Originally posted by Clubfoot
I just hope the bombers are not anywhere near as powerful as the T2 bombers (ie instant death for any but the Jugs on the very edge of the blast radius with shield packs on). The only thing that kept v-pad games playable was a limit of one ( two in some mods) bomber per side at any time; and remember it was at least theoretically possible to quickly get away from an area with your jetpack if you heard the whistle of falling bombs. Imagine a squad of 10 bombers flying over a battle along the flight ceiling. Most people are probably going to give up and log off after repeatedly dying immediately when they step outside.
The shrike was in the air faster, and at that point the bombers life got hard. Its just on pubs where the best defense was a few guys crowded with launchers around the pad that bombing was easy. Same would prolly go for Liberator vs Skeeto.