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Old 2002-12-09, 12:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #46
I'm with the Vanu
Tobias's Avatar

Us Vanu snipers were under the impression that everyone Played this game for the soul purpose of providing targets for us. Damn those people in MAX suits, Damn them!
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Old 2002-12-09, 01:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #47
Lieutenant General
io's Avatar

Originally posted by Warborn
- Because the sniper is far away and concealed in the terrain, the Medium armor has absolutely no idea where the sniper is. Even if he did know, it would take him at least 30 seconds to get within reasonable distance of the sniper for his assault rifle to do serious damage. In that amount of time, the Medium armor could have been killed again.
As i said in a later post

And of course this is considering headshots require a good amount of skill and you can't sniper someone from 5000yards away.
I very much doubt the Devs will let you snipe from very very far away(at least i hope they are smarter than that) and there's no prone position so the snipers aren't concealed by terrain that much.

Any sniper rifle in any game should be hard to use accurately but if succesful deal great damage. Headshots should be powerful but hard as well. Like you said the player should be dangerous not the gun so it should require the player's skill to hit on target. It's not about taking out a squad by yourself it's about using a worthwhile weapon, why should you use a gun that can only shoot 1 shot per clip if it deals 5% damage even on an incredibly hard headshot?

The key thing is to make headshots harder to get not lower the damage they deal.
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Old 2002-12-09, 02:22 PM   [Ignore Me] #48
l33t Whore
#manlove op
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Wouldn't it be hard enough to get a headshot on someone that is running or something? If a person is standing still they deserve to get shot in the head and die right away.
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Old 2002-12-09, 02:26 PM   [Ignore Me] #49
Lieutenant General
io's Avatar

Originally posted by BLuE_ZeRO
Wouldn't it be hard enough to get a headshot on someone that is running or something? If a person is standing still they deserve to get shot in the head and die right away.

I wish more people thought like you and I.
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Old 2002-12-09, 02:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #50
Major General
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Ok, I'll try and keep this short and sweet. You may not be the greatest aim with a sniper rifle, but I know many people that can put a bullet into your head from 100 feet a way, and that's on a bad day. If you make a weapon that has long range, high accuracy, and does devastating damage, the game is ruined. Unless you have lost the use of your arms or you're blind, there is absolutely no reason for you to use any other weapon unless you're going into a base (and even then, if you learn to blind-fire the rifle, you're good to go indoors too). *EDIT* Apart from anti-vehicular weapons, of course.

You may believe that a weapon which can nail someone from a distance so great that the target is only a pixilated humanoid figure, even with just a body shot, but that doesn't make the game fun for anyone except the snipers. If you can't understand this, then there's not much I can do for you, but if you put your pro-sniper bias aside, you'll understand where I'm coming from I'm sure. However, I am sure the developers understand how potentially disasterous an extremely powerful sniper rifle will be in an outdoor setting. It was fine in Counter-strike, because the CS fans were all over it. They liked it coming down to the AWP fights, with which team had more AWPs and who could put the bullet between the other guy's eyes from 100 feet away. However, for someone who isn't a CS player (and CS is a rather elitist game), that won't do. Nobody is going to pay for a game where they pick their gear, spawn, run off with their friends, and then watch as themselves and their friends get gunned down by a couple snipers hiding in the bushes without even having a chance to put up a fight, and then get to wait a few minutes before they can go out and get killed by someone they didn't even see again.

Last edited by Warborn; 2002-12-09 at 02:52 PM.
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Old 2002-12-09, 02:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #51
Major General
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Wouldn't it be hard enough to get a headshot on someone that is running or something? If a person is standing still they deserve to get shot in the head and die right away.
So someone who isn't constantly moving back and forth deserves to die instantly? Hrm, right. Let me guess, you plan on playing a sniper.

That aside, I don't see what the big hang-up is on headshots. The rest of the body will be vulnerable too. From long range, you could easily kill someone with a couple body shots, and then kill his 5 friends too before any of them found you and killed you, given the way you sniper people want the sniper rifles to be.
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Old 2002-12-09, 02:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #52
l33t Whore
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Unless you're whole squad is standing still 2 snipers won't be able to take out all of them. Headshots should deal a great amount of damage considering how hard it is to accomplish when someone is moving. Like I said before if you're standing still admiring the scenery and forget that there is a war going on you deserve to die and die quickly. Snipers make the game challenging but they have draw backs. I'm sure the dev team will even it out more but I don't think they need to nerf the rifles because people don't want to die.

No I don't plan on being a sniper btw, possibly a pilot or something haven't decided yet. I enjoy playing as a sniper in other games but I want to branch out. I've used it enough and watched games butcher the rifles because people don't like dying.

Question: Is the sniper rifle less accurate at longer ranges? if so by how much?

Last edited by BLuE_ZeRO; 2002-12-09 at 03:00 PM.
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Old 2002-12-09, 03:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #53
Dragoon Admiral
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You silly, silly people. You act like you're playing Half-Life, where a sniper is no more effective than any other person because a) the people you're not focusing on are behind you and about to shotgun your ass to hades and b) even "large" arenas will be quite small compared to the gigantic PS. Snipers have to worry about being ambushed from behind/sides at all times in those type of FPSes. In PS, this is not the case at all.

