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Old 2013-01-21, 09:33 AM   [Ignore Me] #61
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Re: Please Sign this PS1 Free-to-Play Petition!

Originally Posted by Atheosim View Post
Smed doesn't run a fucking charity. People pay for it or it doesn't exist. They're going to need a good while to figure out how to monetize it, then figure out how to implement it. It's an old engine. It's not going to be fast. Give up hope now and your pleasure IF it does come will be tenfold.
However, it's been stated by Smed that it costs next to nothing to run the server for PS1. What would be interesting to see, as an experiment, is to let people play PS1 for free (no limits or changes to the game) just to see how many will play it. I'd be curious to see that #. Make it have a one time purchase with no subscribtion for this test.

If this does produce a large pop that would tell SOE there is something in PS1 that players like over PS2. They could then think seriously about adding a F2P shop to PS1 while at the same time using what works in PS1 in PS2.

EDIT: Combine the one time purchase serial # to an account so that when banned you must purchase another serial # and create a new account to associate that serial # to it. This is to help control exploiters/hackers as we know there will be a lot of it in PS1 if it has any kind of free to play offer...
Don't feed the trolls, unless it's funny to do so...

Last edited by Crator; 2013-01-21 at 09:40 AM.
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Old 2013-01-21, 01:43 PM   [Ignore Me] #62
Staff Sergeant
Re: Please Sign this PS1 Free-to-Play Petition!

I don't know if it's been said but Smed tweeted recently PS1 is going free to play before June.
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Old 2013-01-27, 12:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #63
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Re: Please Sign this PS1 Free-to-Play Petition!

I'm not sure how I stumbled upon the petition thread in the PS2 forums, but I'm glad I did.

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Old 2013-01-29, 02:30 AM   [Ignore Me] #64
First Sergeant
Re: Please Sign this PS1 Free-to-Play Petition!

Originally Posted by basti View Post
ITs fine as it is?

Get PLAY the game and tell me that again.

Newer PCs have massive problems with PS1. Some cant run it at all, others only get 20 FPS max. If that doesnt get fixed, you wont get big fights. In fact you wont get anyone playing.

A crapload of people dont have a Credit card, means you put them out of the equation completly. Plenty of others dont want to put in their details just to play for free, and SOE surley doesnt want to go down that road.
But most important, it archives nothing. You get rid of the super balant hackers that way, but the usual ROF COF crowd that was there for years will once again still be around, as they were even around when we had no reserves and no trials.
What saddens me is that we had this exact discussion about Credit cards not just once, but literally dozens of times on Forumside. Every time we came to the same conclusion that it doesnt do any good, but just makes it harder to legit players to get into the game. Yet its coming up every now and then again.

So, in the end, you would revive a broken game, just to see it completly teared apart by hackers. SOE would just get a bad rep, and we all just lost, as we still dont have the game we want.

So, instead of wasting time with an old, broken game, let it rest. It is over, Planetside 1 is gone. It will not come back.

Chill, play something else, and help push Planetside 2 into the right direction.
Planetside gave us all a lot of good memories, thats why we are here. But those memorys cant be recreated. The game is gone, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.
I had no issues playing PS1 the entire year leading up to PS2 being launched. Unfortunately that entire year I was having more fun, after years and years of PS1, than I have been with PS2 in its current state.
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Old 2013-02-18, 10:40 AM   [Ignore Me] #65
Staff Sergeant
Re: Please Sign this PS1 Free-to-Play Petition!

How is that video coming along? I can't wait to sub for PlanetSide day. Going to be amazing!!
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Old 2013-02-27, 03:07 AM   [Ignore Me] #66
Sergeant Major
Re: Please Sign this PS1 Free-to-Play Petition!

I'm all for PS1 going F2P or $5 a month, but in order for it to last longer than a few months some things would need to happen. Most of the things that ruined PS for me and many others was everything added after the first 6 months or so. Aside from Lodestars I can't think of a single addition to the game that was good after that time, maybe the expert engy stuff (I was never an adv+ engy and wasn't a fan of hacking viruses). We already had Skygaurds, Libs, and LLUs by then (all 3 welcome additions).

1. Hacking needs to be fixed/monitored much much better. Its been mentioned a few times in this thread, so i'll just leave it at that.

2. BR40, in my opinion should not give you all the certs anymore. Revert back to BR23 cert point values thumper and MAX spam is NOT fun.

