Originally Posted by DOUBLEXBAUGH
You can have multiple empires on 1 account, just not on the same server.
Depending on how they break up the servers I think my point still stands, if they break up the server like PS1 at launch:
- Johari (Western United States) (my original server)
- Markov (Western United States)
- Konried (Eastern United States)
- Emerald (Eastern United States)
- Werner (Europe)
- Jackson (Europe)
And I want to keep playing with and killing the people within that server's community shouldn't that be an option? After playing for a while you get to know people on your empire and on others via tells and interactions that for me really added to the planetside experience. Playing on Emerald to play another empire felt foreign, the outfits were all wrong, the empire balance was different, I didn't know anyone friendly or enemy. For me I much preferred having all my characters on Johari, later Markov, than spreading them over servers even with the lock out penalties back in the day.
I think you should be able to pay to unlock that same server multi-empire switching if you want to (assuming we are limited in the first place) because it lets you play with who you know, and that used to matter to me at least. I also feel like if they did this, a 30-45 min empire lockout would be perfect, 2 hours+ was too long, combined with same server empire switching being a unique thing only a few would buy it wouldn't be a balance issue.