Anyway for you legion of snipers, let us assume high damage and one hit kills (or close) is very common to the Bolt Driver. Example:

4 |33+ Vanu Snipers hear that the NC is coming o'er to their base to inflict casulties and capture their resource node- er... I mean facility. A squad of 24 NC soldiers raise their proud heads over the horizon, ready to start the initial phases of the attack and - BAM BAM BAM BAM. Two people lie dead. Where the hell did that come from? Joe! We got SNIPERZ! Where are they? BAM BAM BAM BAM (lucky shot...) Three more are taking a dirtnap. For christsake, JOE! Where are those damnable snipers?! Where are those shots coming fro- BAM BAM BAM BAM. One person is sent toward the pearly gates, while another two are severly damaged. JOE! NOOOOOOOO!!!!! ... We'll have our revenge! Gully, Swornin! Get in the back, you're hurt. Smeld, take Donsin and Forva and run to that hill NOW! BAM BAM BAM BAM (the two wounded die, and yet another full healthen soldier bites the big one). Those snipers are probably on that hill so MOVE!!!! Frint, take 7 of your men and see if you find out if any snipers are in that forest. Damnit! I know it's suicide running straight on, but we can't stay out he- BAM BAM BAM BAM The poor wanna-be general is now dead, along with two others. The outfit eventually manages to find 2 of the snipers and kills them, while the others giddily prance away.


|33+ Vanu Sniper force: 4
NC Squad of suffering: 24

Total deaths for Vanu: 2
Total deaths for NC: 12

In closing, with the envisioned realistic and "balanced" Bolt Driver, a small force of snipers can significantly weaken any large squad on their way to battle.

THAT is what I don't want. I don't mind riding the bus as long as a good portion of my squad doesn't have to ride it with me.

Some of you fail to realize this game will be HUGE. Battles will not be one on one. A small skirmish will most likely be considered a little more than 12 people. In a game like this, snipers should not be the end all get all. Some of you complain about everyone being in MAXes? Pffffft. In your pre-fect world of Sniperdom, PlanetSide becomes SniperSide. With Bolt Dirver handy, with regular and AP ammo, a few friends, and a half-way decent hiding spot anybody on their way to anywhere has a lot to fear. Game would eventually halt due to everyone camping areas with their |33+ |2if|35 and not doing anything else. Is that what you guys are willing?

In a game like this, a Sniper is a support role. Don't get rabid, wanna-be snipers. Stay cool, like your class is supposed to be. The point of a Sniper in this game is to pick off weak targets that your squad/outfit is engaging in. Whether that's because their in light armor or severly wounded is irrelevent. If I'm in a MAX kicking ass and chewing bubble gum, I'd love knowing that my Sniper bud up there is helping me take out those pesky light armored fools running circles around me. If he "KSes" me, I love him for it. I get the BEP anyway, and it's less repairing that's gonna need to be done on me.

I guess what I'm trying to say is: "Snipers should be a good addition to a squad. Not a necessity, nor the entire squad composition."
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Old 2002-12-09, 03:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #54
Lieutenant Colonel
Lexington_Steele's Avatar

Originally posted by Warborn

You may believe that a weapon which can nail someone from a distance so great that the target is only a pixilated humanoid figure, even with just a body shot, but that doesn't make the game fun for anyone except the snipers. If you can't understand this, then there's not much I can do for you, but if you put your pro-sniper bias aside, you'll understand where I'm coming from.
And I wish more people thought like this.
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Old 2002-12-09, 03:12 PM   [Ignore Me] #55
l33t Whore
#manlove op
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Without having to quote your whole post:

I agree with you for the most part. Snipers are a support role. There are usually going to be alot more people than just snipers to worry about. If it were my squad I'd have the snipers weaken them while the rest of the guys went in and cleaned up. If the sniper can rack up a couple kills so be it.

It seems like you guys are basing your views on how the awp affected CounterStrike. Or at least war is. This game is completely different than CS so the sniper rifle won't make the impact that the AWP did. If your squads are having all out sniper wars than something is very wrong with your team. I'm sure the dev guys will figure out a fair way to accomodate both sides.

Last edited by BLuE_ZeRO; 2002-12-09 at 03:19 PM.
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Old 2002-12-09, 03:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #56
Dragoon Admiral
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Exactly! I don't mind Snipers picking off my squad while their own squad comes in to clean up. That's good usage of roles, proper planning/leadership, and luck. I do not like the idea of a small group of snipers (no matter how elite) to severly cripple my squad, let alone having to worry about a lone sniper. That would beat all to be getting ready to ruin your enemies only to be harrased by a single sniper for miles... Even if you did end up killing him, he might have kilt 3 or 4 people. 1:3 is not good.
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Old 2002-12-09, 03:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #57
l33t Whore
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Originally posted by Zarparchior
Exactly! I don't mind Snipers picking off my squad while their own squad comes in to clean up. That's good usage of roles, proper planning/leadership, and luck. I do not like the idea of a small group of snipers (no matter how elite) to severly cripple my squad, let alone having to worry about a lone sniper. That would beat all to be getting ready to ruin your enemies only to be harrased by a single sniper for miles... Even if you did end up killing him, he might have kilt 3 or 4 people. 1:3 is not good.
Yeah I can understand that people don't want to get screwed by snipers. I just don't want to see the snipers fun taken away by killing the guns. This game is for those who want to be snipers as well.
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Old 2002-12-09, 03:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #58
Dragoon Admiral
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Yet it should not cater to only the snipers. It goes both ways.
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Old 2002-12-09, 03:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #59
Sig Mastah!
Airlift's Avatar
ONG! GG!!!!111one

I need copious mental fortitude granted from the heavens above or I am seriously gonna go Afex on anyone who utters the phrase 'if X happens/doesn't happen, Y will be useless' on these forums. You mods may want to think about preemptively banning me if this trend continues.

[ Been a while, desu ne? ]
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Old 2002-12-09, 03:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #60
Dragoon Admiral
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Be calm! That is usually all that game message boards are for: Complaining about things that are or have yet to come.
My old sig is gone... I reformatted.
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