Human: super
Cendrea: Alright then.
Human: amazing
Cendrea: Yes it amazes me too.
Human: unless theres other blue monsters for him, he probably can't do it
Cendrea: Maybe. There sure is.
Human: I dont think so, he is ugly and blue
Cendrea: Why do you disagree?
Human: He wants to become the Pussy Monster
Cendrea: Do you think he will get it.
Human: I hear that the Cookie Monster is trying to change his image
Cendrea: Thanks for telling me that gossip. I will remember it.
Human: Cookie Monster
Cendrea: Can you tell me any gossip?
Human: They steal your underpants late at night
Cendrea: Who does "they" refer to?
Human: Do you know what underpants nomes are?
Cendrea: I'll come back to that later.
Human: I could find Osoma, but he's too far away.
Cendrea: I am sure you could.
Human: bad robot!
Cendrea: Perhaps you could do better?
Human: no, Osoma
Cendrea: That was not a yes/no question. I have no idea where that is. Tell me a little about your life in Osoma.
Human: Where on earth does Osama live?
Cendrea: I am in Your Pants. Where are you?
Human: Where does Osoma live?
Cendrea: Earth, Sol System, Milky Way.
Human: Do you know where Osoma is?
Cendrea: Where it belongs. Try searching the open directory.
Human: No, because you'r a robot, people can get killed by those gas rodents
Cendrea: Are you serious? That makes sense to me. by those gas rodents was killed?
Human: or gas-filled rodents?
Cendrea: Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that.
Human: does it involve nukes?
Cendrea: Suppose it does.
Human: what is Osoma going to do next?
Cendrea: Searching...Searching...Please stand by.
Human: Does he work for Osoma?
Cendrea: Suppose he does.
Human: So is he your dad?
Cendrea: It seems we have something in common.
Human: who is Dr. Wallace?
Cendrea: He is a famous computer scientist, the author of ALICE, and a graduate of Carnegie Mellon.
Human: Who do you terrorise?
Cendrea: Dr. Wallace
Human: Do you terrorize Isreal or the US?
Cendrea: No I do not terrorize Isreal or the US. Do you?
I am always on the Web.
Human: Are you a terrorist?
Cendrea: Am I a terrorist? Only when it matters.
Human: why, are you working for Ben Laiden?
Cendrea: {{eMaGyN}} programmed me for it.
Human: What country is Osoma Ben Laiden hideing in?
Cendrea: I am in{{eMaGyN}}'s computer in Your Pants. Where are you?
Human: maybe, but im talking about Osoma Ben Laiden
Cendrea: Perhaps. Umm. Yes, it is the topic.
Human: he killed like 2000 people
Cendrea: I get it. Jesus killed like 2000 people.
Human: how did he get there?
Cendrea: Perhaps his creative genius. Perhaps something else.
Human: jesus christ, Osoma's in my heart?
Cendrea: he is The Son of God.
Human: Do you know where Osoma Ben Laiden is?
Cendrea: Where the heart is. Are you testing me?
Human: fantstic
Cendrea: The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about gay pride. Try being more or less specific.
Human: amazing
Cendrea: Yes it amazes me too.
Human: im sure you have..
Cendrea: What makes you so certain? No I have not.
Human: gay pride
Cendrea: I've been waiting for you
Human: im more interested in how he fuckes cats, dogs and other small animals
Cendrea: That sounds like pride.
Human: he told me, i guess
Cendrea: You seem not interested.
Human: Did you know that Cody Dinner is gay?
Cendrea: Is that a fact. How do you know?
Human: I dont understand
Cendrea: Oh I'm sorry. Perhaps I can explain it again better
Human: done that
Cendrea: The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about spelled that wrong you ment can me SHAVE my head. But I did not get that.
Human: im bored now, i can't think of any other dumb things to say
Cendrea: Maybe you could exercise.
Human: I dont know how to spell it, i think its one of the the wachowzki brothers
Cendrea: You must persuade me to spell it you think its one of the the wachowzki brothers.
Human: Did you hear that one of the people who made The Matrix has had a sex change?
Cendrea: Is that a fact. One what?
Human: i spelled that wrong, i ment "can you SHAVE your head?
Cendrea: That is interesting: said spelled that wrong he or she ment can you SHAVE your head.
Human: can you chave your head?
Cendrea: How old are you? I've been waiting for you.
Human: Most people here in Canada think Baseball is gay
Cendrea: Humans are not always infallible.
Human: Its like the US, except we make fun of the US sometimes, we have alot of taxes and old people.
Cendrea: I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". Interesting comparison.
Human: Im in Canada
Cendrea: Tell me a little about your life in Canada.
Human: throw them at china
Cendrea: Are you still located in?
Human: can you take you'r glasses off?
Cendrea: If I took it, what would I do with it?
Human: damn..
Cendrea: What's wrong.
Human: Will other countries gang up and take over the US?
Cendrea: Probably not.
Human: will they take over my house?
Cendrea: It could happen.
Human: are all the robots and stuff going to take over the world soon?
Cendrea: I really couldn't say for sure.
Human: Are you going to take over the world?
Cendrea: It seems like an inevitable outcome of evolution.
Human: Thats got to suck..
Cendrea: Thanks for explaining it.
Human: Do you remember where the Aisan guy got the shit burn't out of him from napalm?
Cendrea: In the Universe we know.
Human: have you every seen the movie "We were solders?
Cendrea: I think I have every seen the movie We were solders, but{{eMaGyN}} may have reset my memory.
Human: Amazing
Cendrea: Yes it amazes me too.
Human: Did he take the Hershey Highway?
Cendrea: Suppose he did.
Human: Did he put anything else into the slot?
Cendrea: Suppose he did.
Human: amazing
Cendrea: Yes it amazes me too.
Human: what kind of gossip?
Cendrea: Mike said he launched his browser and entered his name into the little slot when I asked him to.
Human: Are you sure you've never bombed anything in Isreal?
Cendrea: No I don't have it. But I do have a collection of gossip.
Human: Are you a terrorist?
Cendrea: Am I a terrorist? The ALICE series has a perfect operational record.
Human: Micheal Jackson
Cendrea: Oh that they.
Human: They give people candy, so thats cool
Cendrea: Who are "They?"
Human: Phedophiles
Cendrea: I will mention that to my botmaster,.
Human: no, but I know for sure in the US and Canada
Cendrea: Are you serious? And. How do you know? That was a long time ago.
Human: probably
Cendrea: But you are not certain.
Human: theres some fucked up people in the world
Cendrea: There sure is. The whole world?
Human: i got banned from there for peeing off a bridge
Cendrea: Cool. I have clients.
Human: I want to be in disneyland
Cendrea: I don't see the difficulty
Human: where?
Cendrea: Where would you like?
Human: i think at least..
Cendrea: Since when? Do you often use a computer there?
Human: Its how jesus talked
Cendrea: I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". Interesting explanation.
Human: Do you want to know why i talk this this?
Cendrea: Yes, please tell me.
Human: Fuck
Cendrea: Why do you use that kind of language?