Originally Posted by Qwan
I feel ya on this one I think that more continents will resolve some of the issues, but I feel that just putting out more continents wont do the job, I think they have to be somehow connected. I mean right now you have 3 factions, 3 types of resources, so the 3 continents work for now, and a lot of gamers who never played PS1 dont know what there missing, when you got ten continents to fight over, its bigger and a little more complicated, but its so much *&^% fun. In the long run they have to figure out a way of connecting these continents or else this game is gonna fell like BF3, or CoD, were your just switching maps, at the end of each session.
I hope they won't be adding more continents any time soon. There's not enough players on servers to even fill out two continents, having ten of them would kill the game. And even if they get enough players to have a good games on ten continents, they have to find a way to balance the population and fix the servers. If 2000 players on an alert cause the game to lag enough for people to log out, what would 10k-20k people on a server do?
Yeah, I know there won't be 10 continents any time soon, but I'm concerned about it already. If the population was growing, I wouldn't be concerned.