3. BFRs, yes I'm well aware that in there current form they are not that bad (except for the NC death cannon), but they represent the start of PS downfall for many. Removing them would bring back a lot more people.

4. Old Oshur, this one for me isn't a deal breaker at all, but again the BIs came from "The Bending" and anything associated with that is pure evil to PS 1 vets. Also most people hated the BIs restrictions. However, more importantly bringing back Old Oshur for the BIs would allow them to REVERT BACK TO THE ORIGINAL MAP!!!!!!!!

5. Cert bundles, UniMAX... just please no. (relates to #2) PS1s cert system was great in that it made you specialize in 1 or 2 areas, or you could do a little bit of everything, but not everything at once. These bundles along with the later BR40 threw off that balance and allowed 1 person to do too much at 1 time.

6. Flails, remove them... especially if you will allow chinaside to play with us again.

I'm sure there is more, but that what I got off the top of my head. I'm also well aware that this is all my opinion and most if not all of this wont happen, but I feel it needs to happen otherwise it wont be very long before everyone leaves again because of these broken mechanics.

Hell, just roll it back to pre bending and I think we would rather deal with the old bugs than the added stuff that broke what was working.
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Old 2013-02-27, 10:39 AM   [Ignore Me] #67
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Re: Please Sign this PS1 Free-to-Play Petition!

Originally Posted by DOUBLEXBAUGH View Post
I'm all for PS1 going F2P or $5 a month, but in order for it to last longer than a few months some things would need to happen. Most of the things that ruined PS for me and many others was everything added after the first 6 months or so. Aside from Lodestars I can't think of a single addition to the game that was good after that time, maybe the expert engy stuff (I was never an adv+ engy and wasn't a fan of hacking viruses). We already had Skygaurds, Libs, and LLUs by then (all 3 welcome additions).

1. Hacking needs to be fixed/monitored much much better. Its been mentioned a few times in this thread, so i'll just leave it at that.

2. BR40, in my opinion should not give you all the certs anymore. Revert back to BR23 cert point values thumper and MAX spam is NOT fun.

3. BFRs, yes I'm well aware that in there current form they are not that bad (except for the NC death cannon), but they represent the start of PS downfall for many. Removing them would bring back a lot more people.

4. Old Oshur, this one for me isn't a deal breaker at all, but again the BIs came from "The Bending" and anything associated with that is pure evil to PS 1 vets. Also most people hated the BIs restrictions. However, more importantly bringing back Old Oshur for the BIs would allow them to REVERT BACK TO THE ORIGINAL MAP!!!!!!!!

5. Cert bundles, UniMAX... just please no. (relates to #2) PS1s cert system was great in that it made you specialize in 1 or 2 areas, or you could do a little bit of everything, but not everything at once. These bundles along with the later BR40 threw off that balance and allowed 1 person to do too much at 1 time.

6. Flails, remove them... especially if you will allow chinaside to play with us again.

I'm sure there is more, but that what I got off the top of my head. I'm also well aware that this is all my opinion and most if not all of this wont happen, but I feel it needs to happen otherwise it wont be very long before everyone leaves again because of these broken mechanics.

Hell, just roll it back to pre bending and I think we would rather deal with the old bugs than the added stuff that broke what was working.
It would be awesome, however unlikely just to get a sprinkle of dev support for the game.

1) Universal MAX Timer that starts upon death
2) Hand Held Grenade Damage Nerfed on par with Thumper Grenade Damage
3)Reaver Armor Reduced to its original value
4)Lasher Reverted to Original Form (Hell, I'd happily take the old 25 clip back at this point)
5)BR 40 Removed (Or at least access to all certs goes away)
6)You must be logged in for at least 3 hours before being able to OS
7)Generator health increased substantially

These are a few things that I would really like to have implemented. I know it would never happen, but it doesn't hurt to dream I guess.

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Old 2013-02-27, 09:25 PM   [Ignore Me] #68
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Re: Please Sign this PS1 Free-to-Play Petition!

Originally Posted by Death2All View Post
It would be awesome, however unlikely just to get a sprinkle of dev support for the game.

