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Old 2012-06-29, 01:43 PM   [Ignore Me] #61
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Re: Reality check -- playing PS1 for the past three days

Originally Posted by Hamma View Post
PlanetSide 1 has its faults - I'm not playing because it was the best game of all time I'm playing for the nostalgia of it and enjoying playing with the community.

also: is it just me or are people just not bothering with reviving as much as they used to ?
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Old 2012-06-29, 02:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #62
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Re: Reality check -- playing PS1 for the past three days

Seems that way. Though I was rezzed about 5 times in a row by Sardus on the TRG stream

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Old 2012-06-29, 04:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #63
Re: Reality check -- playing PS1 for the past three days

Originally Posted by Bocheezu View Post
I am glad the PS2 bases are more open and aren't as claustrophobic
That's another thing I'd forgotten -- how congested the hallways get in both base and tower fights. You literally have people bouncing on the heads of the crowd like a mosh pit, and anybody with a Maelstrom can farm the hell out of the whole lot.

If the average passageway is wide enough to allow three-four lanes of human traffic, that's enough to let a MAX lock down, let somebody take a knee next to him, and still have room for the zerg to advance close to the opposite wall. That'll be a vast improvement.

I just hope the devs didn't go overboard in the opposite direction and make everything *too* spacious. There ought to be multiple points throughout any base where a skilled, determined squad can make a stand against a superior force. For awhile, anyway.
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Old 2012-06-29, 04:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #64
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Re: Reality check -- playing PS1 for the past three days

Maybe I should get the FV before the end, just to see the hate tells.
Post at me bro.

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Old 2012-06-29, 05:05 PM   [Ignore Me] #65
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Re: Reality check -- playing PS1 for the past three days

Originally Posted by Razicator View Post
Decis are OP as hell against a MAX unit. Making them more powerfu would destroy maxes completely, not that they're already useless except for the AA one.
I disagree, the decimator is hardly OP against maxs unless you're playing defensively, and even then it's still meh.

Every max in the game has a faster ttk vs. rexo, then a decimator vs. a max.

Originally Posted by DerFurst View Post
TR with their MCGs get a definite advantage over VS and NC who actually have to consider where they're shooting.
The MCG is a jack of all trades weapon and the only area it has an advantage vs the other 2 HA is in medium-long range fights.

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Last edited by Effective; 2012-06-29 at 05:16 PM.
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Old 2012-06-30, 05:01 AM   [Ignore Me] #66
Lieutenant General
Re: Reality check -- playing PS1 for the past three days

It was funny to see how the CR5s reacted to the Home Cont Defense event...

We (group of 5-6 Werner CR5s and a few others) told them exactly what would happen right from the start. Then some nub CR5s went and said "DON'T LISTEN TO FIGMENT, the bases are CLEARLY NOT DRAINING so they WON'T go neutral".

*jaw... floor - facepalm*

We told them what to prepare for. Which bases to hold, which would not drain and how to deal with hacked bases (LLUs first, keep them out of subcapitals and try to deny them access to links to subcapitals and reset as much as possible as groups on a base by base basis with organised drops) and basically what to aim for as the defending empire.

No. Of course we had no idea what we were talking about - for the entirety of that half hour they were questioning our competence while boasting about their own experience... So we kinda just left it there and figured "sod it, go and learn from your mistakes then". Mercs went and setup Vidar for quick LLU and hold. Most of the other CR5s didn't know what to do at all, so they did nothing.

Then suddenly the home cont defense event started:

"OMG", "WTF", "WTH", "ZOMG OUR CONTS WENT NEUTRAL!?!" "this is shit!", "why are they doing that!", "WHAT?! Brewko must have given TR advance warning cause they're already here!", "H4X!? WHY CAN THEY HAZ MOAR PEOPLE THAN US!?".

