My brief concept of a Command-Uplinked "Air Strike" includes incredibly fast, highly-elaborated NPC aircrafts hailing towards their target from whichever direction. Players can hear this thundering sound (slower than Orbital Strike) and Empires can counter the aircraft with Anti-Air or resist by taking cover.
Comparable Differences:
Orbital Strikes in PS1 are remotely positioned and beamed from a robotic AI Orbital Station (presumably), impossible to counter, can only retaliate ("Run!!", "Take cover!") and only lasts for a brief instant few seconds greatly comparable in speed, accuracy and devastation.
Reavers, Liberators/Vultures and the lame "Galaxy Gunship" are an undefined version of an unofficial airstrike in PlanetSide, also greatly comparable in speed, frequency and devastation.
Last edited by Tikuto; 2009-12-14 at 07:53 AM.