1) Universal MAX Timer that starts upon death
2) Hand Held Grenade Damage Nerfed on par with Thumper Grenade Damage
3)Reaver Armor Reduced to its original value
4)Lasher Reverted to Original Form (Hell, I'd happily take the old 25 clip back at this point)
5)BR 40 Removed (Or at least access to all certs goes away)
6)You must be logged in for at least 3 hours before being able to OS
7)Generator health increased substantially

These are a few things that I would really like to have implemented. I know it would never happen, but it doesn't hurt to dream I guess.
1. Rather then a universal timer, it's 1 max suit with interchangeable weapons similar to BFRs. AV max would be first cert at 2 points, and then AI/AV attachments would be 1 point each, TTK's on AV/AA weapons would be nerfed to be lower then the TTK of a decimator, run mode would be limited by stamina or an alternate powersource, doesn't matter which. Maxs can no longer use Darklight and personal shield.
2. Rather then nerfing the damage, remove explode on impact from all handheld/thumper nades except jammers.
3. Yes
4. I'm neutral on this. The only issue I have with the current lasher is that the clip should be 40 shots and the maximum COF size should be reduced.
5. Yes and free rexo
6. Neutral
7. Rather then that. Require adv or expert hackers to unlock the generator door.

8. My own. Remove BFRs, galaxy gunships, wasps, and flails.
9. Make galaxies more viable, increase speed of the hotdrop from galaxy/phantasms.
10. Removed upgraded spitfire/wall turret variants, and the ability to place spits in the enemy SOI. Make ADV. CE the only CE upgrade cert, but reduce it to 3-4 points from 5.
11. Buff the sparrow, increase lock-on speed, still brainstorming other ideas.
12. Make the cycler COF more manageable, needs to be brought up to par with Pulsar/Gauss rifle.
13. Remove JH tripleshot, in it's current form it's just a trap that gets NC players killed.
14. Make aircraft a bit harder to fly, and I don't mean adding more anti-aircraft weapons to the game, because that is a dumb idea.
15. Buff the striker, in particular increase projectile speed slightly and make it so reloading doesn't break your lock.
16. Attached to point 1. AP/AV weapons now break through max armor to damage health. TTK's will be the same against a full health max, but someone can't just switch to a max with 1 HP and expect to live.
17. Remove name reveal from mossie/motion sensor detection.
18. I'll come up with more later if desired.

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Old 2013-02-27, 11:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #69
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Re: Please Sign this PS1 Free-to-Play Petition!

Originally Posted by Effective View Post
1. Rather then a universal timer, it's 1 max suit with interchangeable weapons similar to BFRs. AV max would be first cert at 2 points, and then AI/AV attachments would be 1 point each, TTK's on AV/AA weapons would be nerfed to be lower then the TTK of a decimator, run mode would be limited by stamina or an alternate powersource, doesn't matter which. Maxs can no longer use Darklight and personal shield.
I like that idea, but I doubt they'd ever put that much effort into actually implementing that. The nerf to Personal shield I understand but I don't think removal of Darklight is necessary personally.
2. Rather then nerfing the damage, remove explode on impact from all handheld/thumper nades except jammers.I forgot to put that in my post. Yes, remove of explode on impact would be very nice. I'd also like to see the removal of the hit indicator with use of any weapons that have a three second timer.
3. Yes
4. I'm neutral on this. The only issue I have with the current lasher is that the clip should be 40 shots and the maximum COF size should be reduced.I'd be happy with a 30 Clip Size, minor reduction to CoF and old Orb Speed. The new Lasher is just boring compared to the original unique version.
5. Yes and free rexoAgreed, all Veteran rewards should be removed.
6. NeutralMy reason behind that is that there are a lot of people with CR 5 nowadays, and a lot of people with alts with CR 5. I know a lot of people in my outfit, my self included who would log on alts and fire off all OSes over a contested Interlink and totally fuck over the opposition.
7. Rather then that. Require adv or expert hackers to unlock the generator door.I'd only be in favor of that if BR 40 All certs was removed. Otherwise it's kind of pointless.

8. My own. Remove BFRs, galaxy gunships, wasps, and flails.I'm only really in favor of the Flail being removed as it has no real purpose and just ruins fights.

BFRs have been nerfed to oblivion, but I know a lot of people would be happy with their removal. Neutral on that one.

GGs actually have a purpose. The problem is is that they're balanced in accordance to a large scale population. They were really OP in PS's last days because the pops were so low. They'd fly in with no opposition and lock down CYs by themselves. I think that the overall timer should be increased for them. Sucks when one camps your CY for an hour, then you finally take it out and they come right back again.

