If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus? - Page 4 - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2014-05-31, 02:13 AM   [Ignore Me] #46
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Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

Originally Posted by Hehateme View Post
Actually, I found Angel's analogy perfect.
Thanks. It is actually a fake quote (that is even the wrong person pictured). I just believe that is what SOE does in general. If you had this kind of material, wouldn't you?

SOE's awesomeness aside. It all tends to be sketchy anyways (as I am completely baffled not one person mentioned fixing Stamina from my glancing... ugh), though I would enjoy a rebalanced PlanetSide 1 experience in all honesty.

Last edited by angelphantasma; 2014-05-31 at 02:14 AM.
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Old 2014-05-31, 04:27 AM   [Ignore Me] #47
Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

Originally Posted by Figment View Post
It was a problematic set of arbitrary rules that made a lot of players unwilling to go there
TRANSLATION: You weren't allowed to use HA, MBT's, or Reavers under any circumstance. These items are the lynchpin of just about every retard who plays/ed Planetside. Without them, the game becomes more cerebral and strategic. You'd actually have to THINK about what weapons are in your loadouts and what vehicles to use as your list of choices suddenly expanded through the non-use of general purpose kill-alls. In short, it was a place that spit in the face of the lowest common denominator of Planetside.

Originally Posted by Figment View Post
Thing is, the BI's were poorly designed and implemented.
Poorly implemented? Most likely. Poorly designed? I don't believe so and you've given no facts to prove otherwise at this point.

Originally Posted by Figment View Post
You'll notice that in the post above, the BI's become vital links in the defense of a Sanctuary as a third home continent and a central continent next to Searhus.
I'm fine with that. More avenues of attack/defense means more small-scale fights.

Originally Posted by Figment View Post
For these reasons, you would require continuity, which in cave fights you do not.
Caves, if used, add to the continuity of other fights through the use of modules. They provide a tangible secondary resource that is actually quite important.
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Old 2014-05-31, 10:13 AM   [Ignore Me] #48
Lieutenant General
Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
TRANSLATION: You weren't allowed to use HA, MBT's, or Reavers under any circumstance. These items are the lynchpin of just about every retard who plays/ed Planetside. Without them, the game becomes more cerebral and strategic. You'd actually have to THINK about what weapons are in your loadouts and what vehicles to use as your list of choices suddenly expanded through the non-use of general purpose kill-alls. In short, it was a place that spit in the face of the lowest common denominator of Planetside.
Less options, but with less competitive power gaps, you mean.

Basically what you're pointing out here is that you disagree with basic TTK and unit balance, and applaud a more level playing field through forcing people to use equipment that is directly on par (due to being the exact same). So not that the units would be available, but that individual skill becomes more prominent as everyone has to use the same things.

Poorly implemented? Most likely. Poorly designed? I don't believe so and you've given no facts to prove otherwise at this point.
I can give ample examples of that.

Nexus has too little cover on the approaches from the towers, making it easy to farm infantry that has to cross large amounts of open terrain. It's balanced in favour of the defender to such an agree that the defender is the only one with vehicles after a first wave of enemies is destroyed. This logistic issue makes people move to another fight relatively soon when attacking due to not liking being farmed. It is one of the favourite "farm here!" DSCs for that reason and has tremendous defensive power. This would be nice, if it were not part of a stringe of islands either. A vpad connected to some of the tower ownerships would have significantly improved Nexus (even if it would mean fights would last far longer).

Extinction had too high ravines and distances were too great and often farmable (especially for snipers). People didn't make use of the amphibious options because they simply overlooked them. Had everything been a bit closer together, it'd been better.

Desolation was good, though placement of the west base could have been a bit more southern to ensure slightly more equal distances between the bases.

Ascension lacked cover and the approach from the south east to Rashnu could have been far shorter, allowing it to actually be a more valid invasion route. Since it's a Bio Lab and you have to get up a steep cliff, it's already hard enough to get there. Again, all the "Top" towers could have been just a little bit closer to the bases to be useful for staging grounds of infantry attacks.

One of the big issues though is lack of Skyguard acquisition. As it always is. :/ That should just never have been bound to Tech, since Mosquitos are always available too (you need countermeasures and most players can only afford one form of AA).

Caves, if used, add to the continuity of other fights through the use of modules. They provide a tangible secondary resource that is actually quite important.
Not my point, my bad for poor phrasing though. I mean continuity in bringing forms of weapons from one to the next. If you want to break out of the suggested triangular lattice setup with BIs as a home continent, you'll have to break out to the next continent using the same vehicles you can get on the continent. Otherwise you add a logistical problem by forcing people to first fall back to sanctuary (which will mean these people will reconsider where they would be going next). While if you can just move through the warpgate, then everyone moves as a coherent group to the next area.