Think that for about 15 minutes and beyond about that and how crappy the event was because they were unpleasantly surprised and didn't know what to expect. It was completely embarrasing to be a CR5 at that point because of the sheer ego of returning noobs "I've also never heard of and am glad to I hadn't" as they apparently missed the concept of each and every home cont defense in the past 8 years...

This is what you get if you people don't train or explain your outfits on every level in what kind of events exist, what happens during them and how you can deal with them!

Utterly incompetent and ego-centrical CR5s that boast about their personal capabilities without actually having anything to show for it, meaning no insight or knowledge whatsoever... It's still there and will always be there, won't it?

Anyway, I was happy to not have gone back to either continent as I was about to go sleep anyway (plus both conts were virtually pop locked anyway) and broke Neti Interlink with a Routerpad on my first attempt to get in. Still wonder what people think is hard about breaking Interlinks...

(Of course not a pad directly to gen, would have been too easy, no, a pad to make people help both upstairs and backdoor by engaging VS in the butt and fight their way downstairs - much more fun).

Last edited by Figment; 2012-06-30 at 05:05 AM.
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Old 2012-06-30, 06:25 AM   [Ignore Me] #67
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Re: Reality check -- playing PS1 for the past three days

Originally Posted by Figment View Post
It was funny to see how the CR5s reacted to the Home Cont Defense event...

We (group of 5-6 Werner CR5s and a few others) told them exactly what would happen right from the start. Then some nub CR5s went and said "DON'T LISTEN TO FIGMENT, the bases are CLEARLY NOT DRAINING so they WON'T go neutral".

*jaw... floor - facepalm*

We told them what to prepare for. Which bases to hold, which would not drain and how to deal with hacked bases (LLUs first, keep them out of subcapitals and try to deny them access to links to subcapitals and reset as much as possible as groups on a base by base basis with organised drops) and basically what to aim for as the defending empire.

No. Of course we had no idea what we were talking about - for the entirety of that half hour they were questioning our competence while boasting about their own experience... So we kinda just left it there and figured "sod it, go and learn from your mistakes then". Mercs went and setup Vidar for quick LLU and hold. Most of the other CR5s didn't know what to do at all, so they did nothing.

Then suddenly the home cont defense event started:

"OMG", "WTF", "WTH", "ZOMG OUR CONTS WENT NEUTRAL!?!" "this is shit!", "why are they doing that!", "WHAT?! Brewko must have given TR advance warning cause they're already here!", "H4X!? WHY CAN THEY HAZ MOAR PEOPLE THAN US!?".

Think that for about 15 minutes and beyond about that and how crappy the event was because they were unpleasantly surprised and didn't know what to expect. It was completely embarrasing to be a CR5 at that point because of the sheer ego of returning noobs "I've also never heard of and am glad to I hadn't" as they apparently missed the concept of each and every home cont defense in the past 8 years...

This is what you get if you people don't train or explain your outfits on every level in what kind of events exist, what happens during them and how you can deal with them!

Utterly incompetent and ego-centrical CR5s that boast about their personal capabilities without actually having anything to show for it, meaning no insight or knowledge whatsoever... It's still there and will always be there, won't it?

Anyway, I was happy to not have gone back to either continent as I was about to go sleep anyway (plus both conts were virtually pop locked anyway) and broke Neti Interlink with a Routerpad on my first attempt to get in. Still wonder what people think is hard about breaking Interlinks...

(Of course not a pad directly to gen, would have been too easy, no, a pad to make people help both upstairs and backdoor by engaging VS in the butt and fight their way downstairs - much more fun).
The majority of NC CR5's are incredibly dumb. It must awesome to be that dumb, every day is always a new adventure!

My Stream -
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Old 2012-06-30, 06:57 AM   [Ignore Me] #68
Lieutenant General
Re: Reality check -- playing PS1 for the past three days

Now now, I wouldn't dare say this is limited to NC.

