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Old 2003-07-07, 01:49 AM   [Ignore Me] #46
Staff Sergeant

I was there with you tonight Spider, and let me tell you - it did suck ass. I got a lib cert as well, and I would like to think of myself as a fair pilot, doging thru trees in a Lib is no easy task. But lemme tell you, whenever I got near an NC or TR base, I was gone before I would get 1/2 a klick away, even at max altitude, which is what I fly at most of the time for bombing. There is no way to dodge in a Lib, thats what makes it vulnerable and is its downfall, therefore we need to cover it, but thats feels impossible as Vanu. VS are the only ones NOT to be able to shoot down Libs. Hell, I saw 4+ Libs at Caer tonight, just circling around the tower and base looking for shit to bomb. Not to mention the 5+ reavers and 4+ skeeters there to help. Oh yeah... don't forget the ground troops, which all have Strikers. Ready to lock onto your ass.

It is very disheartening to get beat down night after night... we have almost no chance against any type of zerging now, especially with the Lib in game. We have nothing to take it down but Skeeters and Reavers. And how many of those did I see tonight? I saw 2. 2 vs a whole damn lot Those 2 guys were brave, I will give them that, but we desperatly need a change in something. We just can't compete effectivly. And its starting to wear on the Vanu. Every night its like fighting a battle you now you are going to loose.

PeregineDive is offline  
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