell! Next week will hopefully resolve this issue.
Yeah well, people in the tests can't really talk here, because they'd be compelled to speak from experience. You know... educated opinions.
What we have here is a far, far cry from educated. Such is the curse of not being selected. As a result, they stick to the exclusive and official test forums where they can speak with other educated people.
However, I'm afraid once the beta invites really kick off and a lot of us get in, this bit I mentioned in another thread will unfortunately have relevance and start to really muck up the atmosphere of the test forums (if it isn't already terrible: )
Originally Posted by Littleman
Good news is all the fears relayed on this board are based purely on speculation and conjecture. The bad news? People will be walking into the tests with these thoughts and ideas already pre-meditated, making them even MORE biased about what should and shouldn't be, instead of taking what actually is at face value and evaluating it from there.