Unfortunately it appears to be a widespread human epidemic. We may have to warn the WHO about it at some point.
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Old 2012-06-30, 08:12 AM   [Ignore Me] #69
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Re: Reality check -- playing PS1 for the past three days

I've never done that particular event and the clusterfuckage over what I consider to be simple questions was making me want to achieve Weapons Lock Auraxium. So I just winged it and lead from the hip. EVILPIG was more useful than just about anyone else online... and that right there says a lot about the quality of the NC CR5pams these days, especially since his brilliant tactics were taken right out of AT's MAXbook.
Post at me bro.

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Old 2012-06-30, 03:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #70
Re: Reality check -- playing PS1 for the past three days

Originally Posted by Figment View Post
It was funny to see how the CR5s reacted to the Home Cont Defense event...
TR Markov here. Never played on Werner, but I created an NC alt on Emerald out of mere curiosity and played it off and on for a few months. Several things jumped out at me immediately that explained the smurf behavior I was seeing over on Markov:

1) One of the reasons the NC kicked so much ass in close-in knifefights is because when you have a single shot weapon -- or even one that goes into super-atomic 3-shot mode -- it's a lot easier to strafe around and aim *between* your own people. The TR can't do that without murdering each other. I never appreciated that until I held a Jackhammer myself.

2) There were never any backup AMS's. Never. The enemy would find our one or two AMS's and destroy them and the entire offensive would grind to a halt until the big blue and gold killing machine could reassemble and get pointed in the same direction. I was continually rolling them myself just out of habit and getting plenty of compliments... but nobody ever joined me. In fact getting support of any kind was like pulling teeth, and as a loyal Terran who was used to our FIX EVERYTHING AROUND YOU AT ALL TIMES ethic it really fucking irritated me.

3) The CR5's were retarded. They screeched orders and insults at us and each other like junior highers on a caffeine high. They made ours look like Sun Tzu. They had exactly one bright spark amongst them: SecOfHateColinKapow, and we pretty much followed him whenever he was on.

Despite 2) and 3), the NC still turned in good performances due to the user-friendly firepower of the Jackhammer on the one hand and the Vanguard on the other. Cameraderie, yes. Lots of killing power, yes. Organization, other than the moment-to-moment kind? LOL.

The different lore and character of each empire attracts different personality types. And the ones that are drawn to the NC frankly seem to be the frustrated teenagers, the libertarians, the independents who, for whatever reasons in RL, don't like to be told what to do *and* who want the biggest goddam guns. The TR get the disciplined serious people, or at least a critical mass of them, precisely because of the whole Nazi-Commie color scheme and authoritarian lore.

(Much of what makes the Vanu tick as a community is still a mystery to me. I never created a Vanu alt. They really seem to get their rocks off on the whole WE ARE SUPERIOR BECAUSE OF THE POWER OF SCIENCE! meme, though. I'm guessing they were the kids playing harmless practical jokes on each other in high school science lab, and who will dangerously overclock their PC's to gain a few frames per second).

You're not bitching about 'experience' or 'organization' or 'discipline'. You're bitching about your empire's corporate culture, the one that grows out of the character of the majority of people attracted to it. And there's no cure for that. So it's not going to change in PS2. Nor should it.

Last edited by Rivenshield; 2012-06-30 at 03:21 PM.
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Old 2012-06-30, 03:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #71
Lieutenant General
Re: Reality check -- playing PS1 for the past three days

Actually Werner NC was (was) much different from what we seen since the merger. Sure there were egoes, but they would still coordinate and cooperate, despite of quarrels between individuals. I've played NC exclusively since 2004 and been CR5 since 2005...

I must therefor conclude it is also (server) culture related, because this bad behaviour, so consistently only happened this frequently on NC after the mergers. In fact, it was a change that literally happened over night. Didn't know where they were from, but you're not the first to suggest Emerald NC had... Special... Leadership.
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Old 2012-06-30, 04:40 PM   [Ignore Me] #72
Re: Reality check -- playing PS1 for the past three days

Originally Posted by Figment View Post
Actually Werner NC was (was) much different from what we seen since the merger.