With caves, you don't really have that to the same degree since at the end of a cave fight, you're more likely to see people bring modules somewhere.

Although modules have been obsoleted with the cave lock system and module raiding been made rather low on a tactical and strategic level since people only placed modules at capitals.

Capitals are something we would have to see go too. I would state cavelocks should have to be removed as well, to put more emphasis on the module acquisition and escorting.
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Old 2014-06-01, 09:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #49
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Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

BFRs can stay if the gunner and hopping variants are removed.

Flails serve no purpose.

Larger bases would be nice. I've always thought more of them should be dropship center size.

I also happen to think towers need to be reworked into either a more integral part of the base (like literally attached to the walls) or relegated to being outposts with no direct association with a base.

BR 20 should once again be the BR you stop gaining certs at. With a BR 25 cap for the armor visuals only.

CR abilities shouldn't be usable unless you are a squad leader. Including command chats.

The GG needs to be removed.
Post at me bro.

Last edited by Baneblade; 2014-06-01 at 09:55 PM.
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Old 2014-06-02, 08:02 AM   [Ignore Me] #50
Lieutenant General
Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

Originally Posted by Baneblade View Post
BFRs can stay if the gunner and hopping variants are removed.
Gunner variant:
  • Shield removed
  • Reduce submerged penalty
  • Hitpoints akin to a Galaxy at 5000 (Vanguard: 4000hp): main combat advantage over regular vehicles: ability to get up steep hills and cross through water. Should now be possible to take out by a good tank crew, yet have an advantage.
  • Jacking timer reduced
  • Pilot guns should have worse angles at the vehicle's legs.
  • Peregrine gunner's weapon reduced in alpha damage (more focus on the DoT effect from the generated bubble).
  • EMP works as usual, just disables weapons.

  • Shield removed
  • Individual hitboxes removed
  • Jacking timer reduced to 15 seconds
  • Hitpoints equivalent to a Magrider (Currently it is equivalent to Magrider at (3500), but with shield (+2500) it has more than a Galaxy, while the shield recharges). 3500 hitpoints for a solo vehicle? Come on. That's enough: Deliverer variants get 2500 and Lightnings 2000!
  • FV jump height reduced to wall height
  • Only one jump a minute capacitator
  • Standard EMP rules (no weapons / Flight capacitor built up jammed (paused))

Flails serve no purpose.
They do, they serve the purpose of area denial, but they're simply too good at it and too independent from other players.

  • Require an active Laze Pointer lock acquired from Flail, like a Router pad from a Router to designate Flail targets.
  • Each Laze Pointer only serves Flails that are within a 8m radius from the Flail who provided the Laze Pointer and are squaded (making them a single easy OS target).
  • Reduce rate of fire by 50%.

Larger bases would be nice. I've always thought more of them should be dropship center size.

I also happen to think towers need to be reworked into either a more integral part of the base (like literally attached to the walls) or relegated to being outposts with no direct association with a base.
I should see if I can find my outpost designs based on towers. Unfortunately any old forum posts have been destroyed as both the old PS1 forums and the PS idealabs forums are gone.

CR abilities shouldn't be usable unless you are a squad leader. Including command chats.
I would say squad leader, or top 5 positions in an outfit.

The GG needs to be removed.
Yes. >.>

Last edited by Figment; 2014-06-02 at 08:13 AM.
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Old 2014-06-03, 02:31 AM   [Ignore Me] #51
Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

Originally Posted by Figment View Post

They do, they serve the purpose of area denial, but they're simply too good at it and too independent from other players.

  • Require an active Laze Pointer lock acquired from Flail, like a Router pad from a Router to designate Flail targets.
  • Each Laze Pointer only serves Flails that are within a 8m radius from the Flail who provided the Laze Pointer and are squaded (making them a single easy OS target).
  • Reduce rate of fire by 50%.
  • Disable greif point gain, lower friendly fire damage significantly. This could be done with other hillariously greif-machine things in the game, because there's always going to be SOME idiot running infront of a thumper

I should see if I can find my outpost designs based on towers. Unfortunately any old forum posts have been destroyed as both the old PS1 forums and the PS idealabs forums are gone.

I would say squad leader, or top 5 positions in an outfit.

