Originally Posted by elfailo
This is wrong on so many levels.
It doesn't change his fate? No, not when you're talking about bots that always hit the same amount of bullets. But we aren't averages. The whole point is to differentiate good from bad players, and one way to do so is by aim. When you die before you can fight back, that element is removed. What remains is making sure you see the other guy first, which tends to boil down to camping chokepoints and popular routes to objectives.
I get that really. I don't think close to instant death ttk would be fine but I have no problem a game where having skill is a mix of aiming and vision aka awereness. Obliviously, the latter must be harder to master since every game need an directional indicator to realise where the shots came from, 2d and now 3d spotting.
Originally Posted by elfailo
Second, it wouldn't "permit" that at all. It is always permitted. Whether it is always wise, is something players have to decide for themselves by trying to predict the movement of enemy players. Permission of errors is not a gamedesign flaw - it's a necessity for competition. If it was impossible to commits errors, everyone would be equally strong.
Didn't you just said that all that mather was aim? Except of course if you admit above average have a
close to the same aim, few would be as equally strong.
Awereness, ever heard of that? I hope so because most fps require some of it though it seems you disagree. Permitting mistake just mean you lower the skill floor not the opposite. Competition is about making the least mistake that would put you in disavantage and exploit evey possible advantage and not: "Hey guys, didn't saw that grenade but no worry, it barely touch my health". It is pretty much the same as running in the middle of no-where, being hit by someone in a better position, run all the way back while being shot and tell yourself :"alright, as soon as my health is back, I'll shoot that player back if is retard enough to stick in 1 place". Add 100+ player to this, mechanics to help you find your enemy ala 2d/3d spotting because seeing people is soo hard and battles are going to be sooo amusing...
Originally Posted by elfailo
UT instagib had the best players at the top. So does Battlefield. So does call of Duty. Of course they're going to end up on top...they're the best players. Good players tend to be good in all games they play if they manage to get into the flow.
In other words, since we are all above average player, we will be able to adapt and be top of our team whatever we have low or high ttk. Thanks for proving my point.
Originally Posted by elfailo
Hitting people with the shock rifle beam was ridiculously easy compared to some of the other weapons that game had; it was hitscan, there was no firing delay, and the ROF was quite ridiculous.
The reason instagib was popular was because it was low-entry. Everyone could be a star, nobody would feel as completely humiliated as they would have had they played a much better player in an actual duel, involving pick-up timing, weapon switching, map knowledge, and all the other elements that instagib didn't have. A bad player could still get kills in instagib. In a real game, they'd be completely slaughtered. Every twitch FPS with instagib has shown this.
mmm, maybe. Low entry? Quite logic really. Get kill a few time by pug luck? Surely but why would I care as long as I'm close to the top and so, win? To be fair, the idea for instant gib was just to prove that as long as your are better, you will be on the top and you did agree with this.