2004-04-07, 09:00 AM
[Ignore Me]
Major General
Beta Demo 4-6-04 Information
Allow me to introduce myself, I am the producer of Soldner at Encore in The united States.
I've noticed that many people on the forums want to hear something from the people who are working on the game and although this is not "official", I feel it is my duty to try to explain some of the events that occurred today.
First, I want to say thank you to all of you who have expressed an enormous amount of interest in the game. I truly believe that Soldner is the best multiplayer gaming experience in the world.
As you all know, the demo was released by me today around 10 AM.
The exe was picked up by many websites off our server to give to everyone.
When the sites downloaded the file, an extra 540 bytes or so of data were written by the script to the end of the file. Normally this does not cause a problem, but in this case, the demo actually checks itself in regards to the file size and if it is not exact, it won't run.
This was fixed within 30 minutes and the exe went out to all of the sites and was reposted.
If you were few of the lucky ones who were able to get the file between 10 and Noon, you logged into the servers and played. I know a lot of people were able to play because I was playing along with them.
By 1 PM the traffic had become so heavy on the JoWooD home page, the soldner page and the forums that it began to bog down the portal the game relies on to disperse information to all users.
Add to that, the huge response from you users, creating new accounts, new servers, etc. the portal was unable to keep up with the number of requests and was not giving out the information people needed to play:
1) The server lists were not displaying because the portal could not give out the information in a timely manner
2) Servers were disconnecting from the portals because they were not receiveing feedback from the portal.
3) Users were unable to log into servers because the portal was not updating their information quick enough to allow entry into the games.
This caused:
Waiting for authorization and Pre Connect waiting messages.
Many people, SCI (our official server partner) and including myself, were attempting to get servers up and running, but were unable to connect to the portal.
As of this minitue - I am remotely connecting to our server, still trying to get it up and running.
I apologize for this, I want to play the game with you all too!
All I can ask is to be patient to allow the developers to fix the portal for you and get this up and running as soon as possible.