I must therefor conclude it is also (server) culture related

Interesting observations. Servers do indeed have different cultures unto themselves, just as empires do. But a lot of what I saw wearing blue and gold on Emerald confirmed and threw into 3D relief the behavior I saw wearing red and black on Markov.

Take last night for an example. I saw several Vanu minefields that were pretty extensive... but I didn't see any purple people making TR-style suicide runs to maintain them, either. And I don't think I ran into a single NC mine or Spitfire. What's your perception of the whole support role? Do you have to belong to an outfit to get fixed/healed/AMS support? Or do your people pretty much do these things all the time anyway, which I frankly don't see them doing -- then or now.
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Old 2012-06-30, 05:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #73
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Re: Reality check -- playing PS1 for the past three days

Currently organisation lacks due to returning outfits being half roster and being unorganised. Back then on Werner vehicles were very well provided in comparison to other servers. Emmy seemed to have more aircav at first. But we sometimes had 8 AMSs at a base, sometimes 1, usualy 3-4. All in all we conditioned our zergs a lot.

At first we lacked Thunderers, but eventually people learned they were great alternatives to tanks when without tech. That took a lot of spam and leading by example. But eventually we went from 1-3 Thundies to 6-8 without tech.
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Old 2012-06-30, 09:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #74
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Re: Reality check -- playing PS1 for the past three days

Reading this discussion, I'm finding the deeper, beneficial meaning in opening up PS1 to all the vets that held on so dearly to the "good ol' ways" while bashing every little change to PS2. They can see why PS2 is being designed the way it is now, and are having their eyes opened to just how big a mistake reintroducing Planetside 1's gun play and mechanics would be in today's day and age. It simply would not appeal to the masses like it needs to do be the great game we all want it to be.

Rose-tinted glasses make everything look better, but then when you take them off...

Planetside 1 really was flawed in too many ways. Yeah, we remembered the GREAT fights we had... the bulk of our FPS' were the strafe and shoot type of games back then.

Today, after all of the modern age games we've had time to experience, PS1 plays like crap in comparison. Infantry combat really did boil down to HA, as MA was useless at ranges where it should have shined, and even in optimum ranges, it didn't do the damage it needed to. There was little to no reward for playing smart or well, just having the better ping and keeping a cross-hair over the target.

There's a reason a lot of the people in this thread doing a 180 in their opinion on how great many of PS1's mechanics were are only now playing again due to the free reactivations: they quit once before, but forgot why.

Unfortunately for me, I can't really play PS1: it locks up or crashes after a random amount of time. I wasn't exactly feeling too involved in firefights either. Impacts had all the feedback of someone shining a pen light in my direction from 40 meters away, and I'll be damned if I ever felt like I was actually making any kills despite 200ms. Never mind that the cycler sucks balls yet sounds and feels the best regardless.

It is a fun game in short bursts, but not something I'm willing to pay $15 a month for anymore. Especially with random crashes that I don't feel like hassling over.

Still, it's nice to see that some people can now see where some of us other vets are coming from in supporting the lower TTK's and other modern mechanics in PS2. They, coincidentally, don't dumb-down anything. PS1 by comparison is in fact the dumbed-down game, but only because 8 years ago this was actually fairly high-quality game-play. A lot has changed since then, both in technology and in expectations.
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Old 2012-06-30, 10:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #75
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Re: Reality check -- playing PS1 for the past three days

It's sad to see all the useless commanders who argue and cause trouble. Last night I logged on 10 minutes before the event on Hossin. Some NC CR5s were telling the empire to ignore the event and when the bases went nuetral the NC basically got nothing and that is a nail in the coffin for the that type of event. However, I managed to take the helm and get the NC back on track. Most everyone began to coordinate and shut down the naysayers. We pulled the event out and won with about an hour left.

It was epic. Good job NC.
"That which does not kill us,
makes us stronger
" -Nietzsche
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