Wasps, as much as I hate them, should remain in the game. I think it should take longer for the A2A missle to lock on, increase it to something like 5 seconds and give the victim pleanty of warning. Also, remove that bullshit with the increased afterburner pool. It doesn't need it.

9. Make galaxies more viable, increase speed of the hotdrop from galaxy/phantasms.Agreed. Gal Drops were easy to pick off once the general skill level of the population increased. They were way too slow and easy to spot. By the time the occupants of the Galaxy dropped onto the ground the whole base was aware of their presence.
10. Removed upgraded spitfire/wall turret variants, and the ability to place spits in the enemy SOI. Make ADV. CE the only CE upgrade cert, but reduce it to 3-4 points from 5. Agreed. New CE didn't add anything to the game other than aggravation. It was a cool idea but ultimately it was unecessary.
11. Buff the sparrow, increase lock-on speed, still brainstorming other ideas.lolno. I think the slow missle speed was more than made up for with the insane distance that they would follow you for.
12. Make the cycler COF more manageable, needs to be brought up to par with Pulsar/Gauss rifle.Agreed. Cycler was definitely the worst of the MA rifles. I think swapping the CoF from the Gauss Rifle with the Cycler would work well. Makes no sense that the Gauss has a better damage output AND CoF.
13. Remove JH tripleshot, in it's current form it's just a trap that gets NC players killed.I would rather them bring back Triple shot to it's original damage. It was really stupid that they nerfed that.
14. Make aircraft a bit harder to fly, and I don't mean adding more anti-aircraft weapons to the game, because that is a dumb idea.Explain what you mean "harder" to fly. There's a bit of a learning curve to using them, although I admit that they're very simple flight mechanics compared to most games.
15. Buff the striker, in particular increase projectile speed slightly and make it so reloading doesn't break your lock.YES. The Striker desperately needs at least one more clip in it. It was such bullshit that everything took 6 rockets to kill yet you only had a clip of 5. I think that simply buffing to clip up to 6 would balance it out. I don't think all of the other changes are necessary.
16. Attached to point 1. AP/AV weapons now break through max armor to damage health. TTK's will be the same against a full health max, but someone can't just switch to a max with 1 HP and expect to live.I feel like that would make MAXes too weak. Maybe if it was play tested to perfection it could work, but still I think MAXes in general are fine as they are. They are giant suits behind a ton of armor. I think it makes sense that you can penetrate their armor.
17. Remove name reveal from mossie/motion sensor detection.I was never sure if that was intentional or not. Regardless, it needs to be "fixed"/removed. It really fucked over a lot of poor cloakers.
18. I'll come up with more later if desired.


Last edited by Death2All; 2013-02-27 at 11:36 PM.
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Old 2013-02-28, 07:29 AM   [Ignore Me] #70
Sergeant Major
Re: Please Sign this PS1 Free-to-Play Petition!

Yea, there is all kinds of different things everyone would change differently. I was just going for the really big/completely game changing ones that 99% would agree with.

Add removal of GGs (or a strong nerf to their dps), and make OSes 3 hours of in game time not real time to my list.

Last edited by DOUBLEXBAUGH; 2013-02-28 at 08:52 AM.
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Old 2013-03-02, 11:13 AM   [Ignore Me] #71
Atheosim's Avatar
Re: Please Sign this PS1 Free-to-Play Petition!

Buff BFRs to their original level, increase flail's rate-of-fire to around 400rounds/min,
remove MAX timers completely,
make MAXs free to cert,
make MAXs be able to pilot any vehicle,
give reavers missile pods that are like a machine gun in that they have infinite ammo but overheat after an extended volley of say, 70 rockets.
increase thumper clip size, refire rate, and buff plasma back to its original levels.

and last, but absolutely most, i want release pounder.
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Old 2013-03-02, 07:22 PM   [Ignore Me] #72
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Re: Please Sign this PS1 Free-to-Play Petition!

