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Old 2003-10-27, 10:52 PM   [Ignore Me] #76
Spee's Avatar

Originally Posted by GonePostal
i want to merry a jewish women and name my child jesus

He would explode due to theological irony.
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Old 2003-10-28, 01:43 AM   [Ignore Me] #77
Major General
Everay's Avatar

i want to point out, that theorys are things that are thought to be correct, and if the big bang theory isnt correct, that would say that all of physics is incorrect, or at least most of it, and lemme tell you, so far, it has all been shown to be correct.

and most likly they wont prove the big bang, not with 100% certainty, and the reason is, that when you look through a telescope, the most powerful telescopes, you look back in time, and theyve use hubble and what not, and they can only see about 500,000 years after the beggining of the universe, after that point, it all goes black.

HOWEVER! id like to also point out that when you see snow on your TV, that is evidence of the big bang, the residual radio waves left over after the event.
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Old 2003-10-28, 02:05 AM   [Ignore Me] #78
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I could care less, I just live my life however I want. Who cares about what comes before and after

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Old 2003-10-28, 07:10 AM   [Ignore Me] #79
Lieutenant General
Infernus's Avatar

Take the Ten Commandments, we're pretty sure they still exist, but we haven't got any fucking clue where they are. They could be buried, hidden in monastary vaults, both, whatever.
Well aren't they inside the ark of the covenant? And when Hitlers goons tried to open it they all began to melt because the angel of death flew through them, but not the hero and the (not so hot) bitch, they both survived because they closed their eyes.
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Old 2003-10-28, 07:28 AM   [Ignore Me] #80
Old War Horse

The bottom line to this type conversation is what you choose to place your faith in. Some choose to place their faith in the Big Bang theory. Some choose to place their faith in the Special Creation theory. Some choose to believe there is no God, while others choose to believe there is. The beauty of it all is when we are able to tolerate each other's views and act with a measure of civility to those who believe differently.

I am not upset by people who claim that there is no God, but I find it odd that those who claim there is usually draw the most ire. I look at it this way:

If there is no God and I have lived my life believing there is, I have lost nothing. But... if there is a God and I have lived my life in disbelief, I have lost an eternity. Just a thought.

On the plains of hesitation lie the bones of countless millions who, upon the dawn of victory, sat down to rest and resting, died."
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Old 2003-10-28, 01:26 PM   [Ignore Me] #81
Happy lil Elf
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If there is no God and I have lived my life believing there is, I have lost nothing. But... if there is a God and I have lived my life in disbelief, I have lost an eternity. Just a thought.
If I were God, I'd so smite people who believed in me "just in case"
Happy lil' Elf, now Santa approved.
-Immortalis Vita

Its eating it's food. (Incorrect use of apostrophes specifically for UV)
"Oni wont get banned, unless you get banned. Its a 2 man ticket."-Hamma to TekDragon re: his request to ban Oni. Life is good.
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Old 2003-10-28, 06:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #82
Major General
Strygun's Avatar

Originally Posted by Manitou
The bottom line to this type conversation is what you choose to place your faith in. Some choose to place their faith in the Big Bang theory. Some choose to place their faith in the Special Creation theory. Some choose to believe there is no God, while others choose to believe there is. The beauty of it all is when we are able to tolerate each other's views and act with a measure of civility to those who believe differently.

I am not upset by people who claim that there is no God, but I find it odd that those who claim there is usually draw the most ire. I look at it this way:

If there is no God and I have lived my life believing there is, I have lost nothing. But... if there is a God and I have lived my life in disbelief, I have lost an eternity. Just a thought.

well said, mani.
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Old 2003-10-28, 06:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #83
Teh Masturbator
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Mani is smart.
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Old 2003-10-28, 06:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #84
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AztecWarrior's Avatar

Originally Posted by Everay
i want to point out, that theorys are things that are thought to be correct, and if the big bang theory isnt correct, that would say that all of physics is incorrect, or at least most of it, and lemme tell you, so far, it has all been shown to be correct.

and most likly they wont prove the big bang, not with 100% certainty, and the reason is, that when you look through a telescope, the most powerful telescopes, you look back in time, and theyve use hubble and what not, and they can only see about 500,000 years after the beggining of the universe, after that point, it all goes black.

HOWEVER! id like to also point out that when you see snow on your TV, that is evidence of the big bang, the residual radio waves left over after the event.
What if God created the Big Bang?!

The Creation story is symbolic. There should be no debate at all. God is a scientist.
The gun katas. Through analysis of thousands of recorded gunfights, the Cleric has determined that the geometric distribution of antagonists in any gun battle is a statistically predictable element. The gun kata treats the gun as a total weapon, each fluid position representing a maximum kill zone, inflicting maximum damage on the maximum number of opponents while keeping the defender clear of the statistically traditional trajectories of return fire. By the rote mastery of this art, your firing efficiency will rise by no less than 120%. The difference of a 63% increase to lethal proficiency makes the master of the gun katas an adversary not to be taken lightly.
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Old 2003-10-28, 06:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #85
Spider's Avatar

DAMNNNN!!! I come back and there's a shitload more posts... no fucking way i'm reading all of this!
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Old 2003-10-28, 06:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #86
Sputty's Avatar

Originally Posted by Infernus1080
Well aren't they inside the ark of the covenant? And when Hitlers goons tried to open it they all began to melt because the angel of death flew through them, but not the hero and the (not so hot) bitch, they both survived because they closed their eyes.
So, basically, we should go and use Squeeky to take it.
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Old 2003-10-28, 07:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #87
Zodiac's Avatar

Originally Posted by Bighoss
There supposed to come and burn shit down I think but my guess is that that the military would kill them before they did any real major damage so I wouldn't worry.
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