Originally Posted by sylphaen
So they HAVE butchered the original orchestral NC Main Theme, haven't they ? Sad sad.... Waiting to hear some of the orchestrated TR music.
The leaks already sounded good so the end result should be even better.
Yeah it seems a shame that they've turned the music into some kind of Space Cowboy theme. Reminds me of some of the Starcraft music actually. I do hope I like the TR stuff better as that's what I'll be listening to
Originally Posted by sylphaen
Edit: I do find that for a game supposed to play fast, they do spend a lot of time in menus. Spend 40 seconds in Menuside customizing/choosing the right spawn point, run a while and die in less time than it takes to say "Oh s...!". For the same amount of timer seconds in PS1, you got more shooting seconds than in PS2 it seems.
I imagine that once you settle on your favourite loadouts the menu time will go down drastically. Much like in PS1 where if you didn't know what you wanted from the equipment term beforehand, you could spend a couple minutes putting together your gear, but your favourites were more or less instant. And the time choosing a spawn point replaces the time running to the equipment terminal
Originally Posted by Noctis
There are alot of different assists;
Sunderer is slightly overpowered;
HA AV launcher is well balanced and armors rule the battlefield.
Glad to see all the assists - that's something that annoyed me playing in PS1 again back in July, doing a whole bunch of damage to something and then someone else getting the kill so I got nothing for it. (Mind you that worked both ways - I got a vanguard kill in my burster, too
Sunderers and Galaxies seem pretty tough - that's good, as people won't be afraid to get in one and go for a ride, but I hope the weapons aren't too strong for its survivability.
The tank-infantry balance seemed about right at first glance - tanks seemed to be fearsome at range, but rather vulnerable up close to infantry (a Prowler? died pretty quickly driving past a cluster of infantry in cover at around the 4 minute mark). Which is as it should be
Originally Posted by Bocheezu
Or do what I do with every MMO: turn the music off. I feel bad for the guys that put all the effort into arranging that stuff, some of it no doubt high quality, but hearing anything 1490817234 times a day while playing is very mind-numbing.
There are a few games that can pull off music good enough to keep going all the time without getting annoying. The original Planetside was one of them, IMO. (I also think that Paradox's line of grand strategy games tend to have awesome music that I like to listen to even after 100s of hours of playtime.) On the other hand, I am the kind of person who will repeat a favourite CD a few times in a row, and I suppose there are others who would be driven crazy by that even if they loved the CD