Yes. >.>
THANK YOU for acctually suggesting a BFR rework. One that could work too. Also tossed in a smidgeon over the flail.

Last edited by SArais; 2014-06-03 at 02:32 AM.
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Old 2014-06-03, 04:33 AM   [Ignore Me] #52
Lieutenant General
Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

That's what most of us have been doing since 2005, but we kinda gave up on it since SOE demanded the "unique gameplay" had to include shields. Just the regular AMP shields would have more than sufficed.
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Old 2014-06-03, 04:34 AM   [Ignore Me] #53
Lieutenant General
Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

Anyone else feel capital shields and rules need to go?
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Old 2014-06-03, 08:23 AM   [Ignore Me] #54
Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

Originally Posted by Figment View Post
Anyone else feel capital shields and rules need to go?
I sort of disagree on this. not entirely certain why.
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Old 2014-06-03, 10:40 AM   [Ignore Me] #55
Lieutenant General
Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

Originally Posted by SArais View Post
I sort of disagree on this. not entirely certain why.
When was the last time you had a good fight over a capital?
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Old 2014-06-03, 12:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #56
Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

Originally Posted by Figment View Post
Anyone else feel capital shields and rules need to go?
Not at all, I remember the days when every cont had a capital. Think it works better that way. However, remove the "no OS'ing CY of a capital" it makes no sense. Plus, I can't tell you how many times I managed to get outside as a cloaker, find ams with 30+ at it, pull out my little CUD and then get the "can't OS here bullshit."
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Old 2014-06-03, 01:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #57
Lieutenant General
Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

I can't come up with a single good reason to keep the shields to be honest:

1. It's used by Flails to camp bases on the other end of the map
2. Ruined module raiding because mods are virtually always safe
3. Forced the map flow on Amerish to either the outer ring or a ridiculously long LLU run
4. Made Thoth from a frontier base into an "ignore me" base.
5. Made Voltan into a "last stand farmfest", while allowing an empire to fully concentrate on Naum and Bitol at extremely long logistical nightmares for the enemy, forcing both enemies through the same route usualy.
6. Made Neit-Bel and Neit-Pwyll into one ways.
7. Anguta is extremely abusable with a Galaxy Gunship (and even without) at Ceryshen bridge to the point an already hard fight became impossible logistically from the north as Nerrivik was the only option left, far behind a Galaxy Gunship camped area.
8. And on all the other continents, it created such long distances to capture that third base, that it only caused enormous stalemates.

- Oro is already hard to take. With shield and without OS, it was almost impossible.
- Enkidu is an important stepping stone from Kusag and Akkan. Though the lattice before Enkidu (with Zaqar linked to Kusag) was better.
- Gunuku became a huge slugfest with only the island holder having a chance to cross over until the third empire would capture one of the bases on the other end (of course, mostly because too few people use amphibious Ground Transport vehicles too).

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Old 2014-06-03, 02:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #58
Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

Originally Posted by Hehateme View Post
Not at all, I remember the days when every cont had a capital. Think it works better that way. However, remove the "no OS'ing CY of a capital" it makes no sense. Plus, I can't tell you how many times I managed to get outside as a cloaker, find ams with 30+ at it, pull out my little CUD and then get the "can't OS here bullshit."
I agree,capital shields weren't ever a problem for us and I loved running that LLU on amerish and bringing up the shield on all the idiots
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Old 2014-06-03, 04:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #59
Lieutenant General
Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

Of course it isn't a "problem". Nobody ever defends them. So how can they be a "problem"? Aside from Flail campers, of course.

Since the capitals were introduced, I've not seen ONE fight over Verica. Not even ONE. Since March 2004. Not. Even. One.

THAT is the problem.

Last edited by Figment; 2014-06-03 at 04:55 PM.
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Old 2014-06-03, 05:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #60
Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

Originally Posted by Figment View Post
Of course it isn't a "problem". Nobody ever defends them. So how can they be a "problem"? Aside from Flail campers, of course.

Since the capitals were introduced, I've not seen ONE fight over Verica. Not even ONE. Since March 2004. Not. Even. One.

THAT is the problem.
Dude, you should have played on Markov, we fought over every damn base on the map there back in the day, we also kept our caps modded up so ppl would leave our home conts alone.

the idea that you never fought over Verica is alien to me, we fought there all the time,even on Gemini,
hell we would lose the fight and then go run the Qumu LLU and clean out the base and resecure,I would get tells from Dart laughing about the stupid VS that would cry about stopping the LLU and yet they would sit in the base watching us kill them in slo-mo on the map

that shit was always fun
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