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Old 2004-04-24, 12:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #46
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Originally Posted by Squeeky
Chelle got hungry and ate him
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Old 2004-04-24, 03:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #47
Major General
Electrofreak's Avatar

Once again, squeeky turns a perfectly decent thread into a means to insult someone. Its fucking pathetic.

Anyhow, moving on, JetRaiden, your cat "Lady" reminds me of an old cat of mine who was also very shy. She would let you pet her, but after a while, she would bite you (not hard though). I think it had something to do with the fact that we adopted her because she had been taken away from someone who mistreated her. I'm afraid she didn't really trust people because of that One day, we let her outside, and she never returned... ::Sighs::

I also have to agree that Russ is one cool-lookin cat. He definately looks like a smart guy.

My mom has 2 cats, sisters actually, who we adopted because they had been found duct-taped into a cardboard box and then dropped off on the side of the highway poor kitties! Anyhow, they are both cuties and love nothing more than to hop up in your lap and rub theirselves all over you until you start petting them, lol. I don't go over to my stepmoms very often so I don't get to see them much, I miss those kitties! I'll be going over there in a few days to install some stuff into her computer, I'll see if I can get some pics

I used to have a dog, Franklin, who was a Westie (Westhighland White Terrier) who was a really awesome little dog. He was a little guy (as all Westies are) but he was pretty cool. Tons of fun to run around the yard with him. He loved to play his kind of tag, where basically I would chase him and he would run away, then as soon as I got close to catching him, he would spin around and chase me. A lot of fun that often ended up leaving the both of us lying on the ground, exhausted
Unfortunately, several months back, Franklin died in an accident (which kind of pains me to go into). I miss the poor little guy, but he had a long and happy life that brought a lot of joy to the family.

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Last edited by Electrofreak; 2004-04-24 at 04:02 PM.
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