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Old 2004-07-02, 04:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #46
Incompetent's Avatar

it seems that everything the TR have can fight back against air... the VS and NC are pretty helpless if they don't have any AA MAXes in the area...
Thats the sick joke the devs played on the TR, they give us all this short range AA and nothing with reach (and accuracy, that is.) Sure we can kill them if they get close, but the VS can just park a couple of starfires on top of a tower and you've got an instant no-fly-zone.
I love my Maruader. I can last a LONG time in that thing and if I have a few good gunners we can do a lot of spanking. Plus it provides a fast and fun transportation service. I can deliver 3 rexos including myself to a tower using the Marauder to own the spits and other deployables in the area... and ALWAYS some goober with agile and MA has to come out of the tower and donate to our kill count while we are clearing the deployables. Also, if a Reaver comes around you just stop and have the 12mm blast away while the driver and main gunner jump out for some dual striker action.

The Enforcer requires more coordination to line up shots and you can forget trying to kill troops in hilly areas... if you go up there you will die and never get a good shot off. In even flat ground it's pretty nice, but how often does that happen? The main problem with the enforcer is the TR Striker. Since every other TR grunt seems to carry one you can find yourself in trouble quickly as it only takes 7 hits to take you down. Also, if a Reaver shows up you are just meat for him to chew on. If you stay in your vehicle you will die and if you get out you will die.

The Thresher... well what can I say? It looks cool and floats on water... LOL
Just my take

My problem with the marauder is that it feels... redundant to me. The Lightning will do just as good if not better clearing CE and the Deliverer can dump the grunts better, keeping them safer on the way and arriving in larger numbers. I suppose it makes a reasonable unit to range out alone and snag key towers, but aircraft are better suited to that. Also, that ground pounder just seems totally useless against armored vehicles, so the second a decent sized vehicle shows up the grunt killing fun ends in a mad dash towards the nearest Prowler, which probably doesn't exist because all the idiot flyers are clogging the forward vehicle pads and half the ones that aren't flyers are pulling light vehicles which they'll probably spend more time waiting for then using.

The Enforcer, to me, is more useful because it can almost fill the role of ghetto AT (i hate using that word, but it fits) when you don't have tech, and they can also run up the flanks of TR armored columns and fire in to create confusion. When the TR lose there tech, we can't kill tanks for shit, when the NC lose there tech, they can harrass our tanks with Enforcers to try and get them to do something stupid, or cut them them up with Thunderers. You've got to perform a range balancing act with them though, because it is a buggy, but the prolwer is innaccurate enough to provide some leeway. Then again, the TR never have tech dominance anymore, so it's a moot point.

The Thresher is suprisingly annoying, in rough terrain, that fucker is impossible to hit, so it makes a decent enough transport/AMS finder imho, but the others are much more preferable.
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