Originally Posted by Derfud
Chewy, anakin's ghost is in his younger form, yet before he was seduced by the dark side. As another one of the premiere starwars nerds in this forum I can also verify that lucas doesnt need to consult directors, hell, there is nothing ethically wrong with it. Why? He wrote starwars, he doesnt need any more permission. Also the whole Hayden Christensen thing makes sense when you think about it. The other guy who originally played anakin's ghost was never in any of the movies? He was only ever in that very last scene.
On a final note, I can also verify that this is indeed an ewok:
Tell me then, why didn't the other two ghosts appear in their younger form? Why not have Obi-Wan being played by Ewan McGregor? It doesn't make any sense to only have one of the three ghosts show up in the second to last time they were on the light side, and have the other two ghosts show up the last time they were light side jedi's.