Things Ya'll Will Never Hear a Southerner Say - Page 4 - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2004-01-14, 10:38 PM   [Ignore Me] #46
Teh Masturbator
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In otherwords you are a Grammar Nazi.
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Old 2004-01-14, 10:43 PM   [Ignore Me] #47
Major General
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Old 2004-01-14, 11:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #48
Lightbulb Collector
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Originally Posted by firecrackerNC
WTF MAN!! East coasts not rude,stupid idiot.We are perfectly normal you dumbass
I say not. Miami is fucking rude as hell.
The gun katas. Through analysis of thousands of recorded gunfights, the Cleric has determined that the geometric distribution of antagonists in any gun battle is a statistically predictable element. The gun kata treats the gun as a total weapon, each fluid position representing a maximum kill zone, inflicting maximum damage on the maximum number of opponents while keeping the defender clear of the statistically traditional trajectories of return fire. By the rote mastery of this art, your firing efficiency will rise by no less than 120%. The difference of a 63% increase to lethal proficiency makes the master of the gun katas an adversary not to be taken lightly.
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Old 2004-01-14, 11:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #49
I Hate Pants
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Originally Posted by Strygun
Yup, we wear toboggans down here. What do you northerns call em? Bean hats or something like that? Beanie? It's bean something I think...
A BEANIE!? Do I look Jewish to you? Anyways we call them hats. Or a tuke. Whichever you like.

And incase you were wondering a toboggan is a sliegh you ride down snow hills. Not something you can wear on your head really.

Last edited by I Hate Pants; 2004-01-14 at 11:16 PM.
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Old 2004-01-14, 11:17 PM   [Ignore Me] #50

(from Blue Collar) The best thing about being from Texas is that we have the death penalty and we USE it....other states are tryin to abolish it and Texas is puttin it in the express lane... sry couldnt resist puttin that
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Old 2004-01-14, 11:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #51
Lightbulb Collector
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Originally Posted by I Hate Pants
A BEANIE!? Do I look Jewish to you? Anyways we call them hats. Or a tuke. Whichever you like.

And incase you were wondering a toboggan is a sliegh you ride down snow hills. Not something you can wear on your head really.
Yeah, I was wondering what he meant by "toboggan." Toboggans are sleds, beanies are what stereotypical mischevious little kids wear, usually brightly colored and sometimes with a propeller at the top, and yarmulkes (sp?) are the things worn by ****.
The gun katas. Through analysis of thousands of recorded gunfights, the Cleric has determined that the geometric distribution of antagonists in any gun battle is a statistically predictable element. The gun kata treats the gun as a total weapon, each fluid position representing a maximum kill zone, inflicting maximum damage on the maximum number of opponents while keeping the defender clear of the statistically traditional trajectories of return fire. By the rote mastery of this art, your firing efficiency will rise by no less than 120%. The difference of a 63% increase to lethal proficiency makes the master of the gun katas an adversary not to be taken lightly.
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Old 2004-01-14, 11:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #52
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You will never, NEVER see a Southerner name his car the "Sherman" or the "Grant". Instead, you get "General Lee" (Dukes of Hazzard) or maybe "Stonewall Jackson."

SDM: The first two are Union Civil War generals. The last two are Confederate Civil War generals. Yes, I'm talking about the American Civil War.
The gun katas. Through analysis of thousands of recorded gunfights, the Cleric has determined that the geometric distribution of antagonists in any gun battle is a statistically predictable element. The gun kata treats the gun as a total weapon, each fluid position representing a maximum kill zone, inflicting maximum damage on the maximum number of opponents while keeping the defender clear of the statistically traditional trajectories of return fire. By the rote mastery of this art, your firing efficiency will rise by no less than 120%. The difference of a 63% increase to lethal proficiency makes the master of the gun katas an adversary not to be taken lightly.
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Old 2004-01-15, 12:00 AM   [Ignore Me] #53
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Originally Posted by AztecWarrior
You will never, NEVER see a Southerner name his car the "Sherman" or the "Grant". Instead, you get "General Lee" (Dukes of Hazzard) or maybe "Stonewall Jackson."

SDM: The first two are Union Civil War generals. The last two are Confederate Civil War generals. Yes, I'm talking about the American Civil War.
I'm real sorry I bruised your little ego. You can stop being a retard now.
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Old 2004-01-15, 12:01 AM   [Ignore Me] #54
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Originally Posted by SDM
I'm real sorry I bruised your little ego. You can stop being a retard now.
I'm not offended at all. In fact, I feel sorry that I must make clear every frigging thing I say to our slower learners.

NOTE: I'm replying to your post.
The gun katas. Through analysis of thousands of recorded gunfights, the Cleric has determined that the geometric distribution of antagonists in any gun battle is a statistically predictable element. The gun kata treats the gun as a total weapon, each fluid position representing a maximum kill zone, inflicting maximum damage on the maximum number of opponents while keeping the defender clear of the statistically traditional trajectories of return fire. By the rote mastery of this art, your firing efficiency will rise by no less than 120%. The difference of a 63% increase to lethal proficiency makes the master of the gun katas an adversary not to be taken lightly.
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Old 2004-01-15, 12:07 AM   [Ignore Me] #55
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Originally Posted by AztecWarrior
I feel sorry that I must make clear every frigging thing I say.
Go back to making no sense then. For the smartest little punk in Florida, you sure are being a moron.
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Old 2004-01-15, 01:32 AM   [Ignore Me] #56
Ait'al's Avatar

Yarnt yall coming over
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