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Old 2004-06-20, 12:54 AM   [Ignore Me] #61
Sputty's Avatar

Originally Posted by TekDragon
Huh? You do realize lead BLOCKS radiation, right?
Do you plan on completely sealing the house or bunker and leaving it sealed for decades?

BTW, please don't turn this thread into something you can use for political debate or gain
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Old 2004-06-20, 01:36 AM   [Ignore Me] #62
Major General
EarlyDawn's Avatar

Originally Posted by Mr1337Duck
They did a test with Star Wars earlier. They said it failed, but I think it's bullcrap. Think about it. If Joe Dictator decides to fire a nuke at Israel, he's gonna wonder if the nuke can be stopped. If he thinks it can't be stopped, he'll fire the nuke and sit on his arsenal of those, not bothering to develop better stuff. If he knows a nuke will be stopped by a laser, he'll attack some other way, some way we haven't learned to fight against.

And we're not worried about city-destroying nukes being created in the middle east, we're thinking more like suitcase nukes, ones that will destroy everything within 1-4 blocks, not something that could destroy Los Angeles. You don't fire these suitcase nukes, you hide them in a vehicle.
First of all, the Star Wars program as we developed it was ground based and thus ineffective in all published evidence from the trials. Our anti-missle shield technology is now heading towards aircraft-mounted lasers (currently in development) for theatre defense. Satelite would be the most effective for the sake of accuracy and lack of targetting / technical aspects of ground based equipment, but is controversial because many nations, including Russia, have said that if the united states develops satelite based anti-missle weapons, they will begin selling nuclear weapons to any buyers, leading to massive proliferation.

Second, if we truely had a 100% effective, totally secret missle shield in place to shoot down a nuke launched from anywhere in the world, do you not think that this would begin to affect our world policy? The U.S. is working on numerous threat classification programs, like predator and eschalon to catigorize and accumulate information about covert terrorist style threats across the world. Once we had that in place, we would essentially be totally untouchable.

Thus, I do not believe the sucess rate for the Star Wars ground-based missle defense systems were downplayed. Were that the case, I don't think we would have invested millions into airborn anti-missle systems.
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Old 2004-06-20, 01:45 AM   [Ignore Me] #63
Sputty's Avatar

"Star Wars" seems like a waste of money in most ways. It's generally not effective, it may stop some missiles, but the required circumstances(planes being near the launch point for example) mixed with the fact that the weapons are firing at fast missiles as they ascend makes it hard for them to hit. A large amount of nukes would get past easily, and fighters could easily destroy the modified 747
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Old 2004-06-20, 01:59 AM   [Ignore Me] #64
Teh Masturbator
Squeeky's Avatar

Originally Posted by Hamma
I am not a liberal or a conservative, I simply believe what I want to believe. I don't stick to the views of one party.
I think Chris Rock said it best when he said:

"You gotta be one stupid motherfucker if you make up your mind about an issue, before you even hear the fucking issue. I'm not a liberal, i'm not a conservative, i'm a little bit of both."
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