Changes I would suggest for Planetside 1 would be:

-Remove BFR shield, and up the BFR armor to that of a Vanguard. (It still will have much more mobility then a Vanguard)
:By removing the absorb shield, the BFR user can't plan ahead as well, but at the same time gets significantly higher amounts of armor (with the perk listed below). Which also means he can't just run off then wait for shields to recharge without getting out of his BFR.
:It doesn't get slowed by jammers anymore, but now cannot fire instead.
:Hitbox on the BFR is not as big because of the lack of absorb shield, which could yield some slight benefit.
:Instead of NC Max shield, it now can use zoom toggle on some of the variants(not all)
-BFR cooldown now put to 10 minutes maybe less, because now it's basically a variant of a Main Battle tank, but has different utilities and features then a main battle tank. Making it unique and being very powerful, in some ways more, but in many ways less.
:Reduce flying distance/time, but instead make the jump gauge recharge faster. This makes it more balance in that it cannot just fly 2000 meters away in an instant, when really it should be a quick escape option for a BFR. In the process it gets to do it more often, but not as far of jumps.
-With these changes add some utility to the BFR (Ability to drop gear/ammo)
:Portable device that allows players to get weapons/armor from a terminal, that cloaks like the aegis shield generator.

Battle Rank 40 Change
-Battle Rank 40 was a poor change to the game in my opinion. This allowed even those at br 33 way to many certifications and caused everyone to have a counter measurement for anything the enemy threw at it, making the game less about strategically having to have certain people in certain situations to do certain things. (ie: Advanced Hacker for base/tower - him dieing causes it to be a granny hack which throws tons of variables out there as to what can happen, requires an advanced medic to resurrect him)
:Thumpers and AOE based weapons became way to common, to the point that everyone could have one in defensive situations making it very frustrating and tiresome to take a base/tower.
-In getting rid of BR 40, give anyone who got BR 40 a reward and those who got past BR 25 a reward as well. Depending on how much past BR 25 they got. I don't know if this one would be good, because I know players who played to get there would be very upset.

Infantry Movement
-They not only nerfed surge, which was fine, but they also nerfed infantry movement in general a long time ago. To me this was a bad decision it slowed things down dramatically, and in many critical situations almost demanded that you had surge, or you were not optimally setup to take down generator attackers and people who are overwhelming a part of the base.
:Increase Infantry movement at the very least slightly, depending on what armor type.

Reward for Winning Each Day/Week/Month/Year
-Let there be a message/ui panel as to which Empire won (Day/Month/Year)
:The Year one in particular will cause people to want to gain more territory for each year of adding up who won the most land.
:Each Day you will be able to find out who won more territory the day before.
:If not for year, I would say each month of victory for each Empire. And what each empire did better then the other.
-The month one in particular I like the most
:There will be a UI Panel you can access in game that will show which Empire won each month (Most territory controlled). That Empire will gain an additional benefit for the next month kind of like the Empire Benefit system. Making capturing bases all the more rewarding.

Offline level system for Planetside 1 like there is in Planetside 2
-I like this idea, makes people not stay on so much trying to reach each level, they can get that extra bar of experience while offline.

-Both Buffs/Nerfs
:More Anti-Air Infantry weapons (Like the Anti Air rocklet mode). Add a mode to the decimator/Empire Specific Anti Vehicle weapons that's Anti Air. Accessible, but with a cooldown mode in switching modes. Going from pure Anti-Vehicular to Anti-Air takes a 30 second cooldown. Making it more easy to defend yourself as an infantry but you have to make a choice as to what type of armor you want to be able to attack efficiently.
-Remove Anti-Air Wall Turrets/Cerberus Anti-Air Turrets. These two things should be compensated with the above listed changes.
:In the process look for some other Anti-Air things to add to the game but it has to be fully human controlled Anti-Air. Computer base Anti-Air is not good for this game in my opinion, but needs to be more easily accessible to human players with weapons/attachments/separate weapon modes.

New Armor Colors when you capture Land/Continents
-When you've captured more base/continents, your armor changes and evolves to look more elite for a period of time. This will make opponents realize how successful you are, and feel like there's more accomplishment.

Make Merits more noticeable
-Allow merits to be worn on Chest or other parts of your armor.

Armor evolution through Merits
-Every 10 Merits you get you gain a different color/shaped piece of armor to your character distinguishing you from the rest, making you look more elite.
epending on the Accomplishments you get different colors/look.

That's it for now, but I might add some more later. I know they don't have the time to work on this game much, but every now and then they could put out a small patch and add some changes to the game.

Last edited by Gunuko; 2013-03-02 at 07:41 PM.
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Old 2013-03-04, 01:40 PM   [Ignore Me] #73
Re: Please Sign this PS1 Free-to-Play Petition!

Some Stuff in PS1 is the same as 2, but not all, i do miss the old way of Caping a Base. "aka" Order a Platoon to CC and Hold it for 15 mins, Thats just 1 think off the top of my Head That i Can Think of ATM.

But on a